Will of George Smith

In the name of God Amen. I George Smith of Cow Gap in the Chapelry of Garragill in the parish of Alston and County of Cumberland being weak in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, that is to say I devise give and bequeath to my Daughter Mary Smith the sum of twenty pounds to be paid by my sons John and George when my youngest son is sixteen years of age I devise give and bequeath to my son Thomas Smith the sum of thirty pounds to be paid by my sons John and George when my youngest son is sixteen years of age I devise give and bequeath to my son Jacob Smith the sum of thirty pounds to be paid by my sons John and George when my youngest son is sixteen years of age. Idevise give and bequeath to my youngest son Joseph Smith thirty pounds to be paid by my sons John and George when my said youngest son is sixteen years of age. If my Daughter Mary or any of my three sons Thomas, Jacob or Joseph should die not leaving lawful issue before my youngest son is sixteen years of age his or their shares have to be equally divided among the surviving of those my Daughter and three sons I devise give and bequeath to my wife Sarah Smith ten pounds a year from the time that my youngest son is sixteen years of age to the end of her natural life to be paid by my sons John and George out of my Estate called Cow Gap. I devise give and bequeath to my sons John Smith and George Smith my Estate called Cow Gap in the Chapelry of Garragill in the parish of Alston and County of Cumberland and all its appertenances to be divided equally between them when my youngest son is sixteen years of age. I devise give and bequeath to my wife and children the yearly produce or profits arising from my said Estate called Cow Gap for their maintenance till my youngest son is sixteen years of age. If either or both of my sons John and George shoulddie not leaving lawful issue before my youngest son is sixteen years of age his or their shares have to be divided equally among my surviving sons. I also request and appoint my sons John and George to pay the whole of my just debts. I constitute nominate and appoint my brother John Smith my wife Sarah Smith and Thomas Wallace my Executors in Trust of this my last Will and Testament. I also leave the whole of my stock and farming utensils to be disposed of among my chldren according to the discretion of my Executors in Trust. I do also empower my Executors in Trust to keep themselves indemnified out of my Cow Gap Estate. I do declare this to be my last will and Testament. In witness whereof I the said George Smith have hereunder set my hand and seal this tenth day of December one thousand eight hundred and twenty five. George Smith Signed sealed published and declared by the Testator as and for his last will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses hereunder - Robert Bell Thomas Smith The thirtieth Day of December 1826 Thomas Smith one of the subscribing Witnesses to this will was sworn to the Due Executor thereof by the Testator and John Smith, Sarah Smith widow and Thomas Wallace the Executors therein named were sworn to execute and perform the same, as usual under three Hundred Pounds Before me. Barry Jackson Surrogate

Submitter:June Bozier

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