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durc_fstfury.jpg (35827 bytes)Name: DURAC II (anti-robot model)

History: In the wake of the original DURAC's success, Lord Hugh Macphereson funded a new DURAC model, DURAC II. Buel F. Rawlings was entrusted with creating the new model, and he was very successful. Buel used the original frame, which was sturdy steal plated with iron, and very hard to displace. He then took out the buzz saw and installed a second fist of fury. Another major change was in taking the head off of top of the torso and placing a new one in the torso. This made the head much harder to destroy. A second, inner layer of tough iron protected the engine, gears, and cranks in the event that an enemy robot managed to pierce the thick outer layer. Unfortunately, Buel added so much weight to the original engine that it became very slow. Instead of making the DURAC II a close combat skig fighter, it was designated a robot dueler; it fit perfectly into this role.

Year Made: 1895

Weight: 1.9 tons

Height: 6 ft 9 in

Power Plant: 1 6-cylinder V, water-cooled, petrol-oil mix (95 hp)

Armaments: 2 hydraulically supplemented Fists of Fury (700lbs/in each)

Special Notes: The DURAC II was successful in destroying other robots. When confronted by assassin robots, 1824 Techno always relied on the DURAC II to fight them off. The dual Fists of Fury were unorthodox weapons by the standards of the day. While most robot duelers relied on close-range cannon and power saws to literally blast apart enemy robots, the Fists of Fury made heavy, quick punches, causing either the concussion to shake apart internal components or the force to beat the armor off. Eventually companies started making formal duels to pit their best robots against the DURAC II. In every case, the Fists of Fury beat them all into submission.

Present Day: DURAC II was protecting 1824 Techno at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Burlington when it accidentally wandered into the ravenous crowd. It could've easily beaten off any attack by new fans, but the veteran 1824 Techno scenesters knew their trade and plied it. They found its weak points and exploited them. Although casualties were high, DURAC II was slowly torn to pieces. Now 1824 Techno has no protection from assassin robots...or do they?