The DarkNN Fiction Archive
Non-Adult Stories

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DarkNN Non-Adult Fiction

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Cats Do Have Their Uses - by Jan Wiles

Sequel to Surgeon General's Warning, it will have you ROFL!


Contradiction in Terms - by Jan Wiles

The cutest vampire couple and their vampy pet story.


Dreams and Reality by Karen Gunther

What happens when a little surprise enters the picture!


In The Shadows - by Tyra

Nominated for 1998 FK Fan Fic Award.

What happens when N&N give into their darkest desires. A Nightcrawler monologue is included.


A Peek Inside - by Judith Freudenthal

Nat on the firing range.


Perhaps a Vampire? - by froggi

A lovely vampire, though not FK, poem.


The Power of Dreams - Judith Freudenthal

A Clairvoyance story


Reality - by S. Clark

The dark reality of being a vampire...


Shadows of the Night - by froggi

Another lovely vampire poem, though not directly FK related.


Surgeon General's Warning - by Jan Wiles

LaCroix gives Nat a Christmas present she won't soon forget.


TAHI - The Epilogue - by Jan Wiles

The Sequel to the Adult story "The Ayes Have It." Caddy lovers will like this one!


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S. Clark



Judith Freudenthal

A Peek Inside

The Power of Dreams



Perhaps a Vampire?

Shadows of the Night


Karen Gunther

Dreams and Reality



In The Shadows


Jan Wiles

Cats Do Have Their Uses

Contradiction in Terms

Surgeon General's Warning

TAHI - The Epilogue


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DarkNN Adult Fiction

Sorted by Title


The Ayes Have It - by Jan Wiles

Nat finally gets her own office, and her own sofa <wink, wink>.


Beyond Popcorn - by Shelia

What exactly did happen after Nick showed his fangs to Nat after "King Kong"


Ecstasy - by Tyra

An alternate FK unvierse story, with some sensual turns.


Edge of Darkness - by Shelia

An erotic story of Nat's 'sun tease.'


Everything Zen - by Shelia

An intense Zenlike moment for Nick & Nat.


Hunger - by Becky Barker

Nick gives into his hunger... Her first adult fiction!


I Smell Sex and Candy - by Shelia

Think Nat and a lollipop and you'll get the right idea!


Longview - Nat - by Shelia

Nominated for 1998 FK Fan Fic Award, but withdrawn.

This is a story from Nat's point-of-view about an aggressive Nick. 

Longview - Nick - by Shelia

1998 FK Fan Fic Award Winner for Adult Vignette.

<Tied with S. Clark's "Nick & Nat Play Monopoly">

It is a story from an aggressive Nick's point-of-view


Love Eternal - by Nightlady

A Valentine's Day story for 1999.


The Morning After - by Tyra

What really happened the morning after the LaCroix encounter at Azure in BMV.


Nature of the Beast - by Shelia

What happens when Nick lets the beast take control.


Nature of the Prey - by Shelia

What happens when Nat becomes Nick's prey.


Perspective - by Shelia


Restraints - by Tyra

The title says it all


Start of a New Day - by S. Clark

Lovely story about Nick waking Nat


The Storm - by Tyra

1998 Fan Fic Award winner for Adult Short Story

Nat gets caught in a rainstorm & Nick rescues her.


To Be Honest, Buttercup.. - by Tyra

The DarkNN secret motto story


Two's Company, but Three's a Crowd! - by Tyra

Written for Texasbrat to thank her for the wonderful motto.


Unleashed Desire - by Tyra

An aggressive Nick finds Natalie's Diary.


Valentine's Day Blues, and How to Fix Them - by Judith Freudenthal

A V-Day story with TLC for Nat

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Sorted by Author


Becky Barker



S. Clark

Start of a New Day


Judith Freudenthal

Valentine's Day Blues, and How to Fix Them



Love Eternal



Beyond Popcorn

Edge of Darkness

Everything Zen

I Smell Sex and Candy

Longview - Nat

Longview - Nick

Nature of the Beast

Nature of the Prey





The Morning After


The Storm

To Be Honest, Buttercup...

Two's Company, but Three's a Crowd!

Unleashed Desire


Jan Wiles

The Ayes Have It


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New Fiction

Non-Adult Stories


Dreams and Reality by Karen Gunther

What happens when a little surprise enters the picture!  


A Peek Inside - by Judith Freudenthal

Nat on the firing range.


The Power of Dreams - Judith Freudenthal

A Clairvoyance story


Reality - by S. Clark

The dark reality of being a vampire...


  Coming Soon: Captive - by KC Smith


Adult Stories - Over 18 ONLY


Edge of Darkness - by Shelia

An erotic story of Nat's 'sun tease.'


Everything Zen - by Shelia

An intense Zenlike moment for Nick & Nat.


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