Genchat friends

In June 1997 Michael Cooley's Genealogy on-line's Genchat opened it's doors to Genealogists from all over the world. It is a place where Genealogy is discussed in it's many forms by people who are researching their Family History.

People with all levels of experience and knowledge exchange information, ask questions, make connections, find cousins, all the help is freely given and many have spent hours in the room assisting the 'Genchatters' that come and go, and have given of their time outside of the room to look up Genealogy information in their locality or in the resources that they have available.

Genchat room is open to all, membership is available but is not compulsory.

What really stands out is the friendliness, support and caring. If anyone is ill or is having problems everyone pulls together to offer support, help and often prayers. New chatters become part of this very quickly and once they get used to the site and it's posting system, become a vital part of the team and enjoy their new found friends help and encouragement, in turn they become helpers themselves welcoming all.

Over the years ancestors have been found, many Genchatters have discovered that they are related through mutual lines, any new discovery is greeted with a 'Snoopy Dance'..this was started by long time room resident Randy Treadway.

There are virtual room pets, room dog Pepe Le Pew  chat cat and Roo Roo (for the Aussie chatters) who also do not have their photos on this page yet!

Betty another long time room resident and helper came up with the idea of putting everyone's photo's here on this page, so here y'all are...not everyone is here yet, so come on everyone send all your photos to Betty






June ..Conneticut

Whazoo and her mum..Maryland





Jean..Massachusets and Con California



Fran the Myster..Pennsylvania


Arnold..New Brunswick Canada





Randy T..Iowa


Dennis the Fireman...Washington

More Genchat friends Photo's

Copyright Genchat Friends January 1999...None of these photos included here are to be reproduced in any medium without permission.