For links go back to MG pageMG Page:Main Page: MG TC: MG TD: MG TF: MGB: MGB GT: Spridget: MGR V8: MGF:
Choose the year of the MGB you would like to see.MGB 1962-67: The early BMGB 1968-74: Last of the chrome bumpers MGB 1975-80: Rubber Bumber Bs
The MGB will forever be the sportscar that truly brought the MG majic into the hearts of Americans. Although it shared much of its mechanical side with the MGA, it still had the courage and robustness to keep MG in business up till the bitter end. All in all, MG sold over a half million B's, making it the second most popular sportscar ever. To accomplish this, the rugged B had to withstand years of ridicule as an out of date antique, "federalization," and worst of all, faster competitors. It survived 18 years, and that's more than most can lay claim to.