The X Files Trade Centre

                   Welcome to The X Files Trade Centre

This is where you will be able to advertise any X-Files items/merchandise
that you would like to trade for other XF merchandise.

For example Person (A) has a copy of FHM featuring Gillian Anderson
            Person (B) has a copy of the XF Hollywood Reporter Issue

(A) would like the Hollywood Reporter, and (B) would like FHM. What do
they do? They trade.

Its simple and easy. If you have something you would like to trade, then
simply contact me (see below) with the item you wish to trade, along with
a short discription, and what you would like to trade for, not of course
forgeting your e-mail address. Within 24hrs your add will appear on this 
page. Other people will then have the chance to contact you about a 
possible trade.

So, if you've got something XF to trade, then contact me now!!

I have several UK X-Files magazines from "Starburst" to "Dreamwatch"
and "XPose" to "Shivers" + many many more. I would be interested in
trading a magazine or two for either the Novermber 97 XF TV Guide or
the XF Daily Variety Issue. If you would like more information on the
X-Files magazines which I have then please contact me at