
Here you will find pages that I created for some of the greatest Female artists. Artists like Fiona Apple, Tina Turner, Natalie Merchant, Alanis Moressette and others. If there is an artist that you'd like to see here just drop me an email and I'll get a page up for her

Solo Female Artists & Female Bands

Fiona Apple Links
Lots of Fiona Links!
Tina Turner Links
Tons of Tina Stuff!
Tori Amos
A very pretty lady
Sheryl Crow
A great artist
Natalie Merchant
Alanis Morisette
One Hand in my pocket
Paula Cole
Some Great Links
Our Alaskan Princesses
The Queen of Ice
Melissa Etheridge
This ones for Steve
Lauryn Hill
New Artist Page
Spice Girls
Under Construction
Meredith Brooks
One Great Artist

Rick Nichols

Garland, Texas
United States of America

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