QUALITIES...Vivacious – Intelligent – Skillfull – Efficient – Organized – Flexibile – Reliable – Devoted.
FAULTS...Perfectionist – Critical – Dependence – Timid.
COLOR...Beige, Blue Marine, Gray.
FAMOUS VIRGOS...Peter Falk, Bruce Springsteen

VIRGO is the sign of purity, perfection and practicality. It is the sign that represents women who have kept their physical integrity. In the past, the word "Virgo" was associated with priestesses who worked the land according to nature's cycles to make them profitable.

VIRGO puts things in order to unify the world and make it coherent. She gives the best of herself for the good of all.



Venus in Virgo

Your Attraction Factor...If you want any job done right, call on Venus in Virgo. This woman is famous for her love of detail. Not the slightest flaw escapes the highly attuned perception of Venus in Virgo. Unfortunately, she also notices when you need to clip your toenails. If the cans in the cupboard are out of order, she may get upset. On the lighter side, her attention to the odd detail can bless Venus in Virgo with a marvelous sense of humor. Venus in Virgo can create some real "librarian" types; just watch out for what lurks under the staid exterior. This earth sign produces some fabulous lovers, especially as Venus-in-Virgo matures. That's "matures," not "ages." Remember as well that the "virgin" in Virgo represents a woman who has never been possessed or whose basic integrity has never been compromised. She can be as independent, sensual and down-to-earth as her ancient sisters, the Vestal Virgins! The mature, caring Venus in Virgo lavishes special attention on all the things her partner loves. She knows his or her size, favorite colors, and favorite foods. Relatives always receive greeting cards on the appointed days. Venus in Virgo takes advantage of seasonal sales to stock up on cards at a reasonable price, too. Don't be led too far astray by Virgo's immaculate reputation -- some may present a spic-and-span homestead just long enough to land a mate ... and then revert to her usually messy style as soon as she feels secure.
Where to Find Your Venus-in-Virgo Woman...At the library reference desk; counting heads for the census; preparing your taxes (this is one of the few signs that can actually *enjoy* sifting through the tax code); taking inventory at the health food store.
Famous Women with Venus in Virgo...Natalie Wood, Eleanor Roosevelt, Julia Roberts, and Lily Tomlin.

Daily Readings's Horoscopes

Select your sign?

My Stones

My Rune Stones are "Hematite", a stone that can be called a "stone for the mind".  It helps one to "sort-out" things in ones mind, and can be used for mental attunement, memory enhancement, original thinking, and technical knowledge.  It assists one in mathematical pursuits and in the development of both mental and manual dexterity.
It also assists in the dissolution of negativity, transforming the negativity, in the dissolved state, to the purity of the universal light of love.
It can be used to stimulate the desire for, and to facilitate the attainment of, peace, self-control, and inner happiness.  It is also conductive to enabling one to enter into a loving relationship.  It has been said to attract "kind" love.
It also helps one to attain a "soft" meditative state, providing for smooth grounding and bringing tranquility and emotional clarity.
Another stone that I adore is Amethyst

There is importance of physical contact to a relationship. Hugging is healthy: it helps the body's immune system; it wards off depression; it reduces stress; it induces sleep; it invigorates; it rejuvenates; and it has no unpleasant side effects.
Hugging is all natural: it is organic; it is naturally sweet; it contains no pesticides, no preservatives and no artificial ingredients; and it is 100% wholesome.
Hugging is practically perfect: there are no movable parts, no batteries to wear out, no periodic check-ups; it has low energy consumption and high energy yield; it is inflation-proof; it is non-fattening; it requires no monthly payments and no insurance; it is theft-proof, non-taxable, non-polluting and, of course, fully returnable.

Now, get out there and practice!