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Missouri Southern Baptists voted on October 26, 1993 to enter into a multi-year mission partnership with Baptists in the former Soviet Bloc country of Belarus and the state of Wyoming. The needs of both were evident. Belarussian Baptists endured more than 70 years of an atheistic communist government. Baptist minister were routinely jailed and harassed as enemies of the state. Christians were watched and photographed by government agents as they entered their churches to worship. Following the collapse of the communist regime in 1990, religious freedom was restored, and many Belarussians again sought Christ. Now, in the middle of an economic depression, Belarussian churches struggle to meet financial needs, build new churches and train Baptist leaders as their congregations expand with new Christians.

Missouri Baptists must help fellow Baptists in Belarus and Wyoming to meet the challenge presented to them through financial help, leadership training, construction, evangelistic groups and special missions ministries. We must look beyond our personal, physical and spiritual borders to meet the needs of others around the world.

 Full Mission Statement Of Missouri Baptist Convention
 More Belarus News and Information at Missouri Baptist Convention
 Return to Brother Daniel's Belarus Mission Page
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