Quote Of the Week: "Tomorrow is just another day- find your way, you will be ok."
Funny Quote Of the Week: "Old People Make Good Pets."
Welcome to my Homepage! Please Reload Frequently! Heheh. Well, I hope you enjoy it! It may not look like much, but that's because it's the home base for the rest of my pages. Please visit them! I wasted precious time making them :) This is the coolest site you'll ever visit in the history of the internet...created by me. Have fun and please bookmark this page, (or add to favorites for AOL users). Be cautious when bookmarking because the website that will show up will be the retarded Tripod banner. So make sure you bookmark this site properly. The URL is: www.members.tripod.com/~Brian_Ju. Good Luck!
This is the Official Website for:
The AKIRA Club
The Starcraft Club's Discussion Board
The Anti-Steele Section
and Me!
You must meet these requirements to join the AKIRA club.
No Gays Allowed.
Must be a dedicated mock hacker in a message board.
No Trench Coat Mafia Members.
Last name cannot be Haims.
You must be over 15, and a permanent resident of the United States.
You must be over 5' tall. Sorry Hans.
No Legomaniacs.
First name cannot begin with Ta', La', or Sha'. If it does, go back to Da Ghetto!
Here are some interesting links which I'm sure are cornier than mine.
Question of the Week: How many different combinations can be formed in "Antidisestablishmentarianism?" If you know the answer to this question, please e-mail me so that I can put you on my future "Genius List" which will be added onto my page soon. I also plan on adding an Anime page, a Megaman page, an Anti-Steele page, and much better improvements to my profile, AKIRA page, Ghetto page, and homepage. Please bookmark this joint! Thank you for visiting my page at Tripod. Please come back and visit again!