Chapter 1
September 19, 2000
Brenda was sitting at her desk at Barrett Industries trying to finish up some work so she could go home to her son. She looked down at the calendar again, "Damn you Sonny Corinthos", it was September 19th again, 3 years since the day he had left her standing at the altar, and despite all the hate she felt for him not one day went by that she didn’t think about him. She looked up at that picture on her desk, the one that always made her smile, her beautiful son, Edward "Eddie" Michael Barrett, the reason why she couldn’t make it through a day without thinking of Sonny, he had been born 9 months to the day of their "supposed" wedding day, the day that was supposed to be the first of the rest of their lives, he was a little over 2 years old. Things certainly had changed in three years. After Sonny had left her, she had completely fallen apart, but with Kevin’s help she had put herself back on track and she now could say she was pretty happy with her life. She had her son, her work and Julia had been wonderful, she’d taught her about the business and had turned out to be the sister Brenda always wanted. She looked at the other picture on the desk, it was Jason & robins wedding picture, they had finally worked things out and gotten married. Brenda was so happy for them and they were Eddie’s godparents. She laughed as she remembered how angry she had been with Jason after Sonny left and how awful she had treated him. She and Jason had since buried the hatchet and had actually become close. She knew Jason was still keeping something from her about why Sonny had left but she’d come to realize Jason was as loyal as they came and whatever it was he wasn’t going to tell her so for Robin’s sake she decided to leave it in the past where it belonged. Jason cared very much about her and her son, when he found out she was pregnant, he insisted for her safety and the baby’s that she go to London and be with Julia. He was afraid for her life and for the baby’s and he had always made sure that the two of them were protected. He also kept his promise he made her, that he would never tell Sonny about their son.
Chapter 2
Sonny was sitting on the beach watching the waves come in and of course thinking about Brenda, it had been 3 years today since he had seen her, held her in his arms, kissed her lips, god how he had missed her. He was finally free to return to Port Charles, Rivera’s contract had long since been lifted thanks to Jason, but what was the point? Jason had told him that Brenda lived in London and that she was happy. He didn’t want to destroy her happiness, he had caused her so much pain in her life, she deserved every bit of happiness she could find, so he had stayed away. He of course was in contact with Mike, Luke, Jason, Robin & Lois, but he just couldn’t bring himself to return to Port Charles, he couldn’t face the memories.
Chapter 3
Secretary: Miss Barrett you have a call on Line 3, it’s Jason Morgan.
B: Hi Jason, how’s everything? How’s Robin?
J: She’s good Brenda, How’s Eddie?
B: Wonderful, as always.
J: Look Brenda, there’s just no easy way to say this so I’m just going to say it.
B: Is it Sonny?
J: No Brenda, Ned & Lois were on their way to Puerto Rico to see Miguels concert and Brenda, I’m sorry but their plane crashed and they and the pilot were all killed.
B: (sobbing) No, No, not Ned & Lois
J: Brenda, you need to come home, Justus needs to meet with you, Ned & Lois appointed you guardian of Brooke Lynn and co-executor of their estate and nothing can be done until you get here.
B: OK, I’ll be on the first plane I can get.
J: Call me back with the arrangements and I’ll pick you up at the airport.
Brenda buzzes her secretary "Get me on the first flight to Port Charles."
Brenda begins to sob uncontrollably, she can’t imagine her life without Ned & Lois, and poor Brooke Lynn, what was she going to tell her, she was only 4 years old.
Julia comes in.
J: Bren, what’s wrong?
B: Ned & Lois were killed in a plane crash.
J: Oh no!
B: Jason just called, I need to leave for Port Charles right away, I have to take care of Brooke Lynn.
J: Do you want me to go with you?
B: No, I need you to do me a favor, will you keep Eddie here in London for me, I don’t want to drag him into this mess, plus I didn’t ask Jason if it was safe to bring him..
J: Sure Bren, you know I will, I’m so sorry honey, I know how much you loved Lois and Ned.
B: I’m going to go home and say goodbye to my baby and pack a bag, I’ll get things settled and bring Brooke Lynn back with me as soon as I can.
Chapter 4
Sonny enters the house and the phone is ringing.
S: Hello
Jason: Hi Sonny, it’s me.
S: What’s up Jason, how’s Robin.
J: She’s good, look Sonny you need to come home right away.
S: Is Brenda OK?
J: Yeah, she’s fine, it’s Ned & Lois, they were killed in a plane crash earlier today, they have appointed you guardian of Brooke Lynn and co-executor of their estate, you have to come home right away.
S: No, not Cerullo, she can’t be gone.
J: I’m sorry Sonny, but Justus needs to meet with you right away, they can’t do anything until you get here.
S; OK, I’ll be on the first plane out.
J: Call and let me know, I’ll meet you at the airport.
Sonny made his flight plans and called Jason. Could he really go home? Did he want to? He knew Brenda would be there, could he face her?
Chapter 5
Robin had picked Brenda up at the airport, they sat in silence the whole way to Justus’ office both too sad to even know what to say.
They were sitting in Justus’ office, he was waiting for someone else to arrive before they worked out any details, Brenda assumed it was Edward, he was always late. Jason came through the door and hugged Brenda.
J: I am so sorry, don’t worry about anything, your safe here now.
Then Sonny came through the door. Their eyes locked and Brenda felt that familiar jolt tear through her body. Sonny couldn’t believe it, she was even more beautiful than the last time he saw her, she still took his breath away.
B: What the hell is he doing here?
Justus: I think you both better sit down and I’ll explain.
Chapter 6
Brenda: Jason, why didn’t you tell me he was going to be here?
Ja: Because Brenda, I knew you wouldn’t come and Brooke needs you now, your all she’s got.
S: What do you mean I thought you said I was supposed to be Brooke’s guardian?
B: You, that’s a laugh, what on earth would you know about raising a child?
S: Yeah, like you know so much about it.
B: I know a lot more about it than.........
She stopped herself, she couldn’t let Sonny know about Eddie, she had spent all this time trying to keep him safe she couldn’t put him in danger now, no matter how strongly she was feeling right now.
Ju: Listen you two, we have a little girl to discuss here, do you think we could possibly put aside your feelings for just a moment so we can do what’s best for her?
S: I can if you can.
B: I’ll try.
Ju: OK, the conditions of Brooke Lynn’s guardianship are as follows:
1) Michael Corinthos and Brenda Barrett are to share joint guardianship of the minor child.
2) The minor child is to remain in her own home in Port Charles.
3) Both guardians are to live in the same residence with said minor child.
The following conditions are as follows for the execution of the estate.
1) Michael Corinthos and Brenda Barrett are to jointly run L&B Records, all but Miss Barretts share is to be turned over to the minor child on her 21st birthday.
2) Mr. Corinthos will sit as an ELQ boardmember and oversee all of the minor child’s interests in this company.
3) A trust fund in the amount of $20,000,000 is to be used for all said child’s needs and the remainder will be turned over to minor child on her 21st birthday.
Brenda is crying and laughing at the same time and she can’t stop.
B: I’m sorry, but this is a joke isn’t it? I will not live in the same house with this man, hell I don’t even want to be in the same country he’s in and for the last 3 years thats worked out great.
Sonny not knowing what to say is just sitting there looking into her eyes and thinking to himself, we are finally going to be together again.
Ju: Brenda, I’m sorry but Lois was very specific, this is what she wanted, she wanted her two best friends to raise her daughter together.
B: I will take Brooke back to London with me, I will raise her myself, you can’t depend on Sonny for anything, he’s a liar and I won’t have Brooke get attached to him only for him to walk out on her like he does everyone else.
S: Now wait just a minute, I would never walk out on Brooke, she’s my goddaughter, she my best friends daughter, what kind of a man do you think I am.
B: I really don’t think you want me to answer that. Look Justus, we are very happy in London, I just can’t uproot and move back here, we have a home in London.
Sonny thinking to himself, she said we, I knew she would be involved in someone, why was I dumb enough to think she’d wait for me after everything I’ve done to her, he couldn’t believe how deep his feelings ran even after all this time, he still loved her so much and she was involved with someone else.
Ju: Brenda, Lois was adamant about this, I’m sorry to uproot you from your home but Lois really wanted Brooke to be raised in her own home and let’s face it, the child’s going to have enough change in her life without her parents without taking her from her home.
B: Allright, we’ll try it but (looking at Sonny) you stay out of my way and I’ll stay out of yours. Justus, where is Brooke now?
Ju: She’s with Lila and Edward, you have to know he’s not too crazy about this arrangement so Sonny if I were you I’d stay at the gatehouse and as far away from the main house as I could.
S: Yeah, I’ll do that.
Brenda: Jason, Robin, I need to talk to you privately please, (Justus and Sonny go out in the hall) What am I going to do about Eddie? I can’t leave him in London, I miss him so much and I’m afraid to bring him back here, Jason can you promise me he’ll be safe?
Ja: Yes Brenda, he’ll be safe, you go get Brooke and I’ll fly to London and get him myself.
B: Thanks Jason, but what am I going to tell Sonny? How am I going to live in the same house with him? I hate him so much.
Robin: Just remember Brenda there’s a fine line between love and hate.
B: That’s one line I don’t intend to cross, thank you.
Jason and Robin are walking away and Robin says to Jason "Yeah famous last words."
J: Yeah you’re right, we need to book a flight to London and get Eddie.
Chapter 7
Sonny and Brenda are in the limo riding to the gatehouse.
S: Look Brenda, we need to talk.
B: I don’t have anything to say to you, what you didn’t say when you left me standing in the rain again three years ago said it all, end of story.
S: I need to explain.
B: Look my two best friends just died, I have to go pick up their daughter and try to explain to her why she’s never going to see her mommy and daddy again, so just save it, I don’t want to hear any more of your lies, I’ve heard enough of them to last a lifetime. You stay here, I’m going to the main house and get Brooke and check on the funeral arrangements, I’ll be back later.
Brenda goes to the main house, Lila and Edward are in the living room with Brooke, she jumps down from Lila’s lap and runs to Brenda, "Aunt Brenda, where’s Eddie?"
B: Well honey he’s at home with Aunt Julia, but he’ll be here tomorrow.
Brooke: Goody, when will Mommy and Daddy be home?
B: (starting to cry) Well honey, we’ll talk about that later. Reginald, could you take Brooke out to the kitchen and get her some cookies, I’ll come get her when I’m ready to leave.
R: OK Miss Barrett.
B: Lila, Edward, I’m so sorry.
L: I know sweetheart I am too, what are you going to tell Brooke?
B: I’m not sure yet, what do you tell a 4 year old?
E: I don’t know what got into Lois and Ned, welcoming that scoundrel Corinthos back into this town, into ELQ, raising my great granddaughter, and forcing the two of you to live together, it’s ludicrous.
B: I know Edward, but what can I do, it’s what Lois wanted, I can’t go against that and I can’t take Brooke from her home. Speaking of home, it’s getting late, I’m going to take her to the gatehouse and get her ready for bed.
E: Dear if you need anything don’t you hesitate to ask, maybe Corinthos will just up and leave again and we won’t have to worry about him. Does he know about Eddie yet?
B: No, but he’ll have to soon, Robin and Jason went to London to get him, Jason called, they’ll be here tomorrow afternoon, just in time for the funeral.
Brenda goes to get Brooke and heads for the gatehouse.
Chapter 8
Brenda carries Brooke into the gatehouse, Sonny comes over and tries to get her to come to him but she buries herself in Brenda.
S: Brooke, don’t you remember Uncle Sonny?
B: Of course she doesn’t, she hasn’t seen you since she was a baby. Come on Brooke, lets go take a bath and get your pajamas on and I’ll read you a story before bed.
Sonny watches as they go upstairs, Brenda’s a natural with her, she was born to be a mother, he had always hoped she would be the mother of his children, she hated him so much now though he’d be lucky if they would even be friends let alone lovers ever again.
He went upstairs, Brenda was cuddled in bed with Brooke reading a story, he listened while Brenda read he couldn’t take his eyes off her, she looked up for a moment and their eyes met, she quickly turned away and kissed Brooke goodnight and tucked her in to bed. Brenda left and Sonny stood in the door just watching Brooke sleep, he’d prove to Brenda he could be capable of being a good father, he wouldn’t run out on Brooke and all that Lois had entrusted with him, he’d prove to Brenda that she could trust him too.
B: I’m going to bed, I put some pillows and blankets in the guest room.
S: Goodnight.
Brenda slammed the door to the bedroom. She crawled in bed but she couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that he was in the next room, she must have drifted off to sleep because she woke to Brooke yelling for her mommy. She put on her robe and ran to Brooke’s room but Sonny was already there. Brooke was crying but Sonny was holding her and comforting her and she was on her way back to sleep, she stood there and just watched him with Brooke, he was so good with her, how was he going to feel tomorrow when he found out she’s kept his son from him for over 2 years, she’d worry about that tomorrow. She went back to bed.
Chapter 9
Brenda woke up and went to check on Brooke, Sonny hadn’t left her, they were curled up together asleep, she couldn’t believe after all this time looking at him could still make her feel that way, she’d have to be careful, he wasn’t going to break her heart again. Sonny started to stir.
S: Brenda?
B: Yeah?
S: What times the funeral?
B: In a few hours, we better get ready.
S: Are you going to take Brooke?
B: No, I don’t think she’d understand, Emily’s going to stay with her.
They both had gotten ready for the funeral, Edward had reluctantly sent a car for them and Emily had arrived to watch Brooke. They had arrived at St. Timothy’s, it was the first time she’d been there since the wedding that wasn’t, as she walked through the door, the reason why she was there and the last time she was there all hit her at once and she almost fainted, Sonny caught her and they were just inches apart Brenda didn’t want to let go but she knew she had to.
B: Lets find a seat.
They sat down and about half way through the funeral, Jason and Robin walked in with Eddie, he saw her and yelled MaMa! Sonny turned around, it was like looking in the mirror as Robin handed Eddie to his mother. Sonny looked at Brenda, waiting for an explanation.
B: We’ll talk later now is not the time.
Chapter 10
Sonny was in a state of shock, this little boy had to be his son, he looked just like him.
Brenda was called upon to speak, she handed her son to Jason, as Sonny sat staring at this child, was this his son?
Brenda(crying) I don’t even know where to begin, Ned & Lois were the best, they loved each other and all of us so much, they stood by each other no matter what, through everything (she shot a look at Sonny that would kill). I loved them both so much, they were always there for me, for all the good times and the bad times in my life, of course you all know there were many more bad than good (she shoots Sonny another look), except for my wonderful son who was named for Ned, Edward Michael Barrett, we decided to call him Eddie after Eddie Maine. They have entrusted me with the most precious thing they had, their daughter, and I swear to all of you here and now I will love her and take care of her and be there for her for the rest of her life, (she looks up) "Lo, I promise, I won’t let you down,"
She begins to cry hysterically, Jason hands Eddie to Sonny and goes to her. He holds her and leads her back to her seat. Sonny puts his arm around her and she pulls away, seeing Sonny is holding their son, she immediately takes Eddie from him.
B: Mommy loves you honey, I promise I’ll never leave you. She holds her son as tight as she can.
Sonny watches as the little boy wraps his chubby little fingers around his mother’s neck, he’s never seen something so beautiful in his whole life.
Eddie: Mama!
B: Yeah honey, mama’s here, I won’t leave you, (she shoots Sonny another look).
Chapter 11
The funeral was over and they’d returned to the gatehouse. Sonny was looking at the scene around him. Robin, Jason & Brenda were all on the floor playing with Brooke & Eddie. It was obvious Robin and Jason had a relationship with the little boy. How could they have kept this from him?
S: Where’s Mike?
B: He and Mary were out of town, but he should be here any minute, I called him and he said they’d come right home.
Just then Mike came through the door. Eddie saw him and ran into his arms saying "pap pap".
M: Hey little guy, did you miss you grandpap? I sure missed you.
Sonny watched as Mike hugged his son, the tears began to well up in his eyes, how could they have all betrayed him? He looked around at them and turned and walked out the door.
Robin: I’ll go.
B: No, let me go, I knew I might have to face this someday, no time like the present.
Brenda went out the door, Sonny was sitting in the driveway crying. She wanted so badly to go to him and put her arms around him, but she had no intention of letting herself get lost in him again, she had two children to raise.
Chapter 12
Sonny looked up and saw Brenda standing there, she had tears in her eyes too.
B: Sonny, I...
S: Save it Brenda, you all betrayed me, all of you robbed me of the chance to know my own son, he is my son isn’t he?
B: Of course he’s your son, I’ve not so much as looked at another man since you left me. Do you want to talk about betrayal and rights? You gave up all rights to me and our son the day you walked out on me and left me standing alone at that altar in the church, do you have any idea how much you hurt me?
S: Don’t you think I’ve hurt too, I’ve spent the last 3 years hurting, thinking about you every day of my life, but I had to Brenda, I couldn’t put you in danger anymore, can’t you see that?
B: The only thing I see is that you didn’t trust me or love me enough to tell me the truth. You took away my right to make my own decisions about my life. You left me standing in that church feeling like some used up whore who had served her purpose, and then you left town without so much as a goodbye.
They’re both really crying hard at this point.
S: Brenda, I have always loved you, since the first time I saw you. I have loved you more than anything or anyone in my life, don’t you see thats why I had to do it. I’m so sorry I made you feel like some used up, Oh God I can’t even say it. I do love you and trust you but I knew if I had said goodbye you wouldn’t have let me go without you, I can’t say no to you, and I couldn’t risk it.
B: So instead you risked the most important thing we had, our love, I can never forgive you for that. I lost a part of myself that day Sonny, a part of my heart died that day.
S: Brenda, I...
Mike comes out holding his grandson,
M: Sorry to interrupt but his little guy wants his mom. (To Sonny)- It’s good to see you son. I’m glad your home.
S: I’m glad someone is (he locks eyes with Brenda as she takes their son inside)
M: Give her some time Michael, you hurt her very badly, I know it’s been three years but she still has that pain in her eyes, that same pain that was there 3 years ago when she realized you weren’t coming.
S: Why didn’t you tell me about Eddie? I’ve talked to you 100 times in the past 2 years, how long have you known?
M: She told me when she was pregnant, but I made her a promise not to tell you, I felt it was her place to tell you. Come inside Michael, he’s right inside, it’s never too late.
S: Yeah your right. I’m going to be the best father I can be to that little boy.
M: I hope so, son.