California Dreamin' at Sadie Hawkins Dance

Decked out in black cowboy boots, blue jeans, a whit t-shirt, and a flannel, California Dreams's star Aaron Jackson easily blended into the mix of students at Sadie Hawkins dance. I know you're sitting there asking, "Why was a celebrity here at little ole' Zane Trace?" Aaron had been approached by a benefit for kids' car seats to donate a picture of himself to be auctioned off by someone; like the kind man he is, he offered to do it himself. So Aaron was flown in, he did the auction, talked at some local middle schools, attended the D.A.R.E. concert, and spoke at a performing arts program. "But how did Aaron get to Zane Trace?" you ask. Well, you can thank juniors Tiffany Hanson and Kelly Clark for that. After he spoke at the performing arts program, Tiffany and Kelly talked to him and then they all went out to eat pizza. After talking for three hours, the girls say they invited him to the dance. Aaron decided to come for about a hlaf hour and, along with Tiffany and Kelly, showed up in his stretch limo! I was lucky enough to be granted an interview with this bery nice, normal guy who happens to be famous. Even operating on a short six hours sleep, Aaron was incredibly hospitable. The only question he refused was his age, but he happily answered everything else thrown at him.

Aaron's Job

If you're unfamiliar with Aaron or the show, then you're missing out. Aaron plays Mark Winkle on the hit Saturday morning TV show California Dreams. The show is about a group of high school students that have a band and each week's show addresses a teen issue (jealousy, stress, alcohol, etc.). You may wonder if there is any romance between the actors off screen. Aaron said that there was for the first few weeks, but after five years of performing together, the cast is "like family." The cast also sings all of their own songs on the show and have three albums out. Watch for a single by Aaron that is coming out in January. Aaron was discovered while he wrestled for his school. He was approached by Sports Illustrated to be on the cover, so naturally he did it. Then he was in a play that he was asked to do and as soon as he graduated, Aaron picked up and moved to Hollywood. Aaron has been acting for 15-16 years, which he smilingly said showed his age, and loves it. He said, "It's my life."

Aaron's Personal Life

Working 82-hour weeks and being at the set from 6-12, Aaron obviously doesn't have much free time. However he does find time to take rides on his Harley, and every Wednesday night he plays pool with some friends. Aaron said there are about fifteen of them and among these friends are Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, and Val Kilmer! Also, Aaron says he has baby-sat Tom and Nicole's kids on occasion! Aaron is inspired by and respects several different actors and actresses. A few of theses performers include Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Robert DeNiro, Susan Sarandon, Jodie Foster, and Kathy Bates. Aaron has two sisters and a cat named Kit Kat that he had sent to him from Japan. He has graduated from college and has a really cool tattoo on his right bicep. Aaron's current status is single, but the week before the dance he'd been on a date with Clueless star Alicia Silverstone. He said he "had a great time." Aaron is a super friendly and great guy. His advice to kids is, "Respect you folks and stay off drugs."

A Call From The Stars

It was a warm Thursday (February 27) and I'd just gotten home from another tiresome day at school when the phone rang. My sister yelled and said it was for me and, only expecting a normal (perhaps abnormal) friend, I was surprised to hear a voice from the stars. Yes, Aaron Jackson whom I'd interviewed at the Sadie Hawkins dance had given me a ring. Floating on a natural happiness high, I barely knew what to say! He called to thank me for the write-up I did on him in the December paper. Aaron complimented me saying, to me great astonishment, that he believed it was the "best" high school write-up of himself that he had read. He also said that he'd put it with his others. With my aspiration of becoming a journalist, this meant a lot to me. Aaron and I chatted for a few minuts about what's been going on. If you'll remember, Aaron had recently been on a date with Alicia Silverstone at the writing of the last article. He says that things between them didn't work out, but she still occasionally comes over to the house to hang out. Also, do you remember Aaron's cat from Japan, Kit Kat? Well, unfortunately only a few weeks ago poor Kit Kat was run over by a car. How awful! Aaron has also made his very own page on the net where he says there are pictures of our city (Chillicothe) and he even plans to post my article there! One last thing is that Aaron wishes to thank everyone he talked to here. He said that it was "very nice to feel like a normal kid." Aaron said he appreciated how he wasn't put on a pedestal because of his celebrity status and wasn't mobbed by people trying to talk to him.

Cool Aaron Jackson Links

The Official Dreams Site
The Official Un-official Dreams Site
Find Aaron's page here as well as other famous people

Visit my alma mater where I wrote these articles for the Trailblazer

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