With a BackBone that I belong to. (page 2)

The Crazy Ladies Society

The Garden House

Page Crazy's Website Elves

Tapestry of the Net

Ladies Of All Faiths

This grouping was born on 9-28-99 To share with all women of All Faiths to come together on the WWW Who have been senselessly tossed out of other Christian Groups, due to affiliation with what they consider, unchristian like or formed by someone who was/is not of a Christian Faith.

To Quote a phrase from Our Daily Bread

In the August 4, 1999 Issue, "AN ATTITUDE CHANGE"
THE Priority of our lives should be to let God Change us. But what should be our attitude toward believers who have shown little or no change over the years??
Here are 3 such accusing attitudes

  • 1. "They never do anything right"

  • 2. "They've always been the way they are"
    (Maybe, but GOD is powerful and able to change them)

  • 3. "They'll never change"
    (We can't know that. We can only Trust God, who knows their hearts)

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    Personal Note & Disclaimer
    I choose to belong to groups, that allow freedom: of religions, speech, and personal growth. Without all the Fluff and Acting Childish.
    I want to belong to groups, that allow me to be myself be my own Personal woman, Lady, and not hide behind rose colored glasses or hide my head in the sand of important issues.

    I WANT to be who I am, Therefore, I am one with myself.
    I pick Groups to belong to share with OTHERS like myself who have a Backbone, and the Group must have a Backbone also. It's very hard to belong to a group, if you must feel out of place, walk on eggshells if you post or Fear that someone is going to haunt you with hate mail because of your strong views on things.