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Where Yesteryear's Treasures Arise

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Online Bible King James Version

Archaeology's Paradise

Further Confirmation
Of Noah's Landing Site


    1. The Edenic Valley sank to fill the vast void created by the initial volcanic eruptions from Mecca to Damascus in preparation for The Flood.   The Red Sea was then created to cover over the Edenic Valley as the waters of the Indian Ocean rushed in via the Strait of Bab al Mandab.

"The earth, as if oppressed with an excessive burden, sank down, suffering pain in her limbs, and the earth in distress was deprived of her senses by excessive pressure."

Vana Parva
One of two great epics

    1. The City Of Chanoch is East of Eden NOT 1,000 miles North (Genesis 4:16-17).

    2. Al-Judi, the city of sinners, upon which Noah's ark, the great howdah, came to rest is undoubtedly Chanoch, the city built by Cain (Sura 11:44; Genesis 4:17).

    3. Paran And Tayma': Paran (meaning a desert in Arabia also means "the ornament in the desert") and Tayma' (meaning the South or to the South) are both mentioned in Habakkuk 3:3 in reference to the first Holy Ark which survived with Noah.

    4. Harrat and Hararat refer to the 1,000 mile long mountain of lava that stretches from Mecca to Damascus even unto today and Noah's ark is waiting in the midst of it.

    5. Ashdothpisgah: the springs and ravines of Pisgah, The Hill, further identify this site.

    6. The Altar Built By Noah:  is depicted by both the foursquare Altar before the Temple and like the Altar of Ebenezer upon the Great Stone Of Abel which consists of two concentric circles or discs. The lower or base portion is the city of Chanoch filled with the riches of the unrighteous; whereas, the upper portion is formed by Noah's ark, the vehicle wherein the believers were protected with The Glory of GOD.   Thus, Noah's ark will be found atop an ancient city NOT atop some uninhabitable mountain.

Now you too know why Noah's ark will be found just to the North (62 miles North) of Tayma', Saudi Arabia (i.e. midway between Mecca and Damascus) in the midst of Harrat (the mountain of lava).


The Altar before the Temple consists of two basic parts plus an access ramp:

    1. A large foursquare brazen Altar forms the fire portion (20 by 20 cubits) (Middoth 3:1; II Chronicles 4:1);

    2. An even larger foursquare base of finished stone (32 by 32 cubits) supports the large Brazen Altar (Middoth 3:1); and,

    3. The great ramp (i.e. stairs) and platform that provide access.

Noah's Ark, if conforming to the pattern of the Levitical City, is depicted by the large Brazen Altar and should be found to be foursquare.   Even the Gilgamesh Epic says:

"'... Let her measure be measured;
Let her breadth and length be equal.
Cover it with a roof as the abyss is covered.'"

Tablet XI, Column i:29-31,
Translated by John Gardner and John Maier largely from Akkadian language texts found in the Library of Ashurbanipal in ancient Nineveh.

Again, the Base of the Altar before the Temple is described as rising up from a foursquare foundation 32 by 32 cubits on a side.   This overall Altar Base of finished stone, of course, is formed by concentric squares or elements that begin with the 32 by 32 cubit foundation (also called the base).

This foundation supports a wall or circuit that rises upward with a stone railing atop.   In turn this railing or outer wall surrounds an inner upward sloping element that provides the outer support for the 20 by 20 cubit Brazen Altar.   The outer portion of the Brazen Altar actually rests outside of a narrow border or crown projecting above the upward sloping element.

Inside this border (i.e. beneath the Brazen Altar) are the lesser and greater settles (two levels down) to an inner foundation which supports a rectangular platform, the main Altar platform (12 by 12 cubits by 4 cubits high).   This platform provides the inner support for the large Brazen Altar.

Josephus gives the overall height of the combined Brazen Altar and Altar Base as 15 cubits; whereas, Chronicles provides a ten cubit measure to the top of the sloped sides whereon the Brazen Altar rests.   Thus, the overall measure of the Altar Base is 10½ cubits.   Whereas, Josephus in his 15 cubit measure included the Altar Base, Brazen Altar, railings, light poles, et al.

[The Middoth (Measurements) 3:1; II Chronicles 4:1; 7:7; Ezekiel 43:13-17; Josephus (Wars of the Jews, Book V, Chapter V, Section 6); 5Q15 (Qumran); Numbers 16:38-40; I Kings 8:64; The Temple Scroll; and Letter of Aristeas all contribute to the description and placement of the Altar before the Temple]

On one side of the Altar (the side away from the Temple) the large trapezoidal ramp and platform provides steps for the priests and Levities to reach the top level of the Brazen Altar.   From the top of this platform the priest and Levites have level access to the Altar before the Temple.   Also, under the outer side of this ramp there is an access door to the chambers beneath the court before the Temple containing animal pens (the beasts), etc.


Tell Noah may be approached from the North (the side away from Tayma) via a more or less level access approximately 40 miles wide.   This is depicted by the platform at the top of the ramp (steps).   However, from the East, West, and South (like the sides of the Altar) there are ravines that make access more difficult as the ravines form rather straight sides each about 32 miles in length North-South and on the South side about 40 miles East-West.   The Southwest corner is a rather pronounced right angle while the village of Al Assafiyah marks the Southeastern corner.   The road North out of Al Assafiyah follows along the Eastern side of the East ravine or wadi for the full 32 mile length of the ravine.   Then about 50 miles North of Al Assafiyah the road makes a more pronounced turn to the Northwest.

Also, the whole square layout of Tell Noah is canted about ten degrees clockwise from the geographical North-South.


Noah's ark resting atop Al-Judi represents the top layer of a great altar described by the Hebrew 'ôben and by the great Altar before the Temple.

The ark itself contains all sorts of ancient records, a great time capsule of preflood history.   There may even be first hand records of who was left behind in the Americas ... who began the population of American Indian nations.   Then too, when Noah's ark landed in Arabia, there may also be records of those who separated upon disembarking and went to rebuild and to repopulate the respective river regions.   Perhaps there is even a day by day account of the 377 day experience.

Since Noah's ark was a great city wherein people dwelt for much of the 120 years preceeding The Flood, there undoubtedly are many day to day household items left therein as transporation to the new postflood homesteads precluded taking it all with them.   Perhaps plans were to return for a second and third load but the LORD undoubtedly covered it all over before the survivors could return for that second trip.   So, if anyone did come back they couldn't find the now buried ark.   Thus, ancient records and artifacts have been preserved for us (Deuteronomy 29:29).


Yes, Chanoch, the city built by Cain, forms the lower portion or base of this great sacrificial altar.

To the East and West and across the South of "The Hill" are wadi, ravines, traversing for perhaps 100 miles around a portion of this ancient city.   That is, the distance between the East and West ravines is about 40 miles.   And outside of these ravines are still more wadi or ravines (See:  Wadi Tayyal and Wadi Nayyal).   These multiple ravines were undoubtedly created during The Flood.   Today, they flow westward past the modern town of Tabuk as a band of ravines 80 miles or more wide that traverse westward about 250 miles to the Gulf of Aqaba.

Before The Flood the city of Chanoch obviously had roads that traversed to and from the city.   Perhaps signs of these ancient roadways are still visible in the sides of these ravines nearest the city along with signs of other antiquities.

If signs of roadways can be identified in the sides of these ravines about the city of Chanoch, they should provide good indications of the level of the city beneath.   Also, the preflood city was obviously built upon a hill or plateau otherwise the ravines would have cut through rather than go around this area.

The city of Chanoch apparently has been preserved largely intact.   As a very wealthy city it can be expected to provide more priceless artifacts than would fill several large museums.

Cain, not to be outdone by his neighbors in the Edenic Valley to the West, apparently built a colossal temple adorned with gold, silver, gemstones, and priceless artifacts.

Cain's lineage also would have preserved historic maps and records of his people.   As vagabonds, merchants, and manufacturers ... Cain's city set up and traded with ancient preflood colonies that grew into cities throughout the four river regions.   Thus, colonies established by Cain's lineage provided raw materials, operated mines, etc. and even manufactured products for trade and commerce.   Then each as cities undoubtedly paid tithes to both Chanoch and to Adam's lineage dwelling in the Edenic Valley.   Thus, the preflood cities were more or less kept in poverty compared to the cities of the Edenic Valley (now beneath the Red Sea) and to Chanoch.

Thus, a great sacrificial altar was erected by Noah as the historic ark settled upon Al-Judi.   It should provide fabulous revelations concerning the origins of humanity from the beginning through the great Flood.   Yes, this site North of Tayma', Saudi Arabia should easily prove to be one of the richest archaeological finds ever.


Even more confirmation can now be explained.

"Teman" (Arabic:  Tayma') (Strong's #8487) is also the same as Strong's #8486 translated "South."   Joshua 12:3 describes the topography as:  "from the South (Tayma'), under Ashdothpisgah (the springs of Pisgah or The Hill)."   And, Ashdothpisgah also means, "the ravines of Pisgah" (Strong's #798, 794, 793, and 6449).   Thus, the origin of certain ravines and springs of Pisgah commence on the East and others on the west of "The Hill," Tell Noah.


Chanoch, the city built by Cain, may follow the same pattern embodied in the Levitical City and in the City of Noah.   However, expect Chanoch to be much larger and more grandiose.   For example, each housing area may be a city in itself with its own avenues, etc. all neatly laid out.

So, let's take another look at the pattern of the Levitical City.


The waltz pattern (1,2,3 - 1,2,3 - 1,2,3 - 1,2,3 -) consists of four rows of three that form a square, sometimes called a box pattern.   It's the same four rows of three found in the High Priest's Breast Plate, in the Levitical City design, and undoubtedly in the design of Noah's Ark.   Each, therefore, is four square (Exodus 28:15-20).

In the waltz, the center of the box is empty.   Each side, of course, consists of 1,2,3,1 where the four one's occupy the corners.   And the city gates are between the numbers.   Thus, four rows of three form a square with four elements to a side.


1 2 3 1
3     2
2     3
1 3 2 1

The Pattern
Four Rows Of Three
  • High Priest's Breast Plate
  • Levitical City Housing Units
  • Noah's Ark

In the case of the Levitical City and Noah's Ark the Temple Amphitheatre occupies the center of the square.   And, each number (i.e. 1,2,3, etc.) represents a 400 by 400 cubit housing area separated by the 128 cubit triple gates and broad avenues.   All are surrounded by an 8 cubit city wall.   Thus, each side is 2,000 cubits long and the housing units form a square around the Temple Amphitheatre in the center.

So, next time you go dancing and the band breaks out with a beautiful waltz ... as you go joyfully twirling around those squares just think of that space in the center you're dancing around.   That's where the Temple Amphitheatre should be with the great Temple containing the Holy of Holies therein.   And in the very middle of that square is the great Altar before the Temple.

Yes, as you dance around and around that great Altar just remember who put the whole universe together and who keeps it together.

Next, ask yourself, why are GOD'S Holy Arks being held captive today (Zechariah 5:4)?   Why are world leaders not concerned about the restoration of The Glory Of GOD amongst people?   Finally, when will the promised restoration of health and well-being materialize for the Congregation still spread world-wide?

(Leviticus 26:11-12; Zechariah 2:5,10-13; 5:9-11; Nahum 2:7; Joel 2:27; Isaiah 4:5; 40:5; 33:24; 35:5-6; Jeremiah 30:17-24; 33:6; Revelation 21:3-4).

Never forget events are all linked to that waltz pattern (the 1,2,3 - 1,2,3 - 1,2,3 - 1,2,3 -) that has been with humanity from the beginning.   Yes, it has been around well before The Flood, traversed across The Flood with Noah, has been imbedded in the Levitical City design, and has been an integral part of nearly every band through modern history.   Thus, like the seven 1,000 year-days from Creation, the three 1,000 year-days from the 5 BC Birth of Jesus Christ are very important in the scheme of things.   And, today humanity has entered that third day.   So soon all mankind will be well aware of what that historic 1,2,3 is all about.   The Third Day is here!


In preflood years the Valley of Eden, before being submerged deep beneath the Red Sea, was a lush valley, a paradise, especially when compared with postflood conditions.

Therefore, in the Americas, for example, generations following the initial survivors migrated both North and South in search of the Edenic Valley.   Again, legends of a land of paradise prevailed to induce generations after generations to migrate in search of the once lush Valley of Eden.   But the preflood utopian-like valley escaped everyone and has never been found in its former state.   Yet, legends of this once great valley have prevailed throughout the millennia.

Even the legendary fountain of youth has persisted as life in Eden was described as a place where people lived nearly a 1,000 years while youth and health prevailed.   Yes, stories of the fountain of youth continued to entice early European explorers who heard the "strange tales" from American natives.   Yet, few if any ever realized that the true events even involved their very own ancestors whose disobedience caused Eden and its benefits to be taken from mankind.


Now, in these End Times humanity has once again been offered an opportunity to regain a utopian-like life.   But how many believe, how many are willing to obey GOD in righteousness?   Most claim some strange exemption from obedience much like the people of Al-Judi apparently claimed before The Flood came and took them all away.

Today, most people blindly serve the four great beasts rather than the four carpenters destined to serve the more righteous.   And, despite their presence throughout Scripture, few people ever pause to consider the roles of these four great powers.   Yet, Social Power, Religious Power, Spirit Power, and Political-economic Power are very, very real.

Brian's House, Brian's Annex, and Brian's Theatre have endeavored to explain the what, why, when, who, where, how, and if of matters.   Those concerned will visit again and again; whereas, others like the people of Al-Judi, will not change their ways until forced ... after the door to salvation, like the door to Noah's ark, has closed.   Then it will be too late!

Noah's Ark Is A Warning
Set Up By GOD ...
That All Humanity Might Pay Heed
To GOD'S Righteous Laws


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For:  Noah's Ark, City Built By Cain,
and Edenic Valley Exploration (EVE)

Prepared By
Father - Son Team

George & Dana Brown
P.O. Box 320932
Cocoa Beach, Florida
USA   32932-0932
Email: Contact George and Dana Brown

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Friday, March 14, 2025