Captain Science Symbol

Captain Science is the lead character in the movie. His (and Chemistry Kid's) day is interrupted when they find that the Science Toaster is missing, therefore making it impossible to enjoy the normal nutritious breakfast of toast. After discovering a strange smell which could only be attributed to the evil villain Dr Poo the heroes retreat to the science cave to find him by using the science computer, only to discover that it is infected with a virus and even the LP ROM drive isn't working. The problem is solved by a phone call from Doctor Poo demanding one million dollars cash for the toaster. The science pair have no choice other than to pay up. After a bomb scare and 30m fall by Chemistry Kid Doctor Poo escapes with the money and the toaster in his flying dunny the Turdis only to be pursued by the heroes in the Science Coptor to a bush clearing for the final showdown against the evil Doctor Poo and the even eviler Physics Fag. Physics Fag is defeated by Chemistry Kid and Doctor Poo by the Super Science Villain Seeking Frisbee and the science guys go home and have toast.

Captain Science having a Science Break (like a Kit Kat

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