If you would like information on a country not listed on this page, please check our other links sites, or contact us at ihrc@dial.pipex.com

Europe: Eurocentrism and Islamophobia. An in-depth analysis.
UK: The rise of Islamophobia: Report on the government's refusal to accept independent report's findings.
France: Attack on Muslim Charity
USA: Sheikh Omer Abderrahmane files claim for abuse of human rights
NIGERIA: Report on deteriorating human rights situation in Nigeria from September 1996 - October 1997
NIGERIA: Free Al-Zakzaky! Homepage
LEBANON: Campaign to Free Sheikh Obaid homepage
LEBANON: War Crimes Watch report on Operation Grapes of Wrath in April 1996
LEBANON: Images of the genocide in Qana, April 1996
NIGERIA: Images of massacre in September 1996
INDIA: The arrest and release of 830 Muslims in Lucknow this summer
KASHMIR: Updates on Indian government atrocities
ALGERIA: Article on the junta's 'black war.'
BAHRAIN: Updates on the worsening situation.
BAHRAIN: The rights of the child - a campaign
UK: The rigts of the Bosnian child - campaign
TURKEY: Articles on the renewal of the headscarf ban, and the arrest of Islamists.
TURKEY: 'Turkey: the return of the Reluctant Generals?' Paper by Political Science Quarterly, Summer 1997.
CHINA: Article on the oppression of Muslims in Xinjiang Province.
BOSNIA: War Crimes Watch report on the genocide in Srebrenica in July 1995.