Kate Winslet

This is the beautifully talented Kate Winslet.She has made her breakthrough role in the record breaking movie Titanic. Her performance won her a Golden Globe and an Oscar Nomination. The movie itself has made over $1 billion dollars worldwide and is still going.Though her most best role came from a foreign film called Jude in which she plays Jude's cousin.With her uplifting role in Titanic though you can expect to see her in a lot more movies.I will research as many facts that I can and hope to bring you a good sight on this talented actress.

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If you would like to contact Kate Winslet she has an e-mail address to where you can write her.Go here and see the letter she wrote to Fanmail regarding her contact information. Kate's Contact Info.

Kate's stats..... Birthdate=October 5 1975
Eyes=Blue Green
Status=Single....though she did lose her Lover of 4 years to Cancer.

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