Part Five

Renee Ryan looked at her unusual surroundings. She stood atop a large plateau decorated with Grecian style pillars, lush green vines, and a sort of altar in the center. She sat on a boulder on the edge of the plateau and gazed in awe at the magnificent jungle below, stretching as far as the eye can see. Flocks of birds sailed on the wind, and the cries of wolves could be heard from all directions. The only thing that broke the sea of green that was Phaedos was a large mountain miles away from the plateau. This mountain caught Renee's attention. She turned around to Dulcea, who was busy starting a fire on the altar.

"Dulcea," she said, "What's that mountain over there?"

"It is the Great Monolith, where the Power Rangers charged their Power Coins after their powers were destroyed."

"Are you all alone on this planet?"

"No. Behind the Monolith is Ninjor's Temple. Ninjor is the forger of the Power Coins, and I am the keeper of the Ninja Power. Together we created the second batch of Power Coins, infused with the Ninja Power."

"Will I have to go to the Monolith to get my powers?"

"No. I would like to send you on a quest to prove your worth, but time is of the essence, and you are not going to receive a Power Coin, so you do not need to go visit Ninjor. You shall become a Ninjetti Warrior. Not like the Power Rangers were, but like all others of Venusian blood are. Are you ready to search for your animal guide, Renee?"

"Am I ever!" said Renee, hopping off the rock and standing beside Dulcea. Dulcea pointed to the fire, which flickered all the colors of the rainbow and beyond.

"Look into the fire, Little Sister, and gaze deeply for meaning. Focus on the fire and nothing but the fire, and shut your mind to any noises you may hear, or thoughts that may float in your mind. Concentrate, and close your eyes when you feel you have found the heart of the fire."

Renee looked at Dulcea questioningly, then shrugged and turned her attention to the fire. She stared at the fire, obeying Dulcea's instructions, and forced herself to calm down from the excitement and fear she's been feeling since she and Kim were attacked in Florida by Dalal. Renee searched deeply through the fire, looking for its heart. She found it--a crystal clear gem about the size of an apple, suspended in the center of the fire. She looked at it for a second, and then closed her eyes. When she did, the sparks of the flames turned from a mix of all the colors in existence to just one. The flame became completely orange, but Renee didn't notice, for she was completely oblivious to the world. Dulcea smiled and then stood across from Renee, and blew a handful of silvery powder onto the fire. The flames intensified, and the orange smoke created from the fire wrapped around Renee's body, draping her with impenetrable orange silk. Renee opened her eyes, and examined her new clothing in surprise. She was wearing orange bikini top, orange leggings, and a black sheer cloth that fell from the black silk belt to about mid thigh, with two long slits on each side. She had on black and gold bands on her arms that nearly reached her shoulders, and short black boots with a golden stripe going down the middle. On her forehead she had an orange band with a golden circle in the middle, and on the center of her bikini top was golden coin with the design of a roaring cat etched in its face. Renee's long dark hair was pulled into a high ponytail, clasped with a gold band.

"Wow," Renee whispered, "I don't look anything like a Power Ranger."

"You aren't a Power Ranger," said Dulcea, stepping towards Renee and smiling, "You are a Venusian Warrior. You are not a Ninjetti Priestess, as I am, so you cannot communicate with your animal guide, nor can you become your animal guide. However, you gain strength, wisdom, and knowledge from your animal guide, and this will be vital in the coming battle."

"Cool," Renee said with a smile, looking intently at the badge on her chest.

"Renee Ryan, you are the Tiger, fierce and agile. Now, you should be strong enough to break Syren's spell and free the male Power Rangers. Let us hurry, it takes a while to transport to Earth from here even at the speed of light."

"Then let's hit the road," said Renee, and they vanished in streaks of white and orange light.

In the Power Chamber, Jason, Tanya, and Katherine tell Zordon and Alpha about their trips across the country and beyond, and report their findings regarding the missing people.

"Kim was right," said Jason, "Those other teleports were Venusian warriors collecting the descendants of the rebels. Two women from Angel Grove are missing, Josephine and Kelly Trent. In Montreal, Courtney Davis disappeared from her office building, and Elisa Manning was abducted in Seattle. That's a total of four women gone without a trace."

"In Oxford, the report is that Andrea Turner was abducted from her dorm room," said Katherine, reading off a pink pad of paper, "and Silvia Turner, Andrea's mother, vanished from her home in London."

"Well, Janette Manning was actually abducted en route to a class at NYU," said Tanya, "and I couldn't find the name of the person, or people, attacked in Hillsdale New Jersey, but I do have a picture."

Tanya handed the photograph of the Ryan family to Alpha Five. He glanced at the photo and jumped.

"Ay yi yi!" he cried, "That's Renee! And this woman, I've seen her before..."


"There were blood stains throughout the kitchen, and a pile of ashes on the ground. I sent Alpha a sample to analyze."


"According to my scans, this ash is of an organic compound, and still has traces of nitrogen and oxygen, along with the carbon. It is like a living thing, being completely burned into cinders."

"It couldn't be Leila," said Tanya quietly, "I mean, the house wasn't burned down or anything. There was no sign of fire anywhere. Not even the smell of smoke. How could a Venusian burn someone to a crisp without destroying the whole building?"


Jason, Kat, and Tanya all bowed their heads in respect to the dead. Alpha and Zordon remained silent as well for a moment, as the severity of the situation struck them all. Syren was serious about destroying all opposition, and if they didn't act soon, the missing women will all die. Unless they are already dead. The silence was broken by a beam of soft pink light, and Kimberly Hart appeared in the center of the Power Chamber. She collapsed to her knees in exhaustion, and Jason immediately ran to help her up. She clutched her head with her hand, and looked up to Zordon.

"Scorpina grabbed my mother in Paris," Kim said quietly, "and other Venusians kidnapped Christina Hendren in Germany and Elizabeth Turner in Rome. I fought Scorpina for a bit, but I managed to get away and check the two other locations without a hitch. Scorpina said that Syren plans to kill the Venusian hybrids at dawn on Venus Island, so since its in the Pacific Ocean, the time zone is probably similar to our own, and its already midnight here. We have less than six hours to save them all."

"Kim," said Jason, "are you alright?"

"Just let me catch my breath," she said, sitting down on the chair beside the spellbound rangers, "I'll be fine in a minute. Where's Renee? She and Dulcea are still gone?"


"What did you guys find out?" asked Kim, "Jason, are Kelly and Jo gone?"

Jason looked at Kim in surprise. He then slapped his forehead. "Of course! Now I remember Kelly! You taught her cheerleading ages ago, and she was kidnapped by the Lizzinator! They've both been kidnapped, and Arthur Trent has been hospitalized. Sorry."

Kim buried her face in her palms in both exhaustion and fear. Her entire family was in grave danger from Syren and Zedd, and there is nothing she could do about it that wouldn't put their lives in even greater danger. Suddenly, the Power Chamber alarms go off.

"Fantastic!" growled Tanya angrily, "Just what we need! Another retarded monster to fight!"

"No," said Alpha, reading a computer printout, "Scorpina is in Paris France, and she's terrorizing the entire city's populace. She's on her way to the Louvre."

"But, why?" asked Kat.

"She wants to keep us busy," said Kim, "and she wants to get her claws on me. We'd better get over there."



"No buts, Kim," said Tanya, twisting her wrists to activate her Zeonizers, "Kat and I can take Scorpina down. Right, girlfriend?"

"You bet," said Kat, "Its Morphin Time! Zeo Ranger One...PINK!!"

"Zeo Ranger Two...YELLOW!!"

The Yellow and Pink Zeo Rangers vanished in streaks of light, leaving Kimberly, Jason, Alpha, and Zordon to wait in the Power Chamber and keep an eye on them.

Early morning in Paris France is usually rather calm, with the exception of the crowds of people trying to get from one place to another. However, this Saturday morning, the streets of Paris are a war-zone, with hundreds of people fleeing in terror of a tall, slender woman with an Asian countenance, golden armor, and a mighty sword. Scorpina stood atop the Louvre, the historic palace which presently is a world famous museum, with priceless works of Rembrandt and even Leonardo DaVinci's "Mona Lisa". Scorpina laughs maniacally as she continues to rain her stinger rays at the helpless people. Her attention is drawn by two streaks of light--one pink and one yellow. She grins when she sees the Pink and Yellow Zeo Rangers land amongst the crowd of people below.

Well, its not Kimberly, but I'm on the right track, though Scorpina as she leapt from her perch atop the museum to the ground below, Once the last two Zeo Rangers are out of the way, Kimberly will have no choice but to face me. How difficult can it be to demolish these two?

Scorpina landed on the street and pointed her sword at the two rangers. Tanya and Katherine each struck a battle stance, first taking a quick glance around to make sure the citizens of Paris were out of the way. Scorpina chuckled.

"Well well well, if it isn't the two half-rangers," she mocked, "Do you really think you can defeat me by yourselves? You don't have a snowball's chance in--"

"I wouldn't underestimate us if I were you!" interrupted Katherine, "We're Power Rangers, and Power Rangers seem to have a knack for destroying Zedd's flunkies."

"You have never battled me, girls," said Scorpina, "so you have no idea what you're dealing with."

Scorpina smiled evilly and tossed her blade like a boomerang at the rangers. The blade began spinning, becoming a golden ring of energy, and flew at the rangers, circling them and occasionally cutting through their form fitting armor. Kat and Tanya each leapt in different directions away from the sword, and Kat held out her hand.

"Zeo I Power Disc!" she cried, and a black and pink shield appeared in her hand. She promptly held it in front of her helmet as Scorpina's sword flew at her. Sparks flew on impact, and Katherine was thrown back by the force of the collision. Tanya ran over to help her friend up, and the two girls stared at the lifeless sword. They barely rose to their feet before Scorpina began firing her Scorpion sting blasts at them. Tanya began a routine of backflips to avoid the golden beams, while Katherine blocked them with her Power Disc. Scorpina growled and leapt into the air, landing beside the Yellow Zeo Ranger. Tanya barely had enough time to draw her Zeo Blade to defend herself against Scorpina's sword. Katherine rose to her feet and collected her bearings.

What was it that Zordon had said about Venusians? she thought as she watched Tanya and Scorpina duel, Something about fire? Of course! Fire!

Kat dropped her shield and brought her hands together. She concentrated, and a pink glow formed between her palms. As time passed, the amount of energy amassed increased.

"Pink Firecloud!" she cried, throwing the energy blast at Scorpina. Scorpina tried to block the attack with her sword, but it didn't prevent the pink flames from making contact. Scorpina screamed and leapt back, away from the pink cloud. Tanya and Katherine regrouped.

"Nice going, girl!" congratulated Tanya, "Good thing you remembered Venusians' weakness."

"Yeah," said Kat with a small smile, "but the Firecloud won't be enough. I think we need real fire to finish Scorpina for good. The Firecloud burnt her, but it didn't do any permanent damage."

"Well, where are we gonna get real fire from?" asked Tanya.

Suddenly, a swarm of tall birds with black feathers and bits of purple armor appeared, surrounding the rangers. Kat and Tanya jumped in surprise as the birds squawked and shrieked.

"What're these things?!" asked Tanya, blocking a swing from one of the creatures.

"Oh my gosh!" cried Kat, "They're Tenga Warriors! Zedd must've sent them to backup Scorpina!"

While the Yellow and Pink Zeo Rangers fought the half dozen Tenga Warriors, Scorpina struggled to stand up. She balanced herself on her sword, and glared at the rangers fiercely.

"I'm not through yet, girls," she whispered, standing up tall and raising a golden badge to the sky. Engraved on the face of the circular badge was the image of a scorpion. "No mere human can battle a trained Venusian Ninjetti warrior! I summon the power of the Scorpion!"

Scorpina raised the coin high, and a flash of golden lightning struck the coin, and passed through Scorpina's body. When the light faded, a monstrous creature stood before them, glowing with golden power. Her whip-like tail slashed at the air behind her, and her mouth creased into a smile, revealing sharp fangs. Tanya and Kat stared at the creature in horror.

"What is that thing?" asked Kat.

"Scorpina's turned herself into some scorpion monster," whispered Tanya, "She's a Ninjetti, with the animal guide of a scorpion. We're in big trouble now."

The rangers stood back and watched as Scorpina grew to a colossal height, standing next to the Louvre. The Pink and Yellow Zeo Rangers stepped even further back.

"I don't think my Firecloud is gonna be much help," said Kat.

"You got that right! We need the Super Zeo Zords, now!"

Super Zeo Zord One and Two magically materialized from the sky, and the two young women boarded the humanoid shaped robot fighting machines.

"Time to kick it!" said Tanya through the intercom, activating all the zord's systems.

"I just hope two Zeo Zords will be enough," sighed Katherine.

Kimberly and Jason anxiously watch the two Super Zeo Zords fight Scorpina in the viewing globe. Jason begins to pace around the Power Chamber while Kim stands beside the globe, watching alertly.

"This is ridiculous!" yells Jason angrily, "Kat and Tanya can't fight Scorpina in the middle of one of the world's most precious cities! They'd destroy everything!"


"Is there anything we can do?" asked Kimberly, "I mean, we can' t just watch while Scorpina trashes the zords, and you know Kat and Tanya won't risk trampling Paris."

"The only way to help is to force Scorpina to shrink down to normal size," said Jason, "but how?"

"There's only one way to win," said Kim, looking up at Zordon, "I'm going to Paris. Scorpina will abandon her siege of Paris to capture me. I'm the whole reason she's even in France."


"How?" she asked, "I don't have a coin anymore."


Kim nodded and closed her eyes. In a flash of soft pink light, a silver badge appeared in her hand. The image of a screaming Crane was on the face of the silver coin. She looked at Zordon questioningly.

"It looks just like my Pink Ranger coin," she said, "but why is it silver?"


Kim shrugged and rose the coin to the air. "I summon the power of the Crane!"

The coin began emitting pink bolts of lightning, and her body was completely immersed in the pink light. When the light faded, Kimberly was wearing the uniform of a Ninjetti warrior. But, it didn't look at all like her Pink Ninja Ranger costume. Rather, it was a long-sleeved pink leotard trimmed with black with a silver collar that connected to a silver badge of the Crane on her chest. She wore knee length black and silver boots, as well as silver wrist bands and a silver tiara. Attached to her silver collar was a flowing soft pink cape, fine and delicate, resembling a pair of elegant wings. Kim's golden brown hair tumbled loosely around her face, and the silver tiara shimmered in the pale light of the Power Chamber.

"This isn't my Ninja Ranger costume," she said, examining the cape curiously.


"So, what kind of powers do I have?" asked Kim.


"Thanks," said Kim with a smile. She then grabbed a corner of her cape and waved at Jason. "I'm outtie!" she called, and spun the cape over her face. She vanished from the Power Chamber in a flash of pink light.

"Good luck, Kim," whispered Jason, once again turning his attention to the viewing globe. He grimaced when he saw Scorpina trip Super Zeo Zord II with her jagged tail, and witnessed Tanya's struggle to keep the huge zord from falling onto the Louvre.

"Zordon," he said, looking up at his mentor, "Do you think Kimberly can defeat Scorpina?"


Paris is a city of history. It has survived the French Revolution in the eighteenth century, and even the German invasion in World War II. Paris, the city of light and love, seems to be immortal. However, with three colossal forms rampaging on the Rue de Rivoli, one wonders if this classic city can survive another day.

"Kat!" yelled Tanya from within Super Zeozord II, "We have to shrink Scorpina down! NOW!!"

"I'm well aware of that, Tanya," said Katherine, struggling to block Scorpina's deadly tail while at the same time being careful not to step to close to the magnificent Louvre, "Any ideas?"

"Do you think there is some way to lure her into the Seine? The damage she creates should be limited in the river."

"True, but how can we use fire attacks when she's knee-deep in water? We need another plan!"

As the two Zeozords tried to prevent any damage to Paris, no one notices a flash of rosy pink light atop the Louvre. Kimberly Hart, a Ninjetti Priestess and Venusian princess, watches the fight down the street, the strong winds blowing her loose golden brown hair about her face. Kim allowed herself to rise into the air, her silken cape stretching to catch the wind like a pair of wings. Kim surveyed the battle carefully, her arms crossed and a slight snarl on her face.

I've got to get Scorpina as far away from the city as possible! Kim thought, lifting her silver tiara off her brow. The tiara hovered a few inches above her open palm, and began to expand. Kim sailed away from it, and watched as the tiara began to glow pink, and soon became a disk of pink light. The disk expanded, and reformed into a huge, glowing pink bird.

"The Crane, my animal guide," Kim called to the bird, "Help me in my battle against evil! Together, we must prevent Scorpina from doing any further damage to this city!"

The Crane squawked in reply, and flew towards Scorpina. Its shrill cry grabbed the attention of the two Zeo Rangers, and they watched in utter shock as the majestic pink bird grabbed Scorpina by the shoulder with its sharp talons and carried her into the air before Scorpina could respond.

"Uh, what was that?" asked Tanya quietly. Katherine remained silent. "Kat? You there?"

"Yeah, I'm here," answered Kat finally, "Its a Crane, Tanya. The Pink Ranger's animal guide. Kimberly must be here."

"I didn't know she could create a giant bird."

"Neither did I," said Kat, "Quick, Tanya, activate your thrusters! We gotta follow that Crane!"

"Aye, aye, Skipper!" said Tanya, her zord lifting off the street, "Lead the way!"

In the Power Chamber, the dark room is filled with blinding white light. Alpha shrieked in surprise and Jason shielded his eyes as two forms stepped out of the light. Jason's eyes widened as they fell upon Renee Ryan, wearing a flattering silken orange, black, and gold uniform.

"So," he said finally, "are you the Orange Ranger now, Renee?"

"Nope, I'm not a Power Ranger. I'm a Ninjetti warrior, and my costume is orange and black because it reflects my animal guide--the Tiger."

"Zordon," said Dulcea, turning to the head suspended in the tube, "what has happened while we were away?"


"Wait," said Renee, looking worried, "did anyone try to contact my mother or some- thing? I mean, if she's a full-blooded Venusian, she's in really big trouble!"

Zordon remained silent for a few moments, and both Alpha 5 and Jason looked down at their feet uncomfortably. Renee's fear mounted as she examined everyone's expressions.

"Where's my mother?" she asked crossly. Jason stepped forward, fidgeting uncomfortably.

"Uh, Renee... your home in New Jersey was broken into a few hours ago. Tanya went to check out the situation. She found, um, a pile of ashes in the kitchen."

Renee looked at Jason questioningly, but he avoided her gaze. Dulcea then gently placed her hand on Renee's shoulder, and gazed directly into the girl's eyes.

"Child," she said quietly, "the only way for a Venusian to be injured beyond healing is fire. When flames touch a Venusian's skin, the flesh turns to ash..."

Renee's eyes widened, and she became weak in the knees. She fell to her knees, burying her face in her palms. "She's...dead, isn't she."

"YES," said Zordon as quietly as he could, "I'M VERY SORRY, BUT YOUR MOTHER WAS KILLED, AT SYREN'S ORDER, NO DOUBT."

"What about my half-sister, and father?"


"Right. My dad was married once before. But still, can you please keep an eye on them? They should both be in Florida by now to see me compete. Syren may capture them to get to me or something."


"Ronald and Diane."

"Okay," said Alpha, starting a computer program, "it should take about twelve minutes to locate each."


"We do not have much time," said Dulcea, "I must go to Venus Island and stop Syren from killing anyone else."

"I'm going with you!" said Renee, rising to her feet, "Look, Syren had my mother killed, and its payback time!"

Dulcea looked at Renee, and saw the fierceness in her eyes. "You are much like the Tiger, Renee, and you are much like your mother. Yes, you shall accompany me. I shall need all the help I can get. But first, you must free the male Zeo Rangers from Syren's magic. Now that you have met your animal guide, you may call on his experience to lead you through your task."

Renee nodded and walked over to the cots, where the Red, Blue, and Green Zeo Rangers lay. She placed her hand upon Tommy's forehead, and closed her eyes.

Here we go again!

The huge scorpion monster struggled against the talons of the mighty Crane. The Crane finally dropped her opponent on the grass of the French plains, miles away from Paris. Scorpina growled angrily, and watched as the Crane vanished. She then looked around, and saw much smaller pink crane, flying in her direction.

"Scorpina!" said the small crane, "You wanted me, so here I am!"

"Kimberly," said Scorpina with a smile, "I see you have learned how to transform into your animal guide, as well as how to summon your guide for help. Not bad, Little Sister."

"You're no sister of mine!" shrieked the bird, beginning to glow with pink light, "And you're gonna pay for everything you've done! You've kidnapped my family, killed Renee's mother--"

"And what are you going to do about it, Kim?" growled Scorpina, "you don't even have a zord, and your animal guide cannot last long in physical form!"

"What makes you think I don't have a zord? In case you didn't know, Scorpina, the Ninja Zords were never destroyed. Without the Power Coins, the zords cannot be operated, and the Zeo shards are of a different, incompatible technology. But, I can power my Crane, with the power of Ninjetti!"

With that, Kimberly transformed into her human form, her pink wings keeping her aloft. She then touched her badge, and a beam of light flew forth from the silver image of a crane, forming the Crane Ninjazord. Scorpina watched in surprise as Kimberly flew into the open mouth of the silver and pink zord. Then, the pink and yellow Zeozords flew over the hills, and landed on the plains. Katherine and Tanya witnessed the shimmering Crane Ninjazord soar through the air, firing missiles at the scorpion monster.

"The Crane Ninjazord!" said Kat surprisedly, "I never got a chance to see it in action. Its fantastic..."

"Let's lend a hand, Kat!" said Tanya enthusiastically, "Now that we're no longer surrounded by heavy population or architectural masterpieces, we can cut loose!"

The two Zeozords stood side by side, and at the same time, they fired energy rays from the visors. The rays pierced Scorpina in the back, and she roared in pain. Then, the Crane flew in closer, cutting Scorpina's arm with its sharp wing. Scorpina screamed again, and dropped her sword. She then began to lose energy, and slowly shrunk back to her human form, still clutching the bleeding wound on her arm. Katherine and Tanya immediately leapt from their zords, touching down on the grass beside Scorpina. Tanya drew her laser pistol, and pointed it at Scorpina menacingly.

"If you move, you're fried," she threatened. Scorpina glanced down at her wound, and noticed that it already had almost healed completely. She looked up at the Yellow Ranger and smiled.

"That pop gun fires energy rays, not fire. It cannot do any permanent damage to my body."

"Maybe not," said Katherine, "but my Firecloud can, and I can whip one up at a moment's notice."

"You haven't beaten me yet, Power Rangers," said Scorpina angrily, quickly touching her golden badge. She then vanished in a flash of gold light, leaving the two female Zeo Rangers alone on the field.

"Rats!" cried Tanya, putting away her gun, "She's gone!"

"She probably went to the Moon," sighed Kat, "There's nothing we can do."

Then, Kimberly floated down to the ground. The Crane Ninjazord transformed into a ball of light, and entered the silver Crane badge, to be called on again. Kim smiled at her two friends.

"Scorpina will be back, but not for a while. Her injuries are more severe than she believes. When she's enlarged by Zedd's magic, her healing abilities are compromised. That cut on her arm, as well as the laser burns on her back, will take time to heal completely."

"Nice outfit, Kim," said Tanya, taking off her helmet and smiling, "The wings are a nice touch."

"They're definitely a nice accessory, but I can't really fly with them. I can sorta glide on wind currents, but if I really need to fly, I have to transform into a Crane."

"Well," said Katherine, "now that Scorpina's gone, France is safe, and we can get back to the Power Chamber."

"Right," said Kim and Tanya together, and the three girls vanished in bands of yellow, hot pink, and soft pink light.

In the cold and clammy stone castle standing tall in the dark barrenness of the Moon, Rita Repulse watches the battle between Scorpina and the three heroines through her Repulsascope. Lord Zedd sits on his throne, stroking his staff impatiently.

"How long will this stupid battle last?" he asked angrily, making the entire room glow crimson, "All Scorpina had to do was capture Kimberly. How difficult can that be, given the majority of the Power Rangers are out of commission!"

"Zeddie," shrieked Rita, "maybe you should've been watching the fight. Kimberly showed up as a Venusian Ninjetti, and she even used her old Ninja Zord! She, along with Tanya and Kat have defeated Scorpina. She's on her way back to the palace."

Just then, Scorpina appeared in the throne room, before Zedd's throne. She fell to her knees and kneeled humbly, feeling the heat of his anger on her exposed flesh.

"I...I had to retreat," she stammered, "I could not battle them further. Not with the Pink Ranger's Firecloud. Fire is my weakness, My Lord."

"No excuses!" roared Zedd, standing up and shaking his fist at Scorpina, "You should've been able to destroy those two Zeo Rangers before Kimberly even showed up! And I cannot believe you couldn't defeat Kim! She may be Venusian, but you have thousands of years of experience! She's only a half-breed!"

"Yes, but the Great Power bonded with her as much as it would with any full Venusian. She is of the royal family, and so her power potential may even exceed my own. Her animal guide is more powerful than mine."

"I don't want to hear anymore!" yelled Zedd angrily, "Perhaps all is not lost. I still have the three male Zeo Rangers under an evil spell. All I need to do is create a monster, to keep the remaining Zeo Rangers occupied. Syren can take care of Kimberly and Dulcea by herself."

Zedd walked over to the balcony and peered down at the city of Paris. Although some damage was done by the towering Scorpina and the two Super Zeozords, there was no irreparable damage. Zedd scratched his exposed brain with his silver claw.

"You had a good idea, Scorpina. The rangers are very careful not to destroy Paris, because of all the priceless artwork and history found there. I wonder what would happen if I created a monster out of something they would never be able to destroy?"

"Like what?" asked Rita.

"Like a masterpiece. The Louvre is nothing but a big museum, right? If I create a monster out of one of the pieces in the Louvre, the rangers wouldn't risk destroying it. I've got it!"

Lord Zedd pointed his staff at the Louvre, and the beam of white light struck the most famous painting displayed in the museum--DaVinci's Mona Lisa. When the beam faded, the face of the portrait was forever changed. The famous smile was gone, and a wicked laugh could be heard echoing through the halls of the abandoned museum of fine art.

Part Six

In the Power Chamber, Rocky, Adam, and Tommy sit up on the three cots, while Dulcea helps Renee to a seat to rest after the extreme effort she exerted to break Syren's hypnotic spell. Jason was monitoring the battle between Scorpina, Kimberly, Katherine, and Tanya in Paris on the Viewing Globe. Once he saw Scorpina vanish from the scene, he hurried over to the others.

"Guys," he said, "Paris is safe at last. The girls are on their way home."

"Kat and Tanya fought Scorpina all by themselves?" asked Adam, rubbing the back of his head, "I'm impressed. It usually takes the entire team of rangers to take on a creature as ruthless as Zedd's assassin."

"What happened exactly?" asked Rocky, looking at Dulcea, "When did you get here? Who is the girl in the orange spandex?"

"I'm Renee Ryan," explained Renee, "I'm the one who appeared in your mind while you were under Syren's spell."

"The gymnast, right?" asked Tommy.

"Indeed," said Dulcea, "but Renee is much more than an athlete. She is the daughter of Leila, the Venusian enchantress."

"Wow," said Rocky, "How'd ya figure that one out?"

"I guess I was lucky," said Renee with a shrug, "Syren's servant Dalal showed up in Florida to kill Kimberly, and I was in the right place at the right time."

"What?" asked Tommy in surprise, "Syren wanted to kill Kim? Why?"

Before anyone could answer, three beams of yellow, hot pink, and soft pink pierced the Power Chamber. Everyone smiled at greeted their friends, all except Tommy, Rocky, and Adam, who were shocked to see Kimberly in her pink and black leotard, pink wings, and silver tiara. "Kim?" asked Adam quietly, "What happened to you?"

"Its a long story," she answered, giving him a warm hug, "I'm so glad you guys are okay! I take it Renee managed to break the spell." She then let go and hugged Rocky. "How long have you three been awake?"

"About five minutes," answered Rocky, "We're still in the dark."

Kim released Rocky and then turned to Tommy. She smiled at him and gave him a quick hug. She then stood back, standing beside Renee.

"Renee and I are two Venusian descendants. I'm from the family of Naya, and Renee is Leila's daughter. Since we're both Venusians, we can summon the power of Ninjetti. My costume is different, but I'm still the Crane. And from the look of it, Renee's animal guide is the Tiger."

Suddenly, all the alarms in the Power Chamber roared to life. Everyone present looked around worriedly.

"What's wrong now?" asked Katherine, looking up towards Zordon, "Is it another Venusian assault?"


"This is not good," said Rocky, leaping off the cot, "Zedd usually creates monsters out of something. What did he use this time?"

"Aye yi yi!" shrieked Alpha 5, "There's an image on the Viewing Globe!"

Tommy, Katherine, Rocky, Adam, Tanya, Kimberly, Renee, Jason, and Dulcea circled the Viewing Globe to get a glimpse at Zedd's new monster. They saw a pair of red lips with slender white arms and legs.

"Is this a joke?" asked Tanya, "He made a monster out of a mouth?"


"Can we defeat the monster without doing damage to Mona Lisa's lips?" asked Adam.


"Alright, rangers," said Tommy, "we've got work to do!"

The five Zeo Rangers snapped their helmets on their heads. Tanya walked over to Kimberly.

"Are you three coming to help?" she asked. Kim shook her head.

"No, we have to get to Venus Island."

"Yes," said Dulcea, holding up her staff, "The longer we delay, the less the chance we'll be able to save the descendants before sunrise. I shall teleport us to the isle."

"You'll keep in contact, right?" asked Jason.


"So, we won't be able to help you three out, or bail you out if things get rough," said Tommy quietly, taking off his helmet. He looked at all three women, and held his gaze on Kimberly. "You'll be careful, right?" he asked, directing his question mainly at the young princess.

"Of course we will," answered Kim with a smile, "We'll contact you as soon as we can."

Kim and Tommy shook hands, and then Tommy rejoined the rest of the rangers, putting on his helmet.

"Back to Action!" cried the Zeo Rangers, vanishing in streaks of colored light. Dulcea then held up her staff with both hands, and Kim and Renee stood by her on either side. A pulse of white light formed from the tip of the staff and expanded, teleporting the three women out of the Power Chamber. Jason leaned against a cot while Alpha Five immediately began running scans on the lip monster.

"Man, this has been a long day!" he sighed, stretching his arms. He then joined Alpha at the computer.

In a flash of pearly white light, Renee Ryan, Kimberly Hart, and Dulcea appeared on the shores of Venus Island. The white sand was littered with sharp rocks, and the blue pacific ocean smashed into the shore with powerful waves. A few yards into the island is where a dense jungle began, with deadly Venus flytraps shooting up from the earth. Dulcea led the way, using her staff to strike the flytraps, while Renee and Kimberly followed her. Renee glanced over to the east, and noticed the faint glow on the water.

"The sun's gonna rise soon," she whispered, "We don't have much time."

"Indeed," said Dulcea, "But hopefully the festivities will have begun, and there will be minimal guard along Ambrosia. So far, I have seen no one."

"Do we have a plan of attack?" asked Kimberly.

"Here's our dilemma: there are hundreds of Venusian warriors now serving Syren. Many of them only serve her out of fear, so we may not have to face them all. Still, the best way to even up the odds is to free the Venusians trapped in the dungeon. However, centuries of imprisonment will no doubt have made them rather weak, so do not expect them to be able to defeat a vast number of Syren's troops. Now, I was Syren's prisoner for a while, so I know where the dungeon is, and how to escape. So, I shall rescue our sisters there."

"What about my mother, and the other hybrids?" asked Kimberly, "They're supposed to be sacrificed at dawn!"

"True. The only way for you to stop the sacrifice is to challenge Syren for the crown."

"Excuse me?" asked Kimberly in disbelief, "Why would she take me seriously?"

"You are the descendent of Naya, and Naya was the rightful queen. Also, you are a Ninjetti warrior, so your power is great indeed. If Syren refuses to accept your challenge, her armies may feel she is a coward. She shall be honorbound to battle you."

"But, can I beat her?"

"Syren isn't an extremely skilled fighter. Most likely she shall use her magic. I have faith that you can defeat her, Princess, but you must allow the Crane to guide you. Syren has centuries of experience over you, so she will try to use your impetuousness against you. Now, the duel will most likely be a fight to the death, so I leave the decision in your hands."

Kimberly thought for a moment, and then looked up at Dulcea. "If you're even recommending this tactic to me, then you think I have a chance at winning. I'll do it."

Renee looked first at Kim, and then at Duclea. "Well, what happens to me?"

"You shall come with me, Renee, to help me free the prisoners. I have a feeling Syren won't give up the throne so easily. She tends to cheat."

The trio continued up the mountain, until they reached the summit. The gates were closed, and a raging fire illuminated the courtyard.

"This is good," whispered Dulcea, "There is no guard out here, and the low lighting will make it easier for Renee and I to sneak in. Kimberly, you should just fly into the courtyard, as close to Syren as possible. If you challenge her, she should not be able to refuse.

Kimberly nodded and converted into a glowing pink Crane. She flew gracefully over the fence while Dulcea and Renee circled around the fence until they reached the rose garden behind the palace.

"The dungeon is beneath the palace," whispered Dulcea, "so if we sneak in through here, we can enter the palace from behind. Can you bend the bars with a spell?"

Renee grabbed two bars with her hands, and allowed orange energy to pulse through her hands and into the golden gate. She then pushed with all her might, forcing a gap between the bars large enough for her to sneak through. She then ducked behind a rose bush.

"Listen carefully," said Dulcea, "I shall fly into the palace as an owl, and hopefully, I shall be able to open the door for you to enter. If you see a Venusian soldier, deal with her as quietly as possible."

Renee nodded silently as Dulcea transformed into a small white Owl, and flew silently through the bars and into an open window high in the palace tower. She then sat down in the bushes and waited.

Since my animal guide is the Tiger, I gain great night vision, as well as sense of hearing, she thought to herself, I think I can handle this. I just hope Kim's okay.

Meanwhile, in the front of the castle, a huge bonfire burned menacingly in a pit surrounded by a marble stage. Suspended over that pit was an iron cage, with just enough room for one person. On the ground stood nearly every Venusian faithful to Syren, all standing before the fire in awe. Some of them were excited about the day's events, but most of them were disgusted by Syren's celebration. For them, the day Naya had died was the day hope had ended. Naya was a fair and noble leader, but when she was defeated, many Venusians agreed to serve Syren out of fear. So, they stand in the audience in silence, trying to calm their screaming consciences and the rage of anger inside on witnessing the deaths of a group of innocent women from the outer world. Venusians aren't usually bloodthirsty.

"My sisters!" called Syren from the stage, "As dawn slowly approaches, so does the beginning of a special day for us. One century ago, the traitorous Naya and a group of rebels were dealt with in order to protect the realm. However, the rebellion was not fully quelled, because they had children with human men to carry on their bloodline. Today, we finally end the rebellion by eliminating the descendants of the traitors. Naya and her beliefs end today, with the death of her living offspring. Each hybrid will be killed one at a time, starting with Naya's family. First on the list is the youngest of the tribe of Naya. Kelly Trent, step forward!"

There was a hushed silence when a young teenaged girl was forced onto the marble stage by Scorpina, Syren's most faithful warrior. Scorpina threw the screaming girl into the iron cage, and two other Venusians turned a large wheel, pulling the cage up into the air and over the pit of fire. Kelly began to cry as the hot smoke of the fire stung her eyes and choked her lungs. The cage remained suspended above the pit.

"Kelly Trent of the house of Naya," announced Syren, "You are sentenced to de--"

Before Syren could finish her declaration, a small pink bird landed on the stage opposite the Venusian Queen. All present gasped as that bird transformed into a young brunette woman with a pink and black leotard, silver tiara and badge, and a pink feathery cape. Syren smiled.

"Kimberly," she said, "I was wondering when you'd show up. You almost lost your chance to say good-bye to your little cousin here."

"Let her go," said Kim menacingly. Syren merely chuckled and gestured at Scorpina and Dalal. They each grabbed one of Kim's arms, and Syren turned to her subjects."

"My friends, this child is Kimberly Hart, of the house of Naya. She shall be the next to die by the flames of justice."

"No, Syren," said Kimberly, "I won't die by the flames. I challenge you, Syren, self-proclaimed Queen of Venus Island, to a duel for the crown."

Syren laughed cruelly, and brought a glowing blade to Kimberly's neck.

"Don't try my patience, Girl," she said quietly, "You can never take my throne. You aren't even a full-blooded Venusian."

"Sisters!" Kim cried as loudly as she could, "Syren herself has proclaimed me to be a descendent of Naya, and Naya was the true Queen of Venus Island. Also, I am a Ninjetti, so the Great Power has acknowledged my worth. My garments are trimmed with silver, and I wear a silver tiara upon my brow. Syren's jewels are gold, so she isn't even adorned as a Queen should be. I deserve the chance to fight for my birthright!"

Syren glared at Kimberly angrily, and looked out to the crowds of Venusians. She saw in their faces that they agreed with Kimberly.

"Fine," Syren said quietly, "Give it your best shot, Hybrid. But, there is no way you can ever defeat me in combat. Once I have defeated you, I shall be rightful queen. Release her."

Scorpina and Dalal released Kimberly, and Kim stood upright and glared at the taller redheaded queen.

"Scorpina!" ordered Syren, "Get that brat out of the way, and clear the stage! The only things up here are me, Kimberly, and the flames that shall claim this little Crane's very life."

Scorpina did as ordered, and took Kelly off the stage. Soon, everyone silently watched as Kimberly and Syren faced each other. Syren grinned at tossed Kimberly a sword.

"That's a Hyperion Blade, Kimberly," she said, "and I have one as well. This blade can kill a Venusian, so keep that in mind. You can't heal from a wound created by flame."

Kimberly lifted up the sword and examined it closely. She then gripped it in both hands and pointed it at Syren. The two women circled each other for a few moments, and finally Syren made the first move, diving at Kimberly with her sword thrust out. Kim managed to leap out of the way, landing behind Syren and kicking her in the small of her back. Syren fell forward, but soon recovered and turned to face Kimberly. Her gray eyes began to glow, and a ray of golden energy shot forth at Kim. She leapt into the air, allowing her wings to catch the wind and keep her in the air.

Oh boy, Kimberly thought to herself, this isn't gonna be easy!

Meanwhile, in Paris France, the five Power Rangers arrive outside the Louvre museum. As soon as they arrive, they hear crowds of people screaming and running madly away from the museum.

"Well," said Rocky, "I guess its safe to assume the monster is in there."

Just then, a tall creature with snow white arms and legs stretching forth from a gargantuan pair of red lips strolled out of the Louvre. Although it had no eyes to speak of, it scanned the area, and held her gaze on the five spandex clad Power Rangers.

"Well," she said with a thick Italian accent, "I figured you would show up to stop me! Of course, all I'm doing is taking a tour of this lovely city. After all, I've lived here for ages, and all I got to see was one wing of the Louvre. Not much of a life, is it?"

"You weren't meant to live!" said Rocky, stepping forward, "You're supposed to be part of an inanimate painting! Now, we're here to send you back where you came from! Zeo III Power Axes!!"

Two triangular blades appeared on the Blue Ranger's forearms, and he then crossed his arms. Rocky stepped back, and launched himself at the creature, cutting the monster's arms superficially with the razor sharp blades. Rocky then did a double back flip, rejoining his allies, while the monster examined the injury quickly.

"Ha!" she declared, "It'll take more than that to defeat me, Blue Boy!!"

"Give it up, Lisa!" said the Green Ranger, "We don't want to hurt you!"

"First of all, I'm not the Mona Lisa! Lisa is the person that DaVinci captured on canvas centuries ago! I am Labius, the lips of that famous work! Now, although you seem to be trying to intimidate me, I know you won't hurt me! After all, I am the most famous part of the most famous painting in history! Here! Have a kiss for luck!"

With that, Labius spread her arms, and leapt into the air, soaring over the Power Rangers heads. When she was directly above them, she pursed her lips, sending a wide beam of red energy at the rangers.

"Scatter!" ordered Tommy, as the rangers leapt in varying directions to avoid the power beam. As Labius landed, the Red Ranger stood before her, clutching his Power Sword.

"Let's see how you like a taste of my energy beam!" he yelled, allowing a pulse of energy to accumulate in the handle of the sword. The energy passed into the blade, and the Red Ranger swung the blade in the air, releasing a powerful blast of energy in Labius' direction. Labius leapt to the side, allowing the beam to pass her and crash into the side of the Louvre.

"Be careful!" cried Katherine, joining Tommy, "We're in the middle of Paris! We could easily do more damage than Labius ever could if we don't watch ourselves!"

"Guys!" yelled Tanya, "She's coming around for another volley!!"

Sure enough, Kat and Tommy looked above them, and saw the monster once again purse her lips.

"I can handle this!" said Katherine, "Zeo I Power Disc!!"

The small shield appeared in the Pink Ranger's hand, and she leapt into the air, holding the disk in front of her. When Labius released the energy beam, the Power Disc deflected the energy back into Labius, knocking the monster out of the air. Katherine then landed nimbly on the street and rejoined her friends.

"Nice job, Kat," said Tommy.

"Yeah," said Rocky, "That was really quick thinking."

"What do we do about Labius?" asked Tanya, watching as the monster crashed into the pavement, "Now's our chance!"

"To do what?" asked Adam, "If we use the Zeo Power Blaster, we could destroy the lips! The Mona Lisa will be ruined!"

"Well, we can't let Labius ruin Paris instead," said Katherine. Suddenly, Labius rose to her feet and walked towards the Power Rangers. The rangers all struck fighting stances and began to circle around the monster warily.

"You've missed you chance!" said Labius, "I knew you wouldn't destroy me! Now, I'm free of that prison you humans call a masterpiece, and I have to power to do whatever I want! And the first thing I want to do is kill the five of you!"

That said, Labius drew a deep breath and then released it, creating a powerful hurricane wind. The wind knocked the Zeo Rangers off their feet, and let them fall unceremoniously into a line of garbage cans.

"Eww!" moaned Tanya, removing a banana peel from her helmet, "This is so gross! Of course we're here, battling an evil monster, on garbage pick-up day!"

"Well," said Adam, "It could've been worse. We could've landed in something alot harder than garbage. Like solid concrete!"

The rangers stood up and cleaned off their uniforms from any solid refuse.

"I am going to have to soak for a week to get this smell off me!" yelled Rocky.

"We'll worry about that later," said Tommy, once again forming his Zeo V Power Sword, "Right now, we've got a real problem. Our only option is to destroy Labius, and in the process permanently ruin the priceless Mona Lisa."

Meanwhile, Jason watches the fight between the Zeo Rangers and Labius in the Viewing Globe. He winced when the rangers crashed into the garbage, and chuckled when Tanya lifted the banana peel off her head.

"That looked like it hurt," he observed, "Alpha, any luck analyzing that monster?"

"Ay yi yi!" shrieked the small robot, "That monster seems to be completely formed out of energy, giving her an unlimited supply of energy to throw at the rangers! Paris is doomed!"

"But, if Labius is made completely from energy, then how can it be the lips of Mona Lisa?"


"So, the monster isn't really made from the lips?"


"Okay, so if I saw the Mona Lisa this very moment, would it have lips, or not?"


"I... I can't get an image inside that area of the museum!" shrieked Alpha, "There's a powerful energy barrier, and its blocking the transmission!"

"Then the guys probably should check it out," said Jason, activating the communicator, "I'll tell Tommy. Hello? Tommy, do you read me?"

^Jason?^ said Tommy's voice through the machine, ^Did you guys figure out how to stop Labius?^

"No, but I think we're onto something. There's a powerful magical barrier in the Louvre, and its blocking the Viewing Globe's image. Also, Zordon said that Labius is made completely from energy, so its not literally the lips of Mona Lisa."

^Then, the lips are safe?^

"Not exactly. Labius is linked to the painting magically, like a movie projection. You'd better check out the Mona Lisa and see what's going on."

^Okay, I'm on it. Thanks, Jay.^

"Anytime, bro."

"Adam!" called Tommy, "Come here!"

Adam turned around, and leapt away from Labius, leaving the Yellow, Blue, and Pink Rangers to battle the monster, mostly using martial arts so as not to damage the city further with stray energy bolts.

"What's up? Did Zordon figure out how to stop Labius?"

"Maybe. Listen, could you go into the Louvre and find the Mona Lisa? Jason said there's a strange magical energy barrier, and it may be the key to stopping Labius."

"I'll be back in a flash!" said Adam, running into the now abandoned museum. He looks back for a moment, watching all four of his friends try to gain the upper hand on the monster. Adam then turns back, and runs into the museum.

"Okay," he said aloud, "Now, how do I find the Mona Lisa?"

He looks around the entrance for a while, and sees a front desk. He leaps behind the desk, and sees a stack of tourist maps.

"Perfect," he said, opening a map and examining it closely, "The Mona Lisa is on special display, behind a glass casing, this way."

Adam folded the map and ran in the direction of the Mona Lisa. He took a few seconds to glance at the amazing masterpieces along the way.

Wow, this stuff is amazing, he thought, So much history and beauty... I gotta remember to come back here and tour this place again, when I've got the time.

Finally, Adam runs down a hallway, and sees a glass cube on a pedestal, surrounded by rope. Inside that cube is the Mona Lisa herself. However, there is more surrounding the painting than just a few feet of clear glass. A translucent bubble, shimmering in every color of the rainbow, covered the painting and the glass encasing from every angle, obscuring the view of the painting.

"This must be the barrier Tommy was talking about," Adam said, raising his wrist to his mouth, "I'd better tell him what I found. Tommy, this is Adam. Tommy, come in. Tommy?"

Adam looked at his wrist communicator, puzzled.

I guess the barrier is interfering with outside communications. So, now what do I do?

Adam cautiously reached out to touch the bubble with his gloved hand. As soon as he made contact with the magical sphere, a powerful force shoved him into the wall behind him. Adam crumpled to the ground, and then stood up painfully.

"Ouch!" he moaned, rubbing his back, "That hurt. Well, I think its safe to assume this bubble is bad news. And if Lord Zedd put it here, then we definitely don't want it here."

Adam lifted his Zeo pistol from his holster, and set it on medium power. He then pointed the pistol at the sphere.

"Hopefully, if I destroy this bubble, Zedd's magic spell will be broken," he said, firing the gun. A streak of red laser shot from the pistol, slamming into the bubble. However, the attack didn't seem to affect the bubble.

"Hmmm. Maybe a dose of full power will pop this bubble!"

Adam set his pistol to maximum, and once again fired at the bubble. He held the laser beam as long as he could, until the gun began to overheat. However, the magical sphere remained unharmed.

"Well, this isn't working," he said, putting his pistol back into the holster, "Zeo IV Power Punch!"

Ribbons of green energy cascaded around Adam's fist, and he punched the bubble with all his might. Again, as soon as his hand touched the bubble, he was thrown back into the wall by an overwhelming force.

"Oooh, better not try that again. Okay, I can't touch it, and I can't burn it... maybe I just need to hit it with more raw power. Zeo IV Power Hatchets!!"

Two powerful hatchets appeared in Adam's hands, and he held them up high. He then brought them both down in an X shape, forming two crossing streaks of green energy. The streaks plowed into the sphere, immediately crushing the colorful force bubble. The bubble exploded, filling the room with thick smoke. Adam waved the smoke away, and approached the Mona Lisa. The glass frame wasundamaged, except a little dusty, and once the dust was wiped away, the Mona Lisa could be seenin all its glory, mouth included.

"Well, the Mona Lisa's back in one piece," said Adam, running back towards the entrance, "I'd better check in with the others."

Adam hurried through the museum, and in a few minutes he was back on the street. There, he saw the smoking remains of Labius, and he was greeted with four high fives.

"Great work, Adam!" said Tommy.

"Yeah!" said Tanya, hugging the Green Ranger, "Labius screamed, and then she exploded. And we didn't do anything to her! We assume you somehow broke Zedd's spell."

"Is the painting alright?" asked Katherine.

"Yeah. There was a force bubble around the painting, and every time I touched it, I was thrown into the wall. So, I used my hatchets to demolish it, and then the Mona Lisa was released from under it, mouth and all."

"Well, another one bites the dust!" announced Rocky, "Now, we can go home and rest."

"We beat Zedd's monster," said Tommy solemnly, "but the battle isn't over yet. I think maybe Zedd sent this monster here as a diversion, so we couldn't help Kim and the others on Venus Island. We have to go back to the Power Chamber, and stand ready in case Kim contacts us. This isn't over yet. All agreed?"

Adam, Katherine, Tanya, and Rocky all nodded mutely, and they vanished from the street in four beams of colored light.

On the mysterious Venus Island, a small white owl flies towards the highest tower of the palace of Mount Ambrosia, the soft orange light of dawn illuminating its silken feathers. The owl sails into the open window, and perches on a full length mirror beside the bed in the chamber. The owl looks around quickly, and then lands on the floor behind the mirror, transforming into the tall, slender form of the Venusian keeper of the Great Power-- Dulcea. Dulcea peeks out from behind the mirror.

Well, I see no one in this chamber, but that doesn't mean the palace is deserted. This room was the bedroom of my sister Naya centuries ago, when Venus Island was a peaceful, happy world. Now, the isle is under the rule of a murderous villain, but hopefully not for long.

Dulcea sneaks out and gazes at the mirror itself.

This is no ordinary mirror! It is a communication device, similar to the Viewing Globe in the Power Chamber. This can come in handy once the battle is fought.

Dulcea summoned her staff from thin air, and cautiously approached the door. She put her ear to the wooden door, listening for any noise from the other side.

I hear two voices, she thought, most likely guards. I was expecting more than merely two, though.

She quickly thrust the door open, much to the surprise of the two young women guarding the door from outside.

"Who dares intrude on the room of Queen Syren herself?" asked one of the women, holding out a sword. Dulcea looked at her curiously.

"Jezebel," she said, "A young priestess who was never taught the ways of Ninjetti. It is a pity you choose to fight me."

Jezebel thrust her sword at Dulcea, but Dulcea moved quickly and grabbed the younger girl by the wrist. She then hit her on the head, knocking her unconscious. Meanwhile, the other guard only stared at Duclea in mute awe. Dulcea looked up at her.

"I am Martia," said the girl, "another priestess never taught Ninjetti. Welcome, Dulcea, sister of Naya! I pray you are successful in saving the isle this time."

Martia hugged Dulcea, much to the latter's surprise.

"You choose not to fight me? Syren would have your head for this."

"She can have it, be she so bold as to come and claim it," said Martia sadly, "I grow so tired of serving such a bloodthirsty witch, and now she has chosen to further disgrace the memory of good Queen Naya by killing her descendants. Syren is no Venusian. She is corrupt and evil, like Divatox."

"Then, why do you serve her?"

"Because there is nothing I could do to stop her. Many of us revile the queen, but there is nothing we can do against her. No one here has a right to the throne, and Syren has a powerful ally in Lord Zedd. We cannot hope to win."

"Yes you can, Martia," said Dulcea with a smile, "Quickly tell me where the dungeon is. I shall free our sisters from the dungeon, and we shall storm the courtyard and finally end Syren's evil reign."

"The only way to enter the dungeon is through the throne room. Behind the curtains behind the throne is a gate, usually guarded by two Venusians. One of them has the key. Once inside, you continue down a set of stone stairs for nearly a quarter of a mile, with a Venusian guard every six yards of so. Finally, there is one locked gate, and behind that is the prison where each Venusian who refused to serve Syren is bound to the wall. Ever since you, the Queen, Avagone, Leila, and Erwina escaped, Syren has ordered an even greater amount of security. Since there is a festival, though,there may not be so many guards. Shall I come with you, Sister?"

"No. Hide Jezebel in the Queen's chamber, so that everything may seem well. If I fail, I do not want you to pay the price, Sister. Farewell."

Martia nodded as Dulcea hurried down the hall and down the stairs. Every so often, Dulcea encountered Syren's guards, but to her surprise, many of them were unwilling to fight the keeper of the Ninjetti power. By the time she reached the throne room, she had encountered over a dozen soldiers willing to help her save the prisoners. They were all told to stand there ground until the prisoners were freed, and to keep watch on the unconscious Venusians who were faithful to Syren. When Dulcea reached the throne room, she snuck past the guards and entered the gate leading to the rose garden behind the palace. Once she was outside, she quickly ducked behind a bush, so shewouldn't be seen, and cautiously glanced towards the stage. She saw Kimberly and Syren stillfighting, and Syren seemed to be gaining the upper hand.

Come on, Princess,Duclea thought as she watched, Have faith in yourself, and in your animal guide!

Dulcea crept through the rose garden, and soon she encountered Renee, hiding by the gate.

"Renee," she whispered, "I have found the dungeon."

"Great!" said Renee, "I was starting to worry about you. You've been gone for a while."

"Yes. There were many guards stationed inside the palace, but many of them chose to join us in a rebellion. There may be more Venusians we can count as friends, meaning we aren't truly outnumbered."

"Fantastic! Where are they?"

"They are inside the castle, keeping watch. Two women can sneak into the dungeon more effectively than a dozen. Once we free our sisters in the dungeon, we all shall regroup here in the garden and surround the courtyard. Hopefully Kimberly shall win, but I have a feeling Syren will cheat to keep her throne. If Kimberly loses due to an unfair battle, then we must intervene."

"And if Kim loses fair and square?"

"Then there is nothing we can do to save her life. But, we can still take back Venus Island. Follow me."

Renee silently followed Dulcea through the thick garden, tilting her head to see the fight on the stage.

Oh, you better win this one, Girl. We won't be able to help you!

Upon the stage, Kimberly has reverted to a defensive tactic, trying her best to deflect Syren's powerful blows with her own sword. Syren continues to advance on the young princess, and Kimberly is constantly stepping back, keeping aware of the blazing fire behind her.

"You haven't a chance against me, Hybrid!" declared Syren, "You fight as if you've never held a blade before!"

Well, I really haven't Kim thought to herself, I always fought with my Power Bow, and occasionally I used the blaster/blade. But I really don't know how to use this sword! It's a wonder I can even keep up with Syren. She may not be much of a fighter in terms of Venusian standards, but she is still way outta my league! I better come up with something fast, or I'm toast!

As Kimberly ducked and dodged, a soft, gentle voice echoed in her mind.

*Kimberly Hart of the tribe of Naya,* said the voice, *Ninjetti warrior and princess, hear me!*

Who are you, thought Kim, And why are you in my head?!

*I am the Crane, child, your animal guide. You are fighting a battle that you can only win on your own terms.*

What do you mean?

*You have chosen to fight by Syren's rules. You use a sword, a weapon she is proficient with, that you have never mastered. You cannot beat Syren in a duel of swords. However, you can win a match of wits.*

You're right! I can win this, if I fight with my own tactics!

Kimberly then dropped the cumbersome sword, and leapt high into the air. Syren, who was caught completely unawares by Kim's sudden action, was in the middle of a powerful slice with her sword. Before she could recover her bearings, Kimberly had landed behind her, and delivered a sharp kick to the small of Syren's back. Syren fell forward, dropping her Hyperion blade into the pit of fire, and just missing the pit herself. Syren then rolled quickly to the side, and rose to her feet. However, she wasn't able duck before Kimberly fiercely whip kicked her in the face, and swept her to the ground. Syren fell on her back this time, with a thin stream of blood streaming from her lip. Kimberly then lifted her Hyperion Blade to Syren's throat, and held it on her skin. The blade began to glow with red flames, and Syren could feel its burning touch.

"Well," she said, "what are you waiting for? Kill me already!"

Kimberly continued to stare coldly into Syren's gray eyes, but she didn't deliver the final strike.

"Dulcea told me that Venusian's don't kill their own," Kim said quietly, "Even though you have betrayed us by murdering our sisters and pledging yourself to such an evil being as Lord Zedd, I can't bring myself to kill you in cold blood. Do you yield to me, and surrender your crown and your soldiers?"

"Yes," Syren whispered, "I yield."

Kimberly smiled and withdrew the blade from Syren's neck. She then looked up, and saw most of the Venusians in the crowd cheer her victory. She then looked to the sky, and saw a small white owl flying overhead.

I knew Dulcea was looking over me, she thought to herself.

Suddenly, Kim felt a sharp blade slice through her back. She fell to her knees, and everyone gasped to see the handle of a small dagger sticking out from her back.

"Nice battle, little girl," said Syren, "Too bad you managed to throw my blade into the fire. That knife in your back won't finish you, but it will certainly slow you down long enough."

Syren bent over and picked up the Hyperion Blade Kimberly had dropped. Syren raised the blade high, but before she could deliver the final blow, the white owl swooped down and grabbed the blade with its claws. Syren gasped as the bird landed on the ground, and transformed into the form of Dulcea.

"Despicable, vile traitor!" cried Dulcea, holding the sword in her hand, "How dare you stab the princess in the back! You lost the fight, and you relinquished your crown!"

Renee ran onto the stage, and helped Kimberly to her feet. Dulcea held the sword to Syren and turned to face the crowds.

"Sisters!" she cried, "You have served this evil being for long enough! Syren has murdered in cold blood, and now she dares stab Kimberly in the back, after she was merciful enough to spare her life! She has gone too far, and now her reign of terror is over!! Now is the day of reckoning! Do you stand beside Syren, or do you stand beside Kimberly, victor of the final battle, and child of Naya?"

To Syren's horror, all of the Venusians in the crowd cried for Kimberly. Syren's eyes flared with rage, and she created a powerful blast, knocking everyone besides herself off the stage. Syren rose to her feet, and ran behind the stage, where Scorpina, her most faithful warrior, waited.

"I have not lost yet!" cried Syren angrily, "Scorpina, you must go to the mirror in my bedchamber, and contact Lord Zedd. Tell him to send a monster, and help me regain my throne! I shall finish off Kimberly, once and for all!"

Scorpina nodded, and Syren snuck around the stage, cloaking herself with a spell of mist. On the ground beside the stage, Renee and Dulcea helped Kim to her feet.

"What happened?" Kim asked drearily.

"You were stabbed, Princess," said Dulcea, "But you shall soon heal. Syren and Scorpina have fled, but the other Venusians support you. Renee and I managed to free the imprisoned Venusians, and they are all here now, for you to command."

"We... we have to find Syren and Scorpina! If they try to get Zedd to help, then we're in real trouble."

Dulcea nodded, and then saw a suspicious flash of golden light. She looked up, and saw a shrouded figure running into the palace.

"Scorpina," she whispered, "She shall not escape me again! Renee, tend to Kimberly. I'll follow Scorpina!"

Dulcea ran after Scorpina, and all the other Venusians searched the grounds for Syren. Little did they know that she hid beneath the stage, waiting for her chance to attack.

"I will have my revenge!" she whispered to herself, watching as Renee removed the knife from Kimberly's back.

"You'll be fine in a few minutes, Kim," said Renee quietly, "The wound is already healing."

Kim smiled, and in the corner of her eye, she saw Syren peaking out from behind a wooden beam. She gasped.

"Renee!" she cried, "Look out!"

Renee turned around just in time to see Syren approaching menacingly. Renee's eyes glowed orange, and a snarl crossed her face.

"Oh, no you don't!" she cried, throwing her hand up, "You're finished, Creep!"

A powerful ball of orange energy flew from Renee's palm, crashing into Syren's stomach and throwing the former queen onto the stage. She rolled back helplessly on the marble, and fell into the pit of flames meant for her enemies. Her cries of agony chilled all those who heard it to the bone.

"I... oh my God!" shrieked Renee, holding her hand to her mouth, "I didn't mean to..."

"Its okay, 'Ne," said Kim quietly, sitting up, "It wasn't your fault. Syren had her chance to surrender, and she didn't take it."

"How do you feel, Kim?" asked Renee, helping the young princess to her feet.

"I'm okay," Kim said, "But I will be better once my family is free, and Scorpina is captured."

Renee and Kim walked over to the cage enclosing Kelly. Kelly was holding her knees to her chin, quaking with fear. Not far away was the larger cage, holding the other part-Venusians. Kim gestured for Renee to free them, while she unlocked the cage holding Kelly. Kelly looked up at Kimberly, her eyes shining with tears.

"Kim?" she asked quietly, "Is that really you?"

"You got it, cuz," Kim said, smiling brightly, "C'mon. Let's get you outta there."

Kim took Kelly's hand, and helped her young cousin out of the cage. Kelly then hugged Kim tightly, crying softly.

"Its okay, Kell," Kimberly whispered, holding her cousin tightly, "Its all over. Nothing's gonna happen to you now."

Kimberly looked up to the palace and sighed.

I have to talk to Dulcea. I don't know what we're gonna do now. We've defeated Syren, but will Lord Zedd show up? I hope Dulcea can stop Scorpina, before things really get outta hand.

Not far away, Scorpina hurries into Syren's bedroom in the highest tower of the castle. She quickly bolts the door behind her, and waves her hand before the reflective glass. Then the foreboding image of Lord Zedd appeared.

^Well,^ said Lord Zedd, ^are you ready to come home now, Scorpina?^

"Lord Zedd," Scorpina panted, "Syren has been beaten! She needs you help immediately, or Venus Island is lost!"

^What do I care?^ scoffed Lord Zedd, ^I'm tired of coming to that loser's aid! She swore to me that the Red, Green, and Blue Rangers were out of my hair for good, but they were certainly well enough to destroy my monster in Paris! Syren is weak, and she deserves her fate.^

"But, what of Venus Island?"

^Venus Island is lost, Scorpina. Its not important enough for me to strain myself further. Step through the looking glass, my assassin, and rejoin my ranks. This pointless battle is at an end.^

Scorpina delayed for a moment, until she heard a banging on the bolted door. She then hurriedly leapt through the glass, magically teleporting her to the Moon Palace. Seconds later, the door finally caved in, and Dulcea entered the room warily. She searched the chamber, until her eyes fell upon the magical mirror.

"Scorpina must've fled," Dulcea said to herself, "She may have escaped this day, but she will soon pay for the crimes she committed. Just like her evil mistress. This battle is over. After centuries of suffering and turmoil, the battle is finally over."

Dulcea once again transforms into a snow owl, and sails through the open window down to the stage, where Kimberly and Renee were talking to the ten other Venusian descendants. She landed on the stage, and reverted back to her true form.

"Did you find Scorpina?" asked Kimberly.

"No. I believe she has fled the isle, most likely back to Lord Zedd. But Syren is gone, so I feel we have finished the battle. I don't think Lord Zedd will try to recapture the isle. We have won."

"I can't believe Scorpina got away!" said Renee angrily, "She killed my mother!"

"Don't worry," said Kim, "She'll get hers soon enough. So, what do we do now, Dulcea?"

"The battle has been won, so now we must restore Venus Island to all her majestic beauty. Also, we need to crown a queen."

"You'll make a great queen, Dulcea," said Renee with a smile. Duclea shook her head.

"No, I must return to Phaedos and guard the Great Power. It is my destiny. Kimberly, you're the one who defeated Syren, and you are of Naya's family. You are the best choice for queen."

Kim looked at Dulcea in surprise. "I can't be queen! I have to get home! Besides, I'm more human that Venusian. I can't live here, much less rule here."

"Someone has to lead the people and rebuild the isle, and the people seem to believe in you, Kimberly. Full Venusian or not, you have the strength of character needed to rule. This isle needs a strong leader, Princess, and I feel no one could be a better monarch than you."

In the Power Chamber, the Zeo Rangers wait anxiously for any news regarding Kimberly's siege on Venus Island. Katherine sits quietly on a chair, beside her friend Tanya. Adam and Rocky stand together in silence, constantly checking the Viewing Globe to see if any visual information can be found. Jason helps Alpha Five try to recalibrate the Viewing Globe so it can receive messages from the enchanted isle. Tommy, however, had decided to leave the Power Chamber, sitting outside on the mountain and watching the Sun peacefully hover over the horizon. He stared at the Sun, and then glanced at the Pacific Ocean in the distance.

Somewhere out there, Kim's risking her life to save her family, he thought, I may never see her again. Even though I was depressed when Kim decided to leave the rangers to attend the Pan-Global Games, I took some solace in the fact that she'd be safe. Since she wouldn't be a Power Ranger, she could just live a normal life. No one would try to hurt her. Now, I'm sitting here completely helpless as the woman I loved more than anything tries to conquer impossible odds.

Tommy sighed and stood up, walking to the edge of the cliff and looking out at the sea. A weak smile crossed his bronzed face. Loved? Who am I kidding? I still love Kim, more than anything. I mean, I do love Kat, but its just not the same. Kat and I are like really close friends, but when I was with Kim, it just felt so right! Her bright smile lit up my day! I more than just loved her. I admired her. Her spirit, her energy, her courage, her beauty, her intelligence, her innocence... no one can really compare to her.

Tommy was shaken out of his reverie when he heard footsteps crossing the parched and rocky ground. He smiled and turned around, to see the face of his best friend.

"Hey, Jason," he said quietly, "Any news about Kimberly?"

"Yeah, bro," said Jason, "Alpha and I have established visual contact with Venus Island. The magical barrier blocking the island has vanished."

"That's a good sign, right?" said Tommy, walking to the Power Chamber. Jason smiled and followed.

"It should be."

As the two young men entered the dark Power Chamber, Tanya, Adam, Rocky, and Katherine were standing side by side around the Viewing Globe, looking at an image of Kimberly. Kim's full body was visible, and she was wearing her pink Ninjetti priestess leotard, complete with pearly wings and glittering tiara. Behind her was Dulcea and Renee Ryan, both wearing their uniforms.

^Hey guys,^ said Kim cheerily, ^What's up? Did you defeat that lip monster?^

"Piece of cake," said Rocky, "Labius is finished, and the lips were restored to the Mona Lisa unharmed. Everything's going great here."

^That's good,^ said Renee, ^We're in Syren's bedchamber, using her magic mirror to contact you guys.^

^Yeah,^ said Kimberly, ^Everything's fine. We managed to save the descendants, as well as free the Venusians in the dungeon. Together, we defeated Syren and retook Venus Island. Renee managed to cast a really powerful spell, canceling out the blocking spell Lord Zedd had placed around the isle to keep it masked from the Power Chamber.^

Renee shrugged modestly. ^Just doing my job, Princess.^

"Princess?" asked Rocky in surprise.

^Yes,^ said Dulcea, stepping forward, ^Kimberly is of the bloodline of Naya, and she was our queen. Since Naya is dead, one of her descendants must take the throne. Kimberly is the only one of the tribe of Naya still living to have enough potential to summon the full power of a Venusian. This is most likely because she was exposed to the Great Power at a young age.^

"So, when are you two coming back?" asked Tanya, "If you hurry, you should be able to make it in time for the Pan-Global individuals competition."

The smiles on Kim and Renee's faces fell. Kim looked up at her friends, with a serious expression.

^I...we... we're not coming back, Tanya,^ she said quietly, ^Renee and I have decided to stay on Venus Island. For good.^


The Power Chamber was silent. On the Viewing Globe, Kimberly Anne Hart, the former Pink Ranger and now Venusian Princess, has just announced that she would remain on Venus Island forever. The first person to regain his voice is Tommy, although he could feel his throat closing up.

"Why?" he managed to choke out.

^Well, Duclea said it herself. I'm a princess of Venus Island, and I'm the only one with the power potential equal to a full blooded Venusian. Plus, I'm the one who defeated Syren in one-to-one combat. The throne is my right, as well as my responsibility. I must stay and rule Venus Island as Queen.^

"Why can't Dulcea be queen?" Tommy asked desperately, "I mean, she's a full blooded Venusian, and she's Naya's sister!"

^I cannot stay on Venus Island permanently, Tommy,^ said Dulcea, ^I must return to Phaedos soon, and continue protecting the Great Power with Ninjor. I am the guardian of the Power, not a queen. Kimberly is the only candidate for the throne.^

"But, you don't know the first thing about being a queen!" said Rocky, "What're ya gonna do?"

^Dulcea has agreed to stay for as long as she can, training me in fighting, governing, as well as the observances and culture of Venus,^ said Kimberly, ^Its my duty.^

"You know we'll really miss you, Kim," said Katherine quietly. Kim's eyes shone with unshed tears, and she smiled wanely at her friends.

^What're ya talking about, Kat! It's not like I'm dying or something! I'll be here on Venus Island, and you can contact me whenever you need backup. Me and Renee will be there at a moment's notice, along with as many of my Venusian warriors you may need! Besides, I'd like you guys to come visit me. Soon.^

"You got it, Kim," said Jason, "But what about the other descendants? Are they all staying with you?"

^Not permanently,^ said Renee, ^We were planning on having a victory celebration in a couple of days, after we get this place cleaned up and organize the festivities. Kim'll be officially crowned then. Caroline Hart and the others all want to stay for the celebration, and spend a few days learning about their ancestry. Kim and I would really love it if you'd attend the celebration.^

"We'll be there," said Tommy, "You can count on it."

A few days later, the five Zeo Rangers, accompanied by the former Gold Ranger Jason Lee, materialized on the shore of Venus Island. However, the scene was nothing like Tommy or Jason remembered it. The sand was pearly white, reflecting the soft rays of the noon sun. The waters were crystal clear and as blue as the sky, with gentle waves caressing the shore. Beautiful seashells of infinite colors, shapes, and sizes decorated the shore, adding a splash of color to the white sand. The grassline began only a few yards inland, and instead of the deadly venus flytraps that sprouted, there were lovely tropical flowers spotting the lush green grass. The rest of the island was hidden in a dense jungle, all but a magnificent mountain, whose peak reached into the clouds.

"Wow," said Katherine quietly, "This place is magnificent."

"Gorgeous," said Tanya.

"Spectacular," said Adam.

"Cool," said Rocky. The others all stared at him in utter amazement. He only shrugged his shoulders sheepishly. "Okay, I admit it! I'm not a poet, okay? Sue me!"

As the rangers began to laugh, a rustling in the forest could be heard. They turned around, and saw Renee Ryan step out of the dense vegetation. She was wearing a short, silk orange toga, with three fine golden chains as straps, and a golden belt with the image of a tiger on the buckle. Her feet were wrapped in leather sandals, and her long hair tumbled loosely around her face. She smiled cheerily at her guests.

"Hey everyone! How've ya been?"

"Not bad," said Rocky, "Things've been pretty quiet since the Labius monster. I guess Zedd decided to take a break."

"Well, we have final exams in a few weeks, so I hope Zedd keeps quiet for a while," said Tanya. "Where's Kimberly anyway?" asked Tommy, looking around expectantly, "I mean, I was under the impression that she'd meet us."

"Well, Dulcea's been working our young princess relentlessly," said Renee, gesturing towards the jungle, "So Kim asked me to come down and guide you all to Ambrosia, the city atop the mountain."

"That looks like an awful long hike," said Rocky.

"Well, its a long walk, but the scenery is great. For some reason, the only window for teleportation is the shore. I think Dulcea said something about the altitude of Mount Ambrosia interfering with the teleporter."

The rangers all followed Renee into the jungle, marvelling at the splendid array of exotic plants and animals they saw on their hike. Tommy sped up and walked side by side with Renee as the others trailed behind.

"How's Kim doing?" he asked quietly.

"She's tired, but fine," said Renee, "Dulcea wants to get back to Phaedos ASAP, so she's pushing Kim to the limit. But, Kim's always been capable of dealing with pressure. I guess that's what makes her such a great gymnast."

"Speaking of gymnasts, what's gonna happen to your careers? You and Kim are celebrities, Renee. You can't just disappear without a trace."

"I know, I know. Its probably really tough on my dad and sister, too. Kim said we can tell our loved ones what really happened to us, and maybe the Power Rangers can tell the world that Kim and I were killed in an attempt by Rita and Zedd to sabotage the Pan Global Games, or something creative like that."

"Oh," said Tommy, looking down, "So, you're definitely never coming back?"

"So long as Kim and I live on Venus Island, the magic in the air and earth will keep us immortal. Someone has to rule this island, and Kim really is perfect for the job. I'm taking the place my mother held in Naya's court. I'm the head enchantress--a general."

Tommy nodded mutely, and slowed down, falling into step with his friends. Katherine, Tanya, Adam, and Rocky were all still enthralled by the beauty of Venus Island. Jason walked beside his best friend, studying his face curiously.

Man, I sure hope he gets the nerve to talk to Kim before we leave, he thought, I haven't seen Tommy this depressed since he lost his Green Ranger power. Losing Kim to that "other guy" must've really been tough for him, but losing her to fate might be even worse. At least he had hope before, but now it looks like their relationship was just not to be.

"Okay guys!" called Renee, coming to a stop at a curtain of vines, "Welcome to Ambrosia, home of the Venusians!"

Renee smiled widely as she parted the curtain of grapevines, revealing a magnificent city of white pillars, marble statues, flowing fountains, and in the center, a pearly palace, with silver gates. The entire city was surrounded by a fine golden fence. Renee touched her hand to the keyhole at the door of the fence, and it swung open, allowing the seven teens passage into the city of myth. Dozens of beautiful women, all wearing silk gowns similar to Renee's, stopped what they were doing to greet the rangers, ask questions of them, and answer their questions. Tommy couldn't pay attention to them, though. He was too busy gazing up at the palace longingly. Katherine stopped chatting with one Venusian, and turned to follow Tommy's gaze. Her heart fell as she looked at him, and she touched his hand gently. Tommy's hand retracted from her touch, and Kat looked away sadly. Soon, the group was separated, with Tanya and Adam going off with a group of Venusians to explore more of the jungle, Rocky following another group to the kitchens where the feast was being prepared, and Katherine went to examine some of the Venusian sculptures more closely. Renee took Jason for a tour of the entire city, leaving Tommy by the fountain. He sat down on the marble edge of the fountain, staring at the water trickling from the small statue of a woman, holding a bowl of water. Tommy sighed as he stared at the statue, not knowing that a pair of doe-brown eyes was watching him from above.

"Kimberly! Will you please pay attention to me?!"

Kimberly quickly turned away from the window she was gazing out of, and turned to her mentor in surprise.

"What did you say, Dulcea?" she asked sheepishly. She then felt a sharp prick from a needle. "Ow!"

"I'm sorry, dear," said Caroline Hart, "but I can't sew this gown with you moving so much! Keep still, or we'll never have you ready for the feast tonight!"

Kim sighed quietly and stood up straight, allowing her mother and her aunt Josephine to continue sewing another layer of silver lace over her soft pink silken gown. Not far, Kim's cousin Kelly was busy polishing the jewelry Kimberly was to wear for the occasion--a silver tiara, silver wing earrings, and a choker with the emblem of the Crane skillfully etched in its face. Beside her, Dulcea was standing, holding out her staff.

"Now listen, Kimberly, this is important," said Dulcea, "You know that, as leader of Venus Island, you are in charge of battles as well. You must lead your army into battle. You may someday have to aid the Power Rangers against Lord Zedd, or even face Divatox if she may return. Now, the primary weapon of a Venusian priestess is the staff. You've seen me use it in battle before. You can use it as a shield, a weapon, or you can separate it at the center to create the twin Whistling Sticks."

Dulcea snapped her staff into two pieces, and demonstrated the whistling attack she had used on Ivan Ooze's Tenga Warriors over a year ago. Kim, Caroline, Jo, and Kelly all covered their ears desperately, trying to block out the horrible scratching sound of the sticks.

"Okay, okay!" shrieked Kim, "I get the message!"

Dulcea sighed and stopped twirling the sticks. She snapped her staff back together and approached Kimberly. "What is distracting you so, Kimberly? In only two hours, you shall be crowned queen of Venus Island, and come the dawn, I shall return to Phaedos. We must finish preparations. What could possibly be on your mind now?"

Kim sighed, and blushed a rosy pink. She then gestured out the window. Dulcea peered out the window, and her gaze fell upon Tommy, silently sitting by the fountain. Dulcea sighed loudly.

"The Red Ranger?" she asked, "Child, you have no time to be daydreaming!"

"Give her a break, Dulcea," said Caroline, sewing a silver sash just below Kimberly's waistline, "She's a young girl in love. What's the big deal?"

"The 'big deal' is that there is nothing she can do about it! Kimberly shall soon be crowned queen of Venus Island, and she shall rule this isle forever. The boy is a human, he'll be dead in fifty years or so."

All the women present gasped at the crude statement. Kimberly's eyes glassed over, and she once again lost herself as she gazed upon Tommy's depressed form. "You're right, Duclea. It wouldn't be right. I'm not even human. He deserves someone who can give her life to him, as well as her love. Tommy'll always have my heart, but I can't give him my life. Its just not mine to give."

"Oh, honey," cooed Caroline, hugging her only daughter warmly, "I'm so sorry things didn't work out between you and Tommy. Maybe you should talk to him, and tell him how you feel."

"But why?" she asked her mother, "I can't be with him, anyway! And besides, he's got Katherine now. He's happy with Kat, and so I'm happy."

"Does he look happy to you, Kim?" asked Kelly, pointing out at Tommy, "If you just talk to him, and let everything out in the open, at least you can live with yourself and move on. Who knows, Tommy might just cheer up abit if he knew you still had the hots for him."

"I don't believe this," sighed Kim, "I'm taking love advice from my fourteen year old cousin!"

"And its good advice, too!" said Kelly proudly, turning her attention back to the jewelry.

"Whatever you decide to do regarding the Red Ranger," said Dulcea, "it can wait until after the coronation ceremony. You know, you must declare to your people what your goals will be, and in which direction you shall steer our isle. Do you have anything planned?"

"Actually, I kinda do," said Kim, "But you'll have to wait until the ceremony. By the way, don't you guys have to get dressed too?"

"You're the princess, dear," said Caroline, stitching the sash, "so you come first. Here! I think its done!"

Kimberly sighed in relief and stepped down from the platform. She walked over to the full length mirror, and studied her appearance carefully. "Wow, Mom. Its fantastic," she whispered.

The gown was made of a very soft shade of pink silk. It was a strapless gown with a V neck, which hugged her slim form down to her hips, where a silver sash was wrapped. Connected to the sash was a delicate net of silver lace, stitched with images of stars that glittered in the light. The gown reached the floor, stretching out due to the layers of soft silk that composed the dress. The gown was dignified and elegant, but at the same time glamorous and flattering to her slender, athletic figure.

Josephine walked over to her niece, with a sheet of translucent pink silk with silver hem. She attached the sheet to the silver choker, and snapped the choker onto Kimberly's neck. The pink silk formed a delicate, flowing cape, much like the cape of her Ninjetti uniform, that converts to wings. Kim gasped at the gown.

"You really look like a princess now, Kim," said Caroline softly, once again hugging her daughter, "I'm so proud of you."

"We all are," said Kelly, and the four women embraced in an emotional group hug. Dulcea stood against the wall, watching the family as they hugged. Kimberly is strong, but she is also very sensitive, she mused, She shall no doubt make a superb leader, and she shall only get better with time.

And sunset, the hundreds of Venusians filled the Great Hall in the palace of Ambrosia. There were dozens of tables, all set with a splendid selection of gourmet foods. There were two other tables, elevated on a podium. They were both to the side of a throne, which sat high above everything else.

A red carpet stretched from the throne to the gate of the palace, and Dulcea stood before the throne, wearing a simple but nonetheless elegant white silken gown with silver trim. In her hand was a red pillow, with the silver crown seated upon it. All the seats were filled, with the exception of the two tables beside the throne, and the throne itself. Dulcea cleared her throat to gain the attention of the others.

"My sisters, today we celebrate a most joyous occasion. Only days ago, our lovely isle was freed from the tyranny and evil that gripped our sacred home for millennia. It was supposed to be the anniversary of Queen Naya's murder, but it turned out to be Venus Island's day of independence! We are no longer slaves to wicked rulers, whether it be Lord Zedd or Syren and her minions. The beauty of our home has been restored in its entirety, and we now step into a new era of peace and joy on Venus Island."

Before Dulcea could even finish her sentence, she was interrupted by applause and shouts of joy from her sisters. She laughed slightly and then raised her hand to silence them.

"The victory we celebrate today is very special, and it would never have happened had it not been for a number of dedicated servants of truth. First, allow me to present the descendants of our lost Leila, Avagone, and Queen Naya! They selflessly aided us in the rebellion against Syren, and we welcome them home."

The crowds once again cheered enthusiastically as Renee Ryan, Andrea Turner, Silvia Turner, Elisa Manning, Janette Manning, Elizabeth Turner, Christina Hendren, Jo Trent, Kelly Trent, Courtney Davis, and Caroline Hart entered the ballroom, all wearing snow white floor length togas. They waved at their sisters and took seats on the table to the right of the throne, with Renee sitting beside the throne itself.

"Our sisters here are with us today to celebrate with us, as well as to learn of the culture to which they belong. However, they shall be leaving after the celebration, with the exception of Renee, so we will always remember them, and we ask they never forget us."

The Venusians expressed their love for their sisters by cheering and applauding. The descendants were welcomed into the Venusian family, even though they were more human then Venusian. When the cheering stopped, Dulcea continued.

"As you know, we received additional help in our battle against evil. Although they did not come to the isle during the uprising, they assisted us whenever possible, and we owe them a great deal of thanks. Although they are from the world of Man, they shall always be welcomed and honored guests of Venus Island. They are the Zeo Rangers."

Then, the five Zeo Rangers and Jason Lee stepped into the ballroom, walking single file to the table in morphin order. Jason walked behind Tommy, and sat in the chair beside the throne on the left. The crowd cheered the Power Rangers, and they removed their helmets, revealing flattered and honored expressions. Then, the room became deadly silent, as footsteps could be heard from behind the gate. Dulcea fell to one knee on the floor next to the red carpet, directly in front of the throne, and the other Venusians bowed their heads in respect for the next person. The gates parted, and the rangers and descendants all watched as the new queen made her dazzling entrance. All the rangers were mute in admiration, and the descendants, especially Caroline Hart, smiled in respect and pride. Kimberly gracefully stepped across the room, her soft pink gown gently caressing the carpet as she walked. The cape trailed behind her, flowing in the soft breeze. Her hair was styled in a mass of soft, golden brown curls, held in place by two silver clasps in the shape of wings. Her earrings also were wing shaped, and they matched the clasps perfectly. The image of a Crane was etched on her choker, and it shimmered in the light. The male rangers were completely speechless at Kimberly's unsurpassed grace and beauty. Tommy was so enthralled by Kimberly's serene smile, he didn't even notice Katherine gaze at him with a sad smile on her face.

I knew this would happen, she thought grimly, not taking her eyes off Tommy, He still loves her, more than life itself. More than... than me. Well, like I said before, it doesn't matter what I feel. So long as Tommy's happy. If he loves Kim, he can never be happy with me. I saw this coming a mile away. The question is--what do I do about it? He and Kim can never be together again, not with Kim ruling Venus Island. By this time tomorrow, Kim'll be gone again. But is that what I really want, for Kim to just disappear and stop interfering with my life? No, I don't think so. I just want Tommy to be happy. That's not too much to ask, is it?

Kimberly stopped as she passed Dulcea, and nodded at her. Dulcea rose to her feet, and Kimberly sat upon the throne, between Renee and Jason. Dulcea followed her, and gently placed the crown on Kimberly's head. Dulcea then stepped down, and the crowds lifted their heads, but remained silent. They awaited their new queen to speak.

"Sisters," said Kimberly, "today is the beginning of a new era for us. Now that the inner threat has been taken care of, we can be at peace. However, the war isn't over. Lord Zedd is still out there, and so is Divatox, and countless other evil beings. We are not the defenders of Earth, though. That job belongs to the Power Rangers. However, since they helped us, I feel we should help them. So, from now on, the Power Rangers shall be our allies, and whenever they call us for assistance, we acknowledge."

The Venusians cheered in agreement to Kimberly's decree. They then quieted down to allow her to continue.

"Our culture is forever changed. Naya is no longer with us, and now I, a half-breed whose lived only seventeen Earth years, am the ruler. We can never go back to the old days. We can never replace all that is lost to us forever. To commemorate the battle fought, as well as the resistance that has spanned a century and beyond, I would like to initiate a project. We shall create a museum, with statues of the great heroines that fell in battle against evil. Also, there will be a tribute to Naya, Leila, Avagone, Erwina, and Dulcea, who took the lead in freeing our world. Although four of them didn't live to see this day, I know they'd be proud of what we have accomplished."

The Venusians once again began to cheer at Kimberly's speech. Dulcea smiled in approval of Kimberly's idea, and so did Renee, the rangers, and the descendants. Once the cheering ebbed, Kimberly cleared her throat.

"Its been centuries since the majority of you have enjoyed a feast such as this, so I won't delay any longer. Eat, drink, and celebrate our freedom!"

With that, the party began. There were exotic fruits and vegetables from all over Venus Island, and some even from other lands. Rocky looked at his plate questioningly.

"Hey, were's the beef?" he asked. Dulcea smiled at him.

"Little Ape, Venusians do not consume animal flesh."

"Okay," said Rocky, poking his fork at a pile of unidentified green leaves, "Well, I'm always up for new experiences."

Rocky raised his fork to his mouth, and cautiously chewed the green leaves. The rangers watched as his lips curled into a smile.

"This stuff is really good!" he declared, "It tastes just like chicken!"

The others shrugged and tasted their own meals. Soon, all the food was eaten, and the dancing and celebrating carried on into the night. Once the party had died down a bit, Katherine looked around the ballroom for Kimberly. She found the Venusian queen conversing with Duclea.

"Uh, Kim," she said meekly, "I hate to interrupt, but could I have a moment of your time?"

"Sure," said Kim, following Katherine into the courtyard, "What's on your mind?"

"Tommy," said Kat bluntly, leading Kim to rose garden behind the palace. Even in the darkness, both girls could see the lone red figure wandering aimlessly through the collection of bushes. Kim looked at the taller girl questioningly.

"What do you mean?" she asked. Kat sighed.

"Kim, I don't know whether you knew this or not, but Tommy's been really depressed since the Pan-Globals."

Kim looked down at her feet. "I'm really sorry about that," she whispered, "I never wanted to hurt him."

"I know," said Kat wistfully, "When you wrote that letter, he was utterly destroyed for weeks. There was nothing I could do but be there for him. Eventually, he got over it. Not because he stopped loving you, but because he's the leader of the Power Rangers, and he had to be strong, for our sakes. Kim, Tommy's never stopped loving you."

Kim stared at Katherine in utter shock. "Why are you telling me all this, Kat? I mean, I thought that you and Tommy were, you know--"

"I'll admit it, I love Tommy. I really do. When he's in pain, I feel it. When he's happy, I feel it. Now, I'd love it for Tommy to be happy with me, but that's not the case. His heart belongs to you, Kim. I know it, Jason knows it, the others know it, and I'm sure you can tell. Just by the way he looks at you."

Kimberly remained quiet, watching Tommy as he plucked a single pink rose from a bush. He examined the rose carefully, and then slowly, and painfully, he began to pluck the petals from the flower, one at a time. Kim's eyes began to well with tears.

"I really hate what I did to him," she admitted quietly, "and I regret dumping him more than anything else I've ever done. It was stupid. It was beyond stupid. But, its too late now. I'm going to be here for the rest of my life, and we can't be together. Its just not meant to be."

"Maybe you should talk to him, Kimberly. I know I can't console him. Only you can. He's been like this since he snapped out of Syren's spell, probably because he knew you were in danger. Now that the fight's over, he's lost you forever. But, just knowing that you still love him may make the pain lessen."

"How did you know--"

"Kim, you're not very good at hiding your feelings," said Kat with a small laugh, "I mean, everyone knows you still care about him deeply. The only problem is, Tommy is just so dense! He's too absorbed in self doubt to realize that you care. You need to be blunt with that one, because he'll never see the subtle signs you're throwing at him."

Kimberly smiled and gave Katherine a warm hug. "You know, Kat," she said quietly as they parted, "You really are something special. Thanks, for being-- such a good friend."

Kat smiled and watched as Kim strolled through the garden towards Tommy. Kat sighed and walked back to the ballroom. She saw Renee by the gate, a curious expression on her face.

"Why did you do that, Kat?" asked Renee.

"What else could I have done?" asked Kat with a shrug, "Pretend that Tommy loves me? I can't do that. Tommy loves Kimberly, and she loves him. They're both close friends of mine, so it hurts me to see them in pain. I could never live with myself knowing I didn't do everything in my power to alleviate their pain. That's just the way I am."

Renee smiled and shook Katherine's hand. "You know, I think I misjudged you, Kat. When Kim first told me about you, way back when she still dated Tommy, I always felt you were muscling in on her man. I was really way off, Katherine, and I'd like to say I'm sorry."

Kat smiled and hugged Renee. "People seem to have a habit of misjudging me."

"Ya wanna go back inside?" asked Renee, "Anya is performing a ceremonial Venusian dance of happiness. Its really cool."

"Give me a minute," said Kat, walking towards the fountain in front of the palace. Renee waved and went back into the ballroom. Kat sighed and sat down on the edge of the fountain, staring at her reflection. Her eyes were bloodshot, and tears streaked her face.

I did what I had to do, she assured herself, There was no other option. I had already lost him. No, scratch that, I never really had him. His heart always belonged to Kim, and I was a fool to think that he'd eventually forget about her. They're soul mates, and no matter how much I wish it could've been otherwise, it can't. Tommy will never really, truly love me. Never.

Kat sobbed quietly for a few minutes, and then splashed some fountain water on her face to wash away her tears.

Well, what's done is done, she mused, standing up, I might as well get back to the party.

With that, Kat jogged back into the palace, and watched with Rocky, Adam, Tanya, and Jason as Anya the Venusian enchantress taught Renee the dance of happiness. She tried her hardest to let the joyous spirit of the occasion lighten her mood, but it had very little effect on the deep feeling of emptiness she had inside.

Kimberly walked quietly through the vast and elegant rose garden behind the palace on Mount Ambrosia. Apparently, the previous Venusian queen, Syren, had really loved roses, and had decorated over an acre of land with bushes of roses of all the colors of nature. In the dim light, the white roses had an almost surreal glow to them, reflecting the light that hits them. The only thing in the garden that glowed brighter than the pure, white roses was Kimberly herself. The silver earrings, hair clasps, tiara, and lace on her dress made her shimmer, and the soft cape that trailed in the wind behind her made her look supernatural. She tried as hard as she could not to interrupt Tommy, who was still plucking petals off a pink rose laboriously. However, Tommy's senses have been trained by diligent karate practice and hundreds of fights against evil, so Kimberly's silent approach did not go unnoticed.

"Hello, Kim," he said quietly, not turning around. Kim stopped her approach and just looked at him.

"How'd you know it was me?" she asked.

"From the sound of your approach," Tommy explained, "The only three people I could think of that would come looking for me are you, Katherine, and Jason. Jason is a skilled marital artist, so he'd be far more quiet. Katherine may be a graceful dancer, but she's not sneaky. I would've heard her coming a mile away. You, on the other hand, are right between the two. And, you were coming really slowly, as if you weren't really sure if you wanted to."

"I... I was wondering if you'd... like to talk," Kim stammered, clasping her hands nervously.

"About what?" he asked, still not looking at her.

"Um, about what's been going on recently. I... uh... I'm really glad you and the guys came to my coronation."

"Of course we did," said Tommy, turning to her. He stood there for a few moments, gazing at her in awe. In the pale moonlight, with the silver and pink gown, she looked like an angel to him. "Uh, we're your friends, no matter what."

Kim smiled at him, even though she felt horrible inside. She had no idea how to instigate a conversation about there relationship, and she knew that Tommy wasn't the kind of person to do it for her.

"Tommy," she said quietly, "come for a walk with me?"

Tommy looked at her questioningly. Kim wracked her brain for a good reason.

"I'm really bored with these festivities, and I really just wanna get away for a few minutes. Besides, I haven't had much time to explore Venus Island. What d'ya say?"

Tommy shrugged. "Sure. Lead the way, Your Highness."

Kim paled at the title, and turned away from him, walking through the garden to the main gate of Ambrosia. Tommy followed her, snapping his helmet back on his head. Through his visor, he stared at Kimberly from behind, as if hypnotized by her sparkling dress and majestic form. His eyes watered slightly, and a sad smile crossed his face. Kimberly was crying outright, but not uttering a sound, for fear her voice would give out. She tried her best not to shudder or start sobbing because she didn't want Tommy to see her in tears. I'm stronger than this! she thought, I have to keep composure here! Crying won't do me the least bit of good.

Soon, the silent couple was at the shore. Kimberly was surprised how quickly the long hike down the mountain passed, and she stopped at the shoreline, staring out at the sea. The gentle waves licked at her sandalled feet, and her head was tilted upwards to gaze at the stars. Tommy stood about two yards behind her, not uttering a sound. Kimberly almost began to wonder whether he was still behind her.

"Tommy," she whispered, "I'm sorry."

Her declaration was followed by nearly a full minute of uncomfortable silence.

"For what?" he answered finally.

"For being a fool. For breaking your heart. For breaking my heart."

"You mean the letter," said Tommy in a voice barely above a whisper, "Its okay. I mean, I can handle it. If you've found someone else, I'm happy for you. He's probably better for you than I could ever be. I'm just sorry I failed you. I wasn't good enough for you."

Kim spun around, tears streaming down her cheeks. Her eyes flashed with anger, and she stepped out of the water right up to Tommy.

"Are you crazy?" she shrieked, "I'm the jerk here! You never did anything but love me, and I just couldn't see it! You'd do anything for me, and I just didn't believe it!"

"What?" asked Tommy. Kim sighed.

"Look, I guess I'm a little paranoid when it comes to relationships. I mean, I've never really been in love before, and it was really a shock to my system. I don't think I realized how much you meant to me until I left Angel Grove. It really hurt not having you with me, to talk to every day, to hold me when I'm down, to lift me up when I fall. It scared me."

"But, if you loved me, why--?" Tommy stammered.

"Because long distance relationships never work. Whoever said 'absence makes the heart grow fonder' was severely mistaken. There are dozens of stories of relationships breaking up when the couple is separated. Renee broke up with her boyfriend when she moved to Florida from New Jersey, because he was cheating on her. My mother and father got divorced a year after my dad got that promotion, and was always on business trips."

"Oh, I get it," said Tommy darkly, "You just don't trust me! Is that it? You thought as soon as you boarded the plane, I'd be sneaking around behind your back! Am I right?!"

"No! That's just not it! I trust you, but... I just wanted you to be happy is all. I wasn't planning on returning to Angel Grove after the Pan-Globals. I would train for the Olympics, and then I'd move to Paris, and go to college there. It wouldn't be fair for me to ask you to wait for me, while I go off to another continent. Can you think of any relationship that could survive that amount of alienation?! You're better off with someone else. Especially now."

Kim turned away from Tommy, and covered her face with her hands. Tommy slowly took off his helmet, revealing a tear-streaked face. He gently touched her shoulders, and turned her around.

"You know I would've done it," he said softly, gazing into her eyes.

"Done what?"

"Waited for you. We could've worked it out, figured out some way for us to be together! Not having you in my daily life was hard, but thinking you didn't love me anymore was far worse. The sting still lingers."

"I'm so sorry, Tommy. I know you must hate me for what I've done!"

"I could never hate you, Beautiful," Tommy whispered, "You mean the world to me."

"Still?" she choked, taking his hands into hers, "After all I've done to you?"

"Still. I've never stopped loving you, Kimberly Hart. Not for a moment."

"And I've always loved you, Thomas Oliver. Even though I have a lousy way of showing it."

Tommy smiled at her, and she smiled back. Ever so slowly, he leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips. They both closed their eyes, savoring the gentle touch of the other. When they parted, both of their eyes were glassy, with a mixture of happiness and sadness.

"So," said Tommy, taking Kim's hand, "what happens now?"

"I don't know," she admitted, squeezing his hand tightly, "I'm the queen of Venus Island, now. I can't stay in California with you, and you can't stay here with me. It's like we're destined to be apart."

"Not necessarily. We never know what our future may hold."

With that said, the couple began the hike back to Venus Island. Throughout their trek, their hands remained clasped together tightly, as if they were afraid to let go. Together, they strolled up the mountain, both of their faces beaming with serene happiness, as well as peace of mind and heart.