Will of Georgina Cordiner of South Shields

This is the last Will and Testament ___________ of me ___________ ['Executrix' in left margin] Georgina Cordiner of 28 Alice Street South Shields in the County of Durham Widow I appoint Mary Ann Johnson the wife of John Johnson of number 90 Eglesfield Road South Shields aforesaid to be the Executor and trustee of this my Will and I bequeath to her the sum of five pounds free from all duties I give to my daughter Ethel May Sinclair the wife of William Winterbottom Sinclair the Overmantel in my front Sitting room to my grandson Harold George Willoughby my late husbands gold watch and chain to my granddaughter Ethel Grace Street my gold watch and chain and to my granddaughter Edith Maud Cordiner my gold bracelet I hereby direct my trustees to sell and commit into money all my real and personal Estate not hereby otherwise disposed of and to withdraw all monies invested in my name with Ernest R. Newbigin of Mansion House Chambers Keyside Newcastle upon Tyne Shipowner and after payment thereout of my funeral and testamentary expenses and debts to divide the residue thereof between my three children David Garton Cordiner the said Ethel May Sinclair and Annie Grace Willoughby the wife of Harold George Willoughby and my said granddaughter Ethel Grace Street in equal shares share and share alike In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this Seventh day of November One thousand nine humdred and Eighteen __________________ ______________________ Georgina Cordiner _________________________ Signed by the abovenamed Georgina Cordiner as her last Will and testament in the presence of us both present at the same time who in her presence at her request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses Lillian Steward Clerk with Messrs T. Tinley Dale & Bell Solicitors South Shields ________ Mary Ann Stoker Broadlands House Palmerston Street South Shields (Widow) __________________ On the 18th day of January 1926 Probate of the Will was granted at Durham to Mary Ann Johnson the sole Executrix _________________


Submitter Keith Bulley

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