Time to Vent
Steve's Personal Comments
My Lady's complete index


Vent your Views

This is a section I am developing: to vent. Venting means your personal opinions are spoken and put on line. Privately (without your name) or you can have your e-mail attached.

The Rules:

Each view must be recognized as a personal view, and flaming will not be tolerated. Cussing and nasty remarks will not be accepted to this page.
You have a right to venting, and getting something off your chest, but you do not have the right to flame that person because you disagree with them. This comes with a Truck Driver saying
Can't we all get along??? WE can and WE should, and everyone has a right to tell their experience on the road.

** to vent, simply send an e-mail below** I will reconstruct any wording to keep the site child safe, as it remains. and correct any typo's. That's it!!!

Added 4-12-98 CB COURTESY

I am more than a little upset about all the fighting and swearing going on over the CB lately. It seems you cant go more than a couple of hours without hearing truckers cursing each other out or picking fights. I have been a professional trucker for 17 years and it seems it is getting worse and worse.

I have started keeping track of how long it takes for the nonsense to start from the time I hit the road. One time it was only 10 minutes before two drivers were at each other. "Why Can't We all Get Along?"

We need to remember that there are more and more families out on the highway. Years ago you only heard the occasional four letter word. Now the air waves are filled with swearing and the like. The driver traveling with family is forced to turn off and not have an important tool of his trade.

Years ago they called us "The Knights of the Road". Now it is harder and harder to get that respect. Maybe we need to look at ourselves to find out why. Think before you key down on that mike! Remember that what is about to come out of your mouth will be heard by more than just the person you are angry with. If you have a beef with someone, pull your trucks over and talk it out like men. Take it off the road and off the radio. We are adults out there. We aren't children! Stop acting like them! Remember, we are businesses moving down the highway, and how we act reflects on our business as well as the whole trucking industry.

Come on Guys and Gals, lets pull together to clean up the airwaves!


From Shari Allen

Rules of the road: The unwritten rules: That are never in your driver tests and should be
First, This is for all Truck Drivers, 4 wheelers, and the Police who are forced to make the determination of who was at fault.

50% of accidents, are not and are the Truckers fault
50% of accidents, are not and are the 4 Wheelers fault
the total
100% is someone's fault. How do we determine this? It is simple.
Follow the common misconceptions, of Trucks and 4 wheelers.

A truck, as big as they are, CANNOT stop on a dime. They cannot enter a highway, at a speed of a 4 wheeler, therefore more caution must be taken when you see a truck entering a freeway. To avoid a problem move over into another lane giving the truck the time they need to speed up and travel with the flow of traffic. Simple isn't it?

Trucks and Tankers carry large loads, swinging meat, loads of lettuce, milk, fuel, etc. that have a lovely habit of shifting and they shift even worse, when a person flies past them and moves into the same lane as the truck slamming on their brakes suddenly and the truck driver is not prepared for this manuever therefore the load shifts, causing the truck to "fall over" reeking even more havoc to all on the highway.

What can you do to be more courteous to each other ??. Put on your signal, to let the driver of the truck know your intentions. That is what it is there for. Give yourself plenty of room, before moving into the truck drivers lane.
Think for one second, what if, just what if you pull in front of the truck, and the driver in front of you has to slam on his breaks?
Well, there you have your answer.

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As I said, this is a place to vent, not make hate remarks towards the person writing this. This is how they feel, and your comments and opinions are how you feel.

Flaming that person, or the author, will not get your opinion or story on line.... This means, no matter how bad you hate what happened, You do not have the right to call names, etc.

The Flame mail you will be sending will not go to the person who sent this to me, because their e-mail has been removed.