Will of Joseph Gregory, Leighton Buzzard


In the Name of God Amen the twenty sixth day of September in the thirteenth yeare of the reigne of oure Sovereigne Lord William the third by the grace of God of England Scotland ffrance & Ireland King Defender of the ffaith Anno Domini 1701 I Joseph Gregory of Leighton Buzzard in the County of Bedford baker, being sick in body but of sound mind & memory God be praised, doe make & ordaine this my last Will & Testament, ffirst I doe commend my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creator trusting to be saved by the merrits of Jesus Christ my Redeemer , my body I doe comit to the earth decently to be buried, And my worldly Estate I give and dispose as follows Imprimis I doe give and devise and bequeath unto John Gregory my son and to his heires and assigns for ever All that my messuage and tenement with appurtenances wherein I doe now dwell with all and singular houses and buildings malthouses barnes stables yards gardens orchards & backsides (or such and soe much as are freehold and not copyhold) thereunto adjoining and belonging situate and being in the Northend of Leighton Buzzard in the said County of Bedford with their and every of their appurtenances To have and to hold unto him the said John Gregory my son and to his heires and assignes for ever , All those my five acres of freehold arrable land by estimation (be the same more or lesse) having d...... in the ffeilds of Leighton Buzzard aforsaid with all and singular their and every of their appurtenances , After all other my freehold or leasehold lands tenements & hereditaments whatsoever To have and to hold unto him the said John Gregory my son & to his heires and assigns forever , Provided always and upon condition nonetheless that the said John Gregory my son and his heires doe and shall out of the said lands and tenements before hereby given unto him well and timely pay all and every my just debts & summes of money which I shall owe to any person or any persons whatsoever at the time of my decease and unto Mary Ffoster my daughter (wife of William Ffoster ) the summe of ten pounds of lawfull money of England within one yeare next after my decease Item I doe give and devise unto the said John Gregory my son and to his heires & assignes forever All such part of my said Messuage or tenenment wherein I doe now dwell as is customary or copyhold with all such & soe much of the said houses malthouses yards and backsides (as is customary and copyhold) thereunto adjoining and belonging To have and to hold unto him the said John my son & to his heires and assigns forever the better to enable him to pay my debts and legacy aforesaid Item I doe give unto the said Mary and unto Joane and Joyce my three daughters All my linnen whatsoever equally entitled amongst them to be divided , Also I doe give to my said three daughters each of them a feather bed . Item my will is that the said John my son shall provide for and maintaine George Gregory my Grandson until he shall be ready to goe apprentice and then I do desire the said John my son to putt him apprentice to such trade as he the said John my son shall think meet Item all the rest residue and remainder of my goods chattells householde stuffe corne graine ereditts & personal estate whatsoever (unbequeathed) my debts legacies & funerall expences being paid & discharged I doe give will and bequeath unto the said John Gregory my son , And In doe ordaine & make him full & sole executor of this my last will & Testament And I doe hereby revoke all former Wills by me made & doe pronounce & declare this Present to be my last will & Testament

Signed Joseph Gregory

John Ffrank Thomas Ffoster junior John Capon Josh Ashwell Junior

Source: Bedford Record Office

Submitter Rosalind Dunning

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