The Contents
Internet Safety
Missing Children HELPful sites
There is no deeper subject matter that you can find before you go to the CPAC The Children's Protection & Advocacy Coalition is in full Detail, with information regarding every aspect of Safety for the Children, and discusses in full length, about Boylovers, what they want need and will do to your child. BECOME A PART OF THE FIGHT AGAINST THESE "predators" of Children !!!!STOP Pedophilia! Pedophilia is running rampant, not only in the US but all over the world. Children are being sexually exploited by a pedophile at the rate of 1 out of 6 boys before the age of 16 and 1 out of 3 girls before the age of 18 (1 out of 4 before the age of 14). These statistics are based on reported cases of sexual abuse. I shudder to think of how many cases have gone unreported.
PARENTS for Internet Safety Has helpful rules, guidelines, message board, lots of help information, discusses what to look for how to see it happen. Very good Informtion.
Index of Information Helpful Information regarding Pedophiles on the Web, How to Report, Where to go for Help, Etc.,
ABUSE, ETC.. Child Sexual Abuse 200+pages of Child abuse Prevention & Protection Resources: Includes, Resources, Internet Crimes, Sex Offender Index, Child Law, Victim Index, Statistics, Conferences. How to Help, and MUCH MOREAbuse Related Political Action Research that can help abused children -- and child abuse investigators -- has been locked in the lab for years. Find out how you can speak out about it.
Sex Offenders & Databases Find Missing Family and Friends or trackdown deadbeats and Fugitives.
**Note** the database is only 1/4 filled!!! Only the states of Alaska, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Washington, Wisconsin are active!!
GENERAL INTERNET SAFETY Internet Safety/Spam/etc Includes information on Netiquette, and Personal Safety Tips Children Safety Tips
Child CyberSEARCH Canada International Missing Children Photo-Database, extensive library, continually updated information from all Canadian missing children agencies.
Child Find Canada Online Pictures of missing children and a wealth of child safety information.
Child Quest International, Inc. A Non-Profit Corporation Devoted to the Recovery and Protection of Missing, Abused and Exploited Children
Child Search - National Missing Children Center. Info on child safety. Missing Child Application Form.
Children's Locate Center, Inc.
Cyberpages - Missing Children A directory for Missing Children.
Global Missing Children's Directory Created as a free public service to facilitate the search for and registration of missing children. GMCD's search engine provides a comprehensive search and register capability.
Missing Children Minnesota Dedicated to the safe return of all children.
Missing Children's Network Canada A non-profit organization whose mission is to assist in the international search for missing children and to educate.
North American Missing Child Assoc. in Canada
Polly Klaas Foundation Created to fill the need for more concentrated efforts in the support of missing children.
Project Find, Inc. Dedicated to helping find missing children, by implementing this program in all school systems so that the abductor of a child tries to register him or her in school, the child can be searched for and rescued.
SAFE-T-CHILD Online Offers free to parents the knowledge and tools they need to help prevent their children from ever becoming lost, missing, abducted, molested, or abused.
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
Vanished Children's Alliance Non-profit organization dedicated to the prevention and recovery of missing children.
Web Page for Cayce Lynn McDaniel Cayce Lynn McDaniel missing 8/16/96 from Milan, TN
Ylva Hagner Homepage Please help them find Ylva Hagner (pronounced "EEL-vah)
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