Caption Alaska, Inc. Just had a showing of Titanic! After a two month struggle with Paramount pictures, of whome provided the movie. The movie was our first regular time viewing movie! Titanic was a huge success, and was glad to see more of a turn out compaired to the 10:am showings. YUCK 10:AM ??!!
Caption Alaska is now working on the next movie. We have requested a list of the next Caption films being released. As you may have noticed, we have not had a movie since December!! Nothing new has been captioned since then. Caption Alaska, Inc. is now going into it's second year of of providing open caption films to the community here in Anchorage. We would like to know what you would like to see by way of caption films. We have the open caption films rolling in the theaters, and are ready to achieve another goal. Give us your feed back, and let us know what you would like to see.
Before I bring this to a close, I would like to take the time to thank those in the community who have supported Caption Alaska, Inc.
Special THANKS to: Quota Club International of Anchorage, Alaska. , Alaska State School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, The ARC of Anchorage, Center for Deaf & Hard of Hearing and Blind Adults, Livingston Slone, Inc. , PTSA & Friends of ASSDHH, Alaska Rec. Sports Assoc. for the Deaf, The Anchorage School District, DVR, and a special thank you to The Law Office of Richard Kibby.
So bookmark this Web site, and check back here soon to get current information on the next movie.
Peace to all you from...
The Board of Caption Alaska
Scott Slone, Nan Truitt, Jerry Jetho.
Hollywood Movie Central: Movies/Hollywood/Actor It's all here! Jurassic Punk: Movie Clips (requires Quiktime Plug-in) Deaf World Web: Home of the Deaf & Hard of Hearing Tripod: Free E-mail & Web Pages, Also Membership available. Ripple Effect Designs™: Web & Graphic Design. King of the River : Fishing guide and Charter service. Deaf owned. Disney On Line!: The Disney Connection! Movie Clips, Chat, Games, Your Disney away from Disney. Quota Club International of Anchorage, Alaska.: Providing services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community. Also providing education about hearing loss, and how to protect yourself. |
6121 Gross st.
Anchorage, AK 99507
United States