Ladies of LSU Facts

Following is a list of attributes the 139 Ladies of LSU have:

Foreign 5.4%
Minority 10.8%
Sorority 35.3%

Freshman 8.6%
Sophomore 24.5%
Junior 33.8%
Senior 31.7%

Cheerleaders 24.5%
Golden Girls 23.7%
Athletes 11.5%
Bat Girls 10.8%

Sisters 3.6%

Homecoming Queens 1.4%
Appeared in Playboy 1.4%

Black and White 2.9%

18 years old 11.5%
19 years old 20.9%
20 years old 25.9%
21 years old 23.7%
22 Years old 12.2%
23 and over 5.6%

From Baton Rouge 22.3%
From New Orleans 18.0%
Out of State 19.4%

Aquarians 13.0%
Geminis 12.2%
Capricorns 10.1%

Named Jennifer 3.6%
Named Susan/Susanne or Amy or Michelle or C(K)hristy 2.9% each

So which Lady of LSU is the typical?

Michelle Plaisance,
a 21 year old cheerleader from Baton Rouge born under the signof Gemini.