
I suffer from a very misunderstood disorder, manic depression, or as called by some people, bi-polar. People who suffer from manic depression, can be described as extremely moody, their moods can change as quick as the snap of the fingers. People who suffer from manic depression, are one minute very happy and excited, almost insane with happiness, the next minute their mood changes rapidly, and they feel extreme sadness and loneliness, and a wanting to crawl into a dark hole and die. The mood changes like a faucet, one minute hot, the next cold. The mis-understanding, comes in though when people think that the humans who suffer from bipolar are some kind of freaks, or literally insane. We are not insane, we just have the unfortunate problem of the chemical imbalances in our brains which causes such horrid mood swings. I would not wish manic depression on anyone, the most terrifying part about it is you don't know exactly when that happy mood will change into the most sad, lonely, feeling in the world..the not knowing is such torture on one's mind. Though when I wake up for the new day, I take it one minute at a time, step-by-step to learn to cope with this disorder.

Here are some helpful links to learn more about manic depression:

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