This is my hobby page , ... Ham Radio, CB Radio, police scanners....
etc ... !
I currently have an old Kenwood TS-520, Kenwood TR-7400A ( 2 Meters ),
3 Motorola Maxtracs, 1 Maratrac in the truck, a Midland 13-892 23 channel AM / SSB CB
in my shack along with a Turner +3B Desk mike.
The 13-892 I've had since mid 1977, and the Turner mike for just as long.
Locally I can be found on 'Five-Two' on the 2 meter band.
I've worked at least 35 states and several foreign countries all on 11 meters.
I've been off CB for the past 17 years, but I'm back on the air once in a while these days.
I also have a Ranger RCI-2970, gathering dust in the corner,
and a Midland 79-290 in my pickup truck that I use for 10 meter communications.
These are the States that I've made contact with on 11 meters !