MR Tryouts by: Brere Marer

((Cut to Techmo studios.))

Announcer: Okay, these are the Monster Rancher tryouts. Our first character
is: Mocchi. And our first attempter is: Duke Nukem! Letıs all welcome Duke.

((Duke Nukem walks onto stage))

Announcer: Alright Duke, what do you do for a living?

Duke: I terrorize people with my mocho gun.

Announcer: Alright Duke can you show us cute?
Duke: Chaı man.

((Duke begins firing guns in every direction knocking down light fixtures
and exploding the Judges desk explodes.))

Announcer: NO MORE CUTE!!! NO MORE CUTE!!!

((Duke stops firing))

Announcer: What do the judges think?

((Cut to judges [who are all Telletubbies]))

Judge 1: Lala

((Holds up 10))

Judge  2: Po

((Holds up 10))

Judge 3: Tinkie-Winkie

((Holds up 10))

Announcer: Alright. Who is our next attempter?

((Sadam Husein walks onto stage))

Announcer:Oooookayyyyy. That concludes the Mocchi tryouts. Next are the
Tiger tryouts.

((Sadam sholved off stage. Barney walks onto stage))

Announcer: Okay. Please quote this line from the script.

((Hands Barney piece of paper. Barney glances at paper.))

Barney: Thatıs not very nice!

Announcer: What do the judges think?

Judge 1: Lala

((Holds up 10))

Judge 2: Po

((Holds up 10))

Judge 3: Tinkie-Winkie

((Holds up 10))

Announcer: Whoooooıs next?

((Barney shovled off stage. Mr. Gullible walks onto stage.))

Announcer: Oh no.

Announcer:Please quote this line from the script.

((Hands Mr. Gullible Paper))

Mr. Gullible: TORPEDO!!! Oh no!!! Weıre gonna die!!!!

((Dives out of sight))

Announcer: Iım not even gonna ask what the judges think of that. Next are:
Holly tryouts.

((Howard Stern walks onto stage))

Announcer: Thatıs it!! I QUIT!!!

((Announcer brought away in a strait jacket while laghing like a total

Judge 1: Lala

((Holds up 10))

Judge 2: Po

((Holds up 10))

Judge 3: Tinkie-Winkie

((Holds up 10))