These Inscriptions were transcribed by Bob Coomber, they have been reproduced here with his permission.
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Index to Surnames in Inscriptions Kilsyth Churchyard
Memorial Inscriptions are below the index
Abercrombie 129, 143, 181, 265. 267, 473
Adam32, 36, 50, 116, 187, 194, 331, 342, 346A, 382
Aitken 187
Allan 76, 165, 224
Alvas 281
Anderson 2, 29, 39, 49, 52, 65, 71, 95, 100 118, 128, 129, 130, 153
164, 174,175, 176, 254,258, 276, 305, 329, 342, 385, 460
Archilbald 241
Armit 47
Armour 40, 58
Auchinbole 209
Auchinvole 62, 298, 343
Barnard 336
Baird 25, 48, 69, 93, 103, 253, 270, 283, 349, 400, 414, 434 450, 463
Balloch 368
Bankier 28, 261, 315 335 416, 417, 466
Barr 74, 473
Barrie 221
Bathgate 127
Baxter 385
Bell 34, 93A
Bennie 133, 432
Benniy 81
Benny 217, 218
Benson 226
Black 101
Blair 378
Boag 222
Boak 97
Bogue 96
Bouge 180
Bow 4, 255, 260, 275, 289
Boyd 11, 4, 344,408, 436, 452, 461, 462
Braed 122
Braid 333
Brash 164
Bread 86
Brechin 50
Brown 53, 83, 340, 379, 380 381, 383, 420, 427, 457, 463
Buchan 22
Buchanan 47, 210, 219, 226, 280
Burns 111, 115, 116 136, 139, 188, 256, 280
Calder 144
Caldwell 111
Callander 426, 460
Callender 305, 306
Cameron 180, 372
Campbell 62
Carmichael 251
Carmichaell 28, 87
Chalmers 115 328
Clark 409
Cleland 81, 219, 239, 279, 284, 292, 309, 337, 360, 365, 394
Cochrane 61
Comrie 72
Cook 31
Coutts 93A, 251
Cowan 57
Cowie 432
Craig 73, 327
Crawford 144, 205, 465, 470
Crisp 88
Cross 448
Cuddie 124
Cuddy 26, 141
Cullen 114
Cumming 13
Cuthbertson 244
Cuthel 76
Cuther 338
Cuthill 460
Dalrymple 314
Diamond 5
Dinnington 214
Dobbie 331 375
Donald 111, 225
Donaldson 172 203 304
Douglas 155
Downie 258, 400 401
Drummond 14, 30
Duncan 423, 424
Dunlop 18A, 23, 379, 472
Dunn 379
Edmonstone 61
Edmond 208, 222
Elphinstone 70
Falconer 413
Faulds 96, 132, 468
Fergus 394
Ferrie 8
Findlay 125, 402, 403-5, 415
Fleming 160, 232
Forbes 309, 392
Forrest 34
Forrester 33, 57 194, 336, 417
Fotheringham 322
Frew 30, 81, 153, 217 218 239 240 242 337 388 403
Fyfe 93A
Halkett 469
Ham 101
Hamelton 53
Hamilton 52, 71, 112 197 262 300 324 386 428
Hannah 234
Hardie 366
Hartley 350
Haw (Hay) 57
Hay 57, 86, 90, 121 122 207 218 288
Henderson 15 104 186
Hendrie 239
Henry 95
Hill 364
Hinderson 409
Hood 32 187
Horn 1 5 129 131 138 249
Horne 330 364
Hosie 30
Howie 105
Hudson 18A
Hume 301 371
Ingles 316
Inglis 113, 187 317
Irvine 19
Jack 110 179 205
Jackson 122A
Jamieson 173
Jarvie 122 122A 134 142 152 165 166 281 293 325 338
384 471 472
Jervie 338
Jodrat 4
Johnston 51 224 276 295 296 336
Keer 212
Keir 232
Kennedy 58
Kerr 261
Kinniburgh 29
Kirkwood 3 6 80 81 103 104 195 318 319
Knox 158
Kyle 112
Laing 12 145 178 200 339 363 369
Lang 55 56 67 73 108 109 161 197-199 201 440
Laurie 83
Lawrie 172 234
Leckie 238 373
Leishman 141 398
Leslie 433
Liddle 24
Lithgow 356
Livingston 242 316 349 373
Livingstone 61 103 261 373 374 462
Lockhart 133 271
Logan 300 311 384
Long 157
Loyd 339
Lynn 39
McAlpine 363
Macaulay 468
McAulay 412
McCall 425
McCallum 467
McConal 393
McCorkandale 466
McCulloch 10
McDonald 372 444
McDougal 61
McDowal 83
Macfarlane 176 223 330
McFarlane 23 117 347
McGavin 446
McGilvray 346
McGruther 318
McHutchon 383
McInnes 93A
Mackieson 146 147
McKinlay 27 97 135 396
McKinnon 322
McKinzie 344
McLaren 95 203 225 301 441
McLean 44 292 444
McPherson 46
McWhiney 428
Marshall 2 41 42 59 207 252 15 337 397 451 452 465
Marten 288
Martin 185
Mason 90
Matheson 204
Mathieson 468
Maxwell 75
Meikle 250
Melrose 14
Millar 209
Miller 17 60 119 123 171 210 211 216 244 245 310 312 390 410
Mitchell 189
Modial 120
Moffat 8 9 42 271 272 374 463 473
Moffatt 88
Morieson 434
Morison 26 174 265
Morrison 143 409
Morrson 185
Morton 116
Mossgrove 214
Mudje 462
Muirhead 298
Munro 465
Murray 73 114
Napier 71 450
Neilson 276
Nimmo 98
Nisbet 456
Noble 57
No letter "O's"
Paterson 25 42 71 146 147 201 265 306 426
Patrick 142 173 176 253 281 282 315 317 333 246 A 430 435
Pearson 136
Pollock 471
Pringle 48
Provan 86A 137 140 396 441
Ralston 314
Rnken 284
Rankin 113 131 205 225 259 265 287-9
Rankine 15 241 243 286 294
Reid 6 391 469
Rennie 35 38 78 168 170 188 189 261 280 319 333
361 391 421 446 447
Robe 112
Robertson 85 199 281
Ross 267 308 387 398
Rowat 1 462
Rusell 10
Russel 145
Russell 19 74 75 133 145 304
Salmon 242
Semple 123
Shanks 282
Shaw 5 37 40 71 124 156 208 224 236 279 322 325
326 331 373 377 397 402 408 417 427
Shearer 41 98 117 346
Shields 206
Sinclair 270 413
Small 71 163
Smart 440
Smellie 327
Smith 120 192 238 347
Sneddon 470
Somerville 168
Staniforth 77
Stark 51 132 177 248 343
Steil 197
Steven 328
Stevenson 329 330 433
Stewart 64 73 269 278 330 377 423
Stirling 92-3 157 18-9 230 249 253 269
362 363 399 421
Storry 35
Sword 37 283 295 334 461
Tainsh 20
Taylor 183-5
Telfer 159
Tennant 23 369
Thom 309 390
Thomson 69 70 87 103 181 188
Todd 311
Tosh 380
Tunnoch 337
Waddel 139
Walker 92 187
Wallace 189 211 241-243 414 418 448
Wand 145
Warden 12 312 313
Waters 255
Watson 13 293 452
Weir 82
Welsh 70
Westwater 257
White 183
Whyte 47 53 113 120 121 164
Wilson 27 31 119 156 162 186 250
264 288 407 450 466
Wingate 104
Wood 341 445
Wright 463
Young 19 24 65 104 161 162 165 168 192 254
278 294 297 407 412 446
Zuill 443
end of the index.....
1. 182(1or 7) Alex Rowat & Margt Horn 1853; now of Mary R.
2. 182(3) Patk Marshall & Eliz Anderson
3. 1851 Jas Kirkwood in Damback
4. David Bow & Janet (Jodrat);1792,1860 John Bow;Peter Bow
5. Wm Shaw, w Janet Shaw 5.6.1837 22,Frances Diamond 1.12.1873 7, w Eliz
Horn .11.1874 65 gs Robt D. 24.1.1876 7 m, now propy Robt D.
6. 1794 JK EK: Daniel Reid * Margt Kirkwood d Airdrie, das Jeanie & Janet
7. MG CL 172(8 or 9 or 0)
8. John Moffat, farmer Westfield 25.5.18 (3 or 2) age 46 , w Mary Ferrie
10.1874, 70, s Jas student of divinity 1848 24, s Joseph 31.1.18(5)(3
or 5 or 6) (27)
9. Robt Moffat
10. Alex Rusell 5.2.1878, 66, w Margt McCulloch 8.4.189(9) 78 s Jas
8.7.18(50) 18
s John 11.8.1848 2 1/2, chn Eliz 19.5.1853 9, Margt 20.10.1857 10 1/2
David 28.1.1859 (7 1/2), Js 6.3.1868 4
11. 1822 JB JE (KGB has - 1822 John Boyd, Townhead to Wilson Boyd
12 PL 1797 JR; John Lain in Halbrae 44 w Agnes Warden 89, da Jean (5 or 3),
by das Agnes & Mary;.8.18(3 or 5)(5 or 3) (KGB has - 1798 , John Laing, s of
Petr L)
13. Jas Watson 31.5.1854 74, w Isabeella Cumming, chn Jas .8.1823 9 1/2,
Isabella 1844 28, Mary Ann W. 15.7.1855 40
14 1852 John Drummond; Christina D. 8.4.1904 81 , w of John Melrose at
ZKelvinhead 26.2.1912, 85, da Agnes 30.6.1915 52
15. Jas Rankine; Jean Henderson
16 A G M J 1792
17 1815; Jas Miller
18 1727 JB J H
18A 1826 Ale Hudson & Helena Dunlop
19 1852 David Russell 6.6.1898 78, w Helen young 11.12.1860 43
da Janet 16.6.1852; Agnes B Irvine .1.1899 68
20. 1814 D T M B P R A T (KGB has- 1812 Duncan Taonsh jun 1833 Wm T.
weaver; 1861 David T.)
21. 1826 JC IF
22 AB MF 1852 (KGB has Alex Bunchan 152)
23. 1767 (cherub) M Mc JB (trumpet and head rising from coffin); Jas
Dunlop * E Tennant (KGB has - 1785 Malcom McFarlane) (on top)
24. 1824 1814; Geo Young & Chr Liddle.
25. 1819 ; John Baird 27.10.1817 & Isabel Paterson
26. 1826 Wm Cuddy & Eliz Morison
27 1856 John McKinlay, w Helen Wilson
28 1809; And Carmichaell,; Margt Bankier
29 1827; Jas Anderson & Agnes Kinniburgh in Boghouse
30 Jas Frew in Balmalloch 11.12.1874 74, w Mary Hosie 29.11.1852 58, s John
8.2.1851 25, s Russell at
Lanark 8.6.1872 34, s Jas 14.4.1900 72, da Mary 9.2.1905 79, da Agnes at
Hillview 23.4.1906 70(nephew Jas Frew Drummond 23.8.1903 33)
31 1848; Alex Cook & Eliz Wilson
32 1832; Wm Adam & Agnes Hood
33 on top 1723 JF & J A (KGB has - 1722, Jas Forrester)
34 1867; Wm Bell, Margt Forrest, chn
35. Ebenezer Storry surgeon 6.5.1843 48 for 28 yr in this parish, w Jane
Rennie1.8.1866, chn Patk 5.9.1842,
Isabella 20.1.1868, rev A.R.S. 20.1.1888; Margt S. 11.7.1891; Jemima
25.7.1836 2.12.1912 36. 1820 WA A-1831 JA JA (KGB Has - 1821 Wm Adam,
37 1875 JS JM 1734 WS AT 1736 Wm SHAW of Littledrum
38 1786 JR JA Alex RENNIE ; 1858 JS
40 1823 John SHAW & Ann ARMOUR
41 1865 Peter SHEARER & Mary MARSHALL
42 John MOFFAT 9 Mar 1905, 74 yr, wife Cath MARSHALL 2 Mar 1913 69
yrs, son
Peter M. MOFFAT 30 Nov 1923 age 55, son John 2 Jan 1954 87 yrs,
(Wife Susan PATERON M. 28 July 1959 age 92, son John P.M. 9 June
1934 age 34
43 18(5 or 3)7 WC IR; 1765 JA MF
44 John MC CLEAN & Mary BOYD 1823
45 1823 JB & EF
46 1823 J. McPH & EM (KGB has John McPherson, Newton)
47 (FS) 1850 Wm WHYTE to Janet BUCHANAN
48 Nicol (or Neil) BAIRD at Kelvinhead January 1807, 72 yr, wife Chr
PRINGLE August 1823 age 88
dau Agnes at Kel..... 20 April 1787 age 10; John B. wife Isabella
(ARMIT) at Shotts ironworks
13 May 1802 ag 28; Hugh B. civil engineer at Kelvinhead 26 Sept
1827 age 57
49 1730 JA JA 1847 (KGB has 1730 John ANDERSON, Drumbreck
50 Jas BRECHIN & Agnes ADAM, Dau Christina 19 Oct 1849 age 12
51 Jas JOHNSTON 10 Jan 1922, 80 yr, wife Margt STARK 23 Sept 1895 age
dau Agnes BRECHIN 2 July 1879 13 months, Margaret 6 Jan 1902 age
52 John ANDERSON 1859 age 54, wife Agnes HAMILTON 1848 age 45, son
Wm (wife Christina GOODWIN 24 Feb 1871 age 34 )
53 (FS) 1768 Robt HAMELTON wife June WHYTE, children Eliz BROWN in
Burngreen house, bro Jas H, bd Aug 1875, two children Jessie &
54 (FS) IM IK IC 16(7)3 WS MK 169(3)
55 (FS) 1850 Geo GILLIES & Eliz LANG
56 next to and same as 55
57 Jas HAW min here died Jun 17--, (Fasti iii 479, Jas HAY d July
age 69, wife Agnes bd 28 June 1717 dau of John NOBLE of Ardardan,
chn Agnes Wife
of John COWAN, mert Stirling & Marion wife of rev John FORRESTER,
Stirling; Glasgow testaments Rev Jas HAY OF kILSYTH
58 John Kennedy, schoolmaster Chapel Green 4.10.1833 44 three chn inf Margt
Armour K 13.11.1857
59 Marshall of Townhead
60 1854 Wm Miller
61 (at back of watch tower) by sir Archd Edmondstone of Duntreath bt; 1850;
hon Wm Livingstone of Kilsyth w Jean Cochrane viscontess of Dundee, s inf.
both d by falling off a turf rof in Holland .10.1695; entombed bodies found
well preserved in vault of church in 1795; she was da of Wm lord C. who
predeceased his fa lst earl of Dundonald; she married (1) John Grahm of
Claverhouse viscount Dundee killed at Killiecrankie (2) hon Wm L. who
succeeded his bro as 3rd viscount Kilsyth 1706; he married (2) Barbara
da of Macdougal of Makerstoun, dying under attainder at Rome 1733- no
surviving issue and family became extinct
62 (maltman’s shovel) 1728; (modern) 1886; Donald Campbell & Jean Auchinvole
63 1720 T S AM W S PS
64 Wm Stewart; from inhabitants of Twechar
65 Wm Anderson 16.11.1874 71, w Clementina Young 30.4.1847 37, das Helen
21.6.1867 25, Jean 28.9.1908 73, Martha 25.7.1909 72, s Matthew
8.12.1913 74
66 1782 JA JD
67 179(2 or 1); Jean Lang 1792 3; Robt L 1800 7m
68 1781 J McD JB
69 1814; Alex Thomson & Mary Baird
70 Wm Welsh 9.12.1851, w Jne Thomson, chn Wm (18) m, Elphinstone T. W. age
71 James NAPIER, portioner, wife Jean ANDERSON; John NAPIER,
wife Mary SHAW ( not Shal) Chn; 1780 William Thomas NAPIER & wife Elizabeth
SMALL; 1875, William Napier HAMILTON & wife .... PATERSON 1910
72 John Comrie; Jane Gillies C..4.1853 -m
73 Jas Stewart 21.9.1860 51 , w athrine Lang 18.7.1836 27, ? Wm S. 3.1.1879
64, ? Cathrine S. 25.10.1880 5m, s Daniel 3.11.1882 49 (w Euphemia Craig
30.6.1931 91, s Archd 23.4.1902, da Margt who s w of Jas Murray, s Wm
22.8.1928, s Jas 17.12.1878 17, gs Daniel Murray 12.8.1889; John S.
.12.1891 28
74 Wm Russell 1.12.1862 77, w Rebecka Barr 10.8.1871, das Rebeckah 8.1.1842
19, Janet 4.5.1844 27
75 Henry MAXWELL 1783 1815, w Eliz RUSSELL 1783 1822
76 1829’ John CUTHEL & Ann ALLAN
77 1828; Geo & Grace STAINFORTH
78 Robert RENNIE DD of Kilsyth ordained 3.9.1789 b 16.5.1762 d 10.7.1820 for
30 y min here (Fasti iii 479
which says he was b 1767, s of John R. farmr in the parish)
79 JF EF 1644 RF JM AF HF 1765 JF JC 1817 JF MW 1846
80 1793 JF JP; 1866; Jas FREW Kirkwood
81 FS 4)2; 1827; W. FREW; E. BENNY; J FREW; I CLELAND
82 (FS) IK M(L) 1735; 1827; Thos WEIR & Chr KIRKWOOD, chn; reerected by
Wm WEIR (KGB has
1787, Jas KIRKWOOD)
83 (FS) John MC DOWAL vintner now inn Kilsyth, w Janet LAURIE12.12.1812 36,
da inf, 1s Wm
23.2.1812 11;1836; John BROWN of Longhill
84 (FS) A/I - JS MH/ IA
85 JR MS 1725; (on top) WA 1828 ES (KGB has 1826 Jas ROBERTSON
86 (FS) 1718 IB + IB ; here lyes John BREWAD (8).1.1737 77. w Chr HAY
5/11/1736 71
86A 1787 WP HF (KGB has 1787 Wm PROVEN, Kilsyth)
86B 182(4)(illegible)
87 And CARMICHAEL 11.2.1871 74 w Eliz THOMSON 17.5.1835 33, chn David
THOMSON C 15.1.1906 77, w Janet C 4.12.1915 83, s And 23.2.1900 40
88 1847 Wm MOFFATT, w Margt CRISP
89 WW IL
90 1822 Archd MASON & Margt HAY
91 1822 AM & MH
92 1833, Wm WALKER & Margt STIRLING
93 Wm BAIRD 26.9.1846 49, w Jean STIRLING 22.11.1880 84; Robert G. 9.7.1867
24; John B. 8.12.1879 55; Eliza B. 11.5.1886 23; Jas B 22.3.1900 60 Eliz B
28.1.1901 66
93A 1822 Alex COUTTS gardener & Overseer Colzium & Jean FYFE, chn Grace
30.7.1887 75, Fanny 27.2.1893 68, John 15.3.1895 82; Jeanie MCINNES
7.1.1915 41, w of John S. BELL; Irene BELL 14.10.1918;from teachers &
fellow pupils
94 1835 P McL & JS
end of pg 153
95 1860 William HENRY d 14 May 1887 (85y); wife Jean ANDERSON d. 17 April
1853 (52y) Agnes Park MCLAREN d 15 July 1966 (99y) (date was missing)
96 Jas FAULDS 15.2.1825 35, w Helen BOGUE 16.4.1860 84, s Jas
25.1.1842 32
97 1822 Geo MCKINLAY & Jean BOAK
98 (FS) Wm S NIMMO 17.4.1823 15, (gothic script) Patk N. 17.2.1829
parochial schoolmaster here (KGB s 1816 mr Patk NIMMO schoolmaster
here; 1856, John N clerk Glasgow; for Patk N’s headstone v. Thos.
SHEARER; 1877, Thos SHEARER baker Glasgow; 1877, Peter SHEARER, High
Craigend, Kilsyth from late John N. 1856)
99 1735 IA IR 1816 PN JT
100 1851 IA IB 1866; Robt GENTLES (KGB has 1851 Jas Anderson)
101 1855 Wm BLACK & El... Ham....
102 Jas GILLIES 18.3.1829 38 w Margt G 4.12.1883 90
103 first part worn to (Janet) LIVINGSTONE Jan.... ...nant in f..... th
1777; Jas BAIRD & Janet L 1827; 1875 Thos B. in Airdrie; 1877; Isabella
B in Airdrie Walter KIRKWOOD & w Janet THOMSON, both this parish
104 IK (CorG) W EG 179(4); Wm KIRKWOOD; Grizel HENDERSON; Catherine
WINGATE (his) ...;
JK JG AY: Jean GGRAHAM; Ann YOUNG d Feb age (7)..
105 AH E (C or G) ; 173(1) AH EC (KGB has 1724, Alex HOWIE, Barrwood
106 Joseph
107 IL (G or C) W KS JL IH (17--)
108 17(6)7 WL JH 1850; Geo GILLIES & Eliz LANG
109 David GILLIES & Marion LANG; 1824
110 1824; Wm JACK & Chr GILLIES
111 1760; John & W M; 1827; Jas BURNS, w Isabel Donald .2.1(82)7 37; our
mo Grace Ralston CALDWELL 6.11.1927 7(1)
112 rev Jas ROBE AM min here b 1688 ordained 1713 died 1754; 1839 (Fasti iii
479 - b 1688 s of rev Michael d 26.5.1753, w Anna HAMILTON d
28.4.1773, chn Michael b 1716, Archd served heir 19.12.1763, Alex,
Jas, John, da who was w of rev John KYLE sucession min)
113 John RANKIN 16.11.1825 36, w Helen WHYTE 11.9.1853 60, s Peter mert
here 26.11.1879 63 (w Mary INGLIS 26.9.1853 40, s Peter 6.10.1876 1 y 5
114 Wm CULLEN 1849 75 w Margt MURRAY 1856 75, s John 2.11.1884 70
115 rev Wm Hamilton BURNS DD ordained Dun Forfarshire 1800 this parish 1821
& FC 1843 d 8.5.1859 80
w Isabella CHALMERS 20.6.1879 94, S John 22.6.1826 .6.1829 (fASTI III 480,
EWING ii 105 s of John B. surveyor of customs Bo’ness, etc)
116 Jas BURNS e Jean MERTEN 17.8.1915 71, w Jean MORTON 8.4.1899 51, s
Wm at Troon 29.8.1893 9, John 12.5.1875 3, da Agnes 3.10.1903 25 (w of
Alex ADAM) s Jas MA of South Africa d Port Sudan 4.8.1937 56
117 1859 John SHEARER & Janet MCFARLANE & chn; RG MB 1700 (Ancient
Monuments i 160 no. 155
118 1856; JF & MC 1890; Jas ANDERSON
119 WB KF WB HC AI J MB 1723 WM M (I or J) 1765, Martin WILSON &
6.8.182(0 or 6) 78
120 A- 1635; Jas WHYTE baxter here, w Margrite MODIAL; Amelia W. 13.4.1843
70; David W.
22.1.1847 74; Margret SMITH 7.10.1848 32
121 1635; Thos WHYTE of Midouhead, w Jean HAY, 1816; Ann W.
122 JJ 1710 HH; Alex JARVIE in Auchinbae; 182(1); Alex BRAED & Janet HAY
122A John (JAR)VIE & Jean (JACK)SON; JC
123 ws ib 1710; Robt MILLER & Jean SEMPLE; 1814
124 1793 ; Jas SHAW & Isabel CUDDIE
125 1875; And FINDLAY; And F. portioner here 9.8.1853 61, s John 14.12.1847
126 1733 IR MP JA AM 1801
127 1852 WB GG AF LS MW 1759 (KGB has 1852 Wm BATHGATE,
128 1794 TA IF (KGB has 1784 Thos Anderson)
129 Jas ANDERSON 24.5.1883 96 w Ann HORN 27.4.1872 75, s John
8.6.1884 63 (w Mary
ABERCROMBIE 2.10.1883 63)
130 Jas ANDERSON 29.7.1897 71, w Christina A. 30.6.1888 72
131 Peter GILLIES b 30 Dec 1846 83 y, wife Janet RANKIN d 6 Apr 1837 75 y,
chn John HORN d 26 Sept 185(r or 3) 34 yr (not R or 3)
132 1835; Wm STARK & ....t FAULDS
Page 159
192 R. SMITH & M. YOUNG 1822
193 17(73) - A RL MP
194 1735; 1818; JK & MS (KGB has - 1817, Jas KIRKWOOD)
196 1732 AK MM MM JS 1777 1818 JK & MS
197 Jas LANG & Margt STEIL & Chn, 1784; Jas LANG & Agnes HAMILTON; 1804
198 Jas LANG & Janet STIRLING 18(3 or 5)(3 or 5)
199 1860 Jas LANG 24 May 1855, 62 yr, wife Janet STIRLING 14 February
1880, 80 yrs, son Alex 23 march
1877 46 yr; Wm L. 8 February 1835 2yr; Jas L. 20 June 1843 22 yr; Wm L.
8 May 1845 10 yr; Margt L. 26
November 1856 (gmo Marion ROBERTSON 4 January 1861, 78 yr)
200 1784 JL MS AL MW 1861 (KGB has - 1785 Jas LANG, Bonnymire)
201 1856 Alex LANG, mert 5 May 1862, daughter Janet PATERSON L. 13
January 1861 25yr
202 1761 TC MK
203 1828 David DONALDSON & Marioin MCLAREN
204 JM & MS 1864 (KGB has - 1864, John MATHESON, weaver)
205 John RANKIN 20 January 1830, wife Jean CRAWFORD 27 September 1859,
89 yr, chn Janet 20 January
1826, 27 yr, William 22 November 1840,, 45 yr, John 13 February 1876 82
yr, Jas 9 January 1887, 83 yr (wife
Janet JACK 27 December 1902 79 yr), the family occupied the farm of Inchwood
from 1811 to 1865 and
previously the farm of Riskend both in this parish.
206 1846 NS JC; 1862 Daniel Shields
207 1851 John HAY 13 June 188 78 yr, wife Isabella CRAWFORD MARSHALL
16 June 1893, 77 yr,
208 1827 Robt SHAW & Eliz EDMOND
210 AM ES 1816 by Alex MILLER & Janet BUCHANAN
211 1855 Jas WALLACE; Margt MILLER
212 1764 IP MC; David KEER 29 June 1887, 70 yr
213 1734 WC BK RK AM
214 Samuel DINNINGTON & wife Margt MOSSGROVE
215 W (G or C) (C or G) M
216 John MILLER; 1728, January 12, 1822, WM GW WM & JK 1877 (KGB
has - 1822 Wm MILLER
Tayhead, 1860,
End of page 159
217 (FS BEFORE 218) Alex FREW & Margt BENNY
218 Alex FREW May 1873 age 67, wife Margt BENNY May 1898 age 82
dau Marion March 1853 7 weeks, son Alex April 1869 23 years
son John Jan 1885 age 34
219 (FS) David CLELAND 18 Oct 1838 age 28, by wife Hellen BUCHANAN,
gs David C 19 Dec 1933 ae 9
220 1794 AF MG
221 1788 WB EG (KGB has 1788 Wm BARRIE in Woodend)
222 1827 Jas EDMOND & Janet BOAG
223 Jean MACFARLANE 16 Dec 1825 by a friend
224 Jas JOHNSTON 26 Feb 1854 age 63, wife Margt SHAW 13 Aug 1855,
age 67
dau Isabella 13 June 1881 age 52 (wife of Jas ALLAN 10 Oct 1914
age 81,
by son Robt
225 Wm RANKIN , farmer Twechar 18 Feb 1897 age 85, wife Margt MCLAREN
7 May 1882 age 62,
dau Mary 11 Dec 1850 17 months, dau Maggie 6 Jan1880 age 27, dau
Agnes 13 Feb 1925
age 82, son John 23 Jan 1928 age 70, gda Margt DONALD 6 Oct 1938
age 61
226 1836 Jas BUCHANAN & Eliz BENSON
227 (FS) R I
228 (FS) JG IA 1720 IG I (R or B) (KGB has John GILCHRIST)
229 (FS) JP I -
230 1827 Alex STIRLING & Janet GRACIE
231 1827 AS JG (next to 230)
232 1834 Wm FLEMING & Margt KEIR
233 (loose stone resting on 232) to our sister Janet 14 Jan 1946 age
234 Thos LAWRIE ground officer Banton 27 May 1852 age 67
son Thos (wife Janet HANNAH)
235 RK MR 1753
236 1761 RS IH (KGB has 1760 Robt SHAW)
237 perhaps similar to 238
238 (FS next to 237) JL LI HC 1723 John LECKIE 6 Nov 1872;
Alex SMITH 19 May 1853, wife Sarah LECKIE SMITH 6 May 18887, son
17 Sept 1920 (KGB has 1725, John LECKIE SMITH; 1882 to s? Peter
239 (FS) 1837 J. FREW & I. CLELAND ...HENDRIE ... (FREW) 10 (July)
1760 age 70
240 Jas FREW 25 June 1900 age 59, wife Eliz F. 11 Aug 1922 age 79,
Jane Dunn 27 Mar 1901 21 yrs, Wm and Margt infants
241 (FS) 1816 Wm WALLACE & Agnes RANKINE
end of page 160
Page 161
242 Jas WALLACE 1875, 75 yr, wife Jean LIVINGSTON 1865, 57 yr; Rev
Wm W. of Solsgirth 14 August
1884, 56 yr; wife Margt FREW 1867 36 yr, second wife Mary SALMON 1883,
47 yr
243 1816 Wm WALLACE & Agnes RANKINE
244 Agnes MILLER 7 April 1801, 9 yr; Isabel M. 24 April 1801, 25 yr;
Peter M. 3 December 1838, 51
yr,; David CUTHBERTSON MD 12 -- --
245 John MILLER of Orchard & sis
246 175(3 or 5) AF IG 17-1- 1819 JG JL; Jas GRAHAM in
247 JG JL 1819 Jas GRAHAM in Auchencloich
248 1819 Jas STARK, wife Jean HAY, chn
249 1847; Thos HORN; Mary STIRLING
250 1833; Wm C WILSON & M. MEIKLE; Margt M. 28 April 1850, Robt M. 13
October 1832, 85 yr
251 1822 AC MG JC AR (KGB has - 1822 Alex COUTTS gardener
Colzium or And CARMICHAEL
252 Peter MARSHALL in Dennyloanhead April 1851, wife Margt GILLIES June
253 John STIRLING 8 January 1850, 75 yr, wife Eliz BAIRD 18 March 1862,
82 yr; son Alex 19 July 1862,
61 yr (wife Christina PATRICK 3 April 1845, 46 yr)
254 1750 JL & MD 1852, Wm ANDERSON & (J or E) B. YOUNG
255 Thos WATERS & Mary BOW & Chn
256 1828; Walter BURNS
257 Robt GRACIE, wif Christina WESTWATER, bro Thos G. 26 March 1862, 26
258 Matthew DOWNIE & Jean ANDERSON
259 1783 (I or J) R BG WR JN 1834 (KGB had - 1785 Jas RANKIN,
260 1769 JB JA (KGB has - 1767 John BOW in Auchenvallis)
261 Arthur LIVINGSTONE 26 November 1821, 32 yr, wife Isabella RENNIE
L or BANKIER 11 April
1873, 81 yr; chn Wm C 1827, 21 yr; Alex 16 July 1858, 40 yr, Eliz KERR L. 5
Mary 1906, 85 yr
262 1765 JR LA, 1820, Walter HAMILTON
263 1853 JL MO
264 1856 John WILSON
265 Wm PATERSON 31 January 1848, Margt RANKIN December 1834; Janet
9 August 186(5)
Kilsyth Old Churchyard
Page 163
289 Robt BOW & Marion RANKIN 1893; by surviving members of family
290 ......ine / ER / C
291 18(35) RC & EL
292 1855 William CLELAND & Margaret MCLEAN
293 1731 JJ AS 1846, Archd JARVIE & Agnes WATSON
294 1868 John RANKINE, wife Agnes YOUNG, children Agnes 1 July
1844, John 27 February 1845
295 18(4)6, John JOHNSTON & Ann SWORD
296 18(4)6 Jas JOHNSTON
297 William YOUNG, - Alex YOUNG 10 June 1913 28 June 1921 by
teachers and fellow pupils
298 William AUCHINVOLE & Mt MUIRHEAD 18(1)7
299 Jas MARTEN 11 May 1856 76 yr, by son Robert
300 1710 IM AE MD, John HAMILTON & Esther L. LOGAN (see324 next
301 IS 1865 Thos HUME, wife Janet MCLAREN, children
302 1758 WS AH
303 1746 WJ WC JJ
304 1847 John DONALDSON & Janet RUSSELL; on top TC
305 1831 1871 Jas CALLENDER, wife Margaret ANDERSON
306 Alex PATERSON, farmer Old Place, here 31 August 1874, 75 yr; wife
Christina CALLENDER 1 October
1884, 84 yr
307 JM & EM 1861
308 1822 WR & (G)K (KGB has - 1822, Wm ROSS, Newton
309 1862 Alex CLELAND 17 March 1859, 75 yr, wife Margaret FORBES 22
March 1862, 76 yr, son
Duncan at Cadder 2 June 1875 63 yr, (wife Mary THOM, son Alex 11 February
1842 4 1/2)
310 1817 DM JB (KGB has - 1817, David MILLER, Auchencloch)
311 William LOGAN , wife Eliz. TODD 27 May 1861, 70 yr, son John 1817
14 month
312 Hugh WARDEN, mert Glasgow, wid Mrs Chr. MILLER of Park Burn heirs 5
March 1808; Agnes W. 26
May 1820; John WARDEN 18 July 1829, Chr MILLER 27 July 1836
Page 164
313 John WARDEN of Park Burn; Jean WARDEN 9 April 182(4)
314 1816 Jas RALSTON & Grizel DALRYMPLE
315 Alex BANKIER 8 June 1864, 49 yr; wife Jean PATRICK 8 October 1861,
45 yr; children Jean
BANKIER 9 April 1848, 9 months; son Aitchison 22 February 1850, 5 yr 4
month; John Patrick BANKIER
2 February 1851 2 yr, Eliz. Jarvie BANKIER 18 April 1854, 15 yr 4 months,
Marion 3 February 1857, 14 yr 1
mo; Alex BANKIER, wife Janet MARSHALL 31 August 1872, 46 yr
316 1824; Robt INGLES, portioner here, wife Margt LIVINGSTON 21 March
1830, 44 yr
317 Jas INGLIS died here 27 March 1850, wife agnes PATRICK INGLIS, died
Helensburgh 19 September
1873, ss & das inf; daugher Eliz D. GIFFNOCK 19 November 1915, son Robt,
son Jas at Helensburgh 11
March 1880
318 1820, Jas KIRKWOOD & Eliz MCGRUTHER
319 1820 Robt KIRKWOOD, wife Eliz. RENNIE
320 AS 1817
321 1787 RB BC
322 Alex SHAW 2 September 1900, 59 yr;, wife Agnes FOTHERINGHAM 2
March 1911, 65 yr, children
Margt 19 July 1877, 7 yr; Jessie 22 February 1893, 17 yr; son David
killed in action France, 1s Jas 24
October 1927, 53 yr (wife Jeenie MCKINNON) daughter Agnes, infant
323 1753 MS JB
324 John HAMILTON 25 November 1898, (7-), wife Esther LAMBLEY LOGAN
16 September 1916, 89 yr,
children John 7 December 1858, 5 weeks; David 10 January 1862m 1 yr 9 mo;
William 23 March 1863, 7 yr 3
mo; Robert 13 October 1866, 10 mo; Jas ARSA died Edinburgh 27 December
1894, 41 yr; Mary Arnot
HAMILTON 2 September 1919, 57 yr
325 1827 John SHAW & Betty JARVIE
326 1875; David SHAW
327 Geo CRAIG 8 January 1864, 49 yr; wife Janet SMELLIE 15 ??? 1890
74, son John 5 November 1849,
4 yr
328 1860, William CHALMER, portioner here 13 August 1858, 78 yr, wife
Isabella STEVEN 27 June 1860,
72 yr, son Jas CHALMERS June 1856, 38 yr; daughter Helen 28 May 1843, 28
yr; son Alex at Banton 18
February 1865, 45 yr
329 1854 Alex ANDERSON & Margt STEVENSON
330 John STEVENSON 12 September 1774, 4 February 1864, wife Margt
HORNE 23 March 1787 1
October 1845, children George 28 June 1823 11 February 1846; John 1 May
1817 10 April 1847, David 5
October 1825 25 October 1851, Mary 15 December 1821 2 April 1865 buried
here, Janet 10 November 1810 1
March 1855 (wife of Jas MACFARLANE of Luggie Bank) Joseph born 6 September
1827 died Melbourne 2
April 1865m Margaret 2 August 1807 12 September 1883 (wife of W. STEVENSON
of Alton) Robert Horne
STEVENSON DD born 27 October 1812 died Edinburgh 15 November 1886, Alex
born 10 January 1809 died
Gloucestershire 7 Decembere 1892, Marion 28 May 1815 17 April 1895, (wife
of W. STEWART of Barbeth) Jas
born 21 February 1821 died Culgaith 11 September 1902, (Fasti- Margt HORNE
was daugher of Robert HORNE
of Braziers)
page 165
331 1869 William SHAW 4 February 1849, 37 yr’ wife Betty ADAM 3
February 1849, 37 yr; son Jas Adam
SHAW ( wife Margt DOBBIE 6 March 1895, 57 yr)
332 1728 AH
333 Jas PATRICK farmer Queenzieburn 19 February 1858, 66 yr; daughter
Margt 1838 13 mo; son John
drowned in SS London 11 January 1866, 24 yr, wife Barbara BRAID 16 December
1870, 72 yr; grandchildren
Barbara Eliza 18 January 1865, 2 mo; Archd 1 December 1874, 7 mo; Eliza
Rennie 20 August 1875 2 mo,
Jane Rennie 12 September 1875, 3 mo, Alex 9 February 1878, 11, John Rennie
13 September 1882, 19 yr;
(Children of Jas PATRICK 25 September 1902, 72 yr; & Jane Lang RENNIE 31
August 1905, 72 yr)
334 JS JB 1727 (KGB has - 1727 Jas SWORD, Kilsyth)
335 1850 And BANKIER, wife Mary BANKIER, by SS DR Jas & dr Robert
336 Chas JOHNSTON & Cathrine BAINARD
337 1835 Alex FREW & Mary MARSHALL; Farquhar TUNNOCH, wife Helen FREW,
September 1919, wife Agnes TUNNOCH 14 January 1922
338 1727 J(J) PI 1826; Peter JARVIE, Jean GRACIE: TC EB; Wilam
339 (S) (A) JS A(C) IS MH 1724 , 1838; Jas LAING & wife Jane
340 JB MB 1799 (KGB has - 1798 John BROWN)
341 William ARCHIBALD, Margt WOOD
342 1812 David ADAM & Janet ANDERSON
343 Geo AUCHINVOLE 6 February 1885, 81 yr; wife Helen STARK 28 August
1854, 51 yr, Henry 8
November 1895, 54 yr; Maggie 1 June 1907, 70 yr; Jean 29 November 1923, 84
yr; by the family
344 1854 Jas BOYD & Mary MCKINZIE
345 1762 AS AC (for AD
346 1825 Alex PATRICK & Jean ADAM
347 Duncan MCFARLANE died at sea 25 August 1880, 49 yr; wife Isabella
GRACIE 10 September 1906, 72
yr 6 mo; daughter Agnes Gracie MCFARLANE 17 January 1882, 23 yr; daughter
Isabella infant, grandson
Chas Smith infant; Jas Gracie MCFARLANE 1 June 1886, 29 yr; Christina D.
MCFARLANE 3 March 1894, 8
yr; Duncan MCFARLANE DCM 14712 7/8 Kins own scottish borderers killed in
action France 23 July 1912,
42, bd Buzancy
348 2797 DM MT
349 1795 AL MC; Jas BAIRD, Janet LIVINGSTONE 1827; (KGB has - 1793
PAGE 166
350 JP MW 1760; Wm HARTLEY 1724
351 1728 IG MB RG EH WG MP
352 1756 JL AF
353 1745 JM HG
354 1865 1745 DS & AH DS
355 JC (C or G) 1699 / JC AB A- -- NS JC JS
356 Wm LITHGOW 24 January 1879, 75 yr; wife Jean GARDNER 3
1879, 70 yr; son John 11
October 1847, 12 (KGB has - 1841 Wm LITHGOW, to gs 1882 Wm LITHGOW)
357 1818 DC JR 1851 J (C or G) M(B)
358 1633 AC IM; 1764 JC AP / DC IR; 1810 1851 JC MP
359 II DC JR JC & MP 1810
360 David CLELAND farmer Arnrae died Bridge of Alan 27 April 1921, 73
yr; bos Alex at Genoa 13 May
1879, 20 yr; William at Arnbrae 17 October 1881, 24 yr; Siss Jeanie CLELAND
at Kirkintilloch 24 August 1926
72 yr, Agnes CLELAND there 27 April 1927, 82 yr
361 1857 David RENNIE 18 February 1852, 62 yr, wif Jane GILIES born 6
Ocober 1799 died Helensburgh 5
June 1892 / by son Alex/92
362 Archd GRAHAM 26 January 1842, 50 yr; Agnes STIRLING 25 September
1892, 99 yr; son Jas esq of
Auchencloch 13 October 1909, 81 yr
363 John LAING wife Isobel GRAHAM 1774, Jas G. in Auchencloch 1868, sis
Agnes STIRLING 25 May
1871, 42 yr; brother Archd GRAHAM 3 April 1883, 50 yr; Jean GRAHAM at West
Auchencloch 17 January
1904, 72 yr, widow Donald MCALPINE
364 Rev. Alex HILL, wife Jane HORNE 23 January 1837, 27 yr
365 1829 John CLELAND & Janet MORISON, lying separately on this stone,
John CLELAND 30 August
1905, 24 yr from Leith workers municipal committee (KGB has - 1829 John
CLELAND , Craigends, transferred
1846 to his son Robert, weaver Old Town
366 Thos HARDIE & Agnes FORRESTER 1858; (KGB has - 1837 Thos HARDIE,
transferred 1870 to his bros
Robt, transferred 1891 to Robt’s son Chas, collier Charles Street
367 1730 JB EH JB
368 1724 AB ET JB MB (GB has - 1724 Alex BALLOCH, Wester BALLOCH)
369 1824 John LAING & Jean TENNANT, JL (KGB has - 1824 Jas LAING, son
of Alex, Old Town
PAGE 167
370 1729 RS CF
371 1818 Alex GALLOWAY at Banton 23 April 1825, wife Alison HUME 20
April 1818; son Alex 26
August 1848, three dughters Eliz, Alison & Jane Sophia
372 1860 Hugh MCDONALD, wife Flora CAMERON, daughter Cath 6 July 1841,
16 months
373 1824 William LIVINGSTON, wife Margt SHAW & Chr LECKIE and their
heirs; William
LIVINGSTONE 10 January 1834, 78 much beloved by all who knew him
374 1793 WL & MS, Robt LIVINGSTONE 23 April 1903, 75 yr; wife Helen
Auust 1912 (KGB has - 1791 Wm LIVINGSTON, New Town, transferred 1897 to his
grand nephew Robert
LIVINGSTONE, Clarendon St, Glasgow)
375 1793 JG; John GEMMILL & Janet DOBBIE
376 1804 WS IB
377 1860 DS EG Robt SHAW & Janet GOODWIN
378 1838 Robt BLAIR & Jean GARDNER (KGB has - 1823, Robt BLAIR,
transferred 1858 to son Robt
BLAIR, weaver, transferred 1899 to Mrs Robt BLAIR)
379 Hamilton BROWN 11 July 1887, 75 yr; wife Janet DUNN 20 June 1880,
66, yr, ss John 26 July 1840 28
February 1841, Hamilton 28 February 1844 12 January 1845, William 12
February 1838 31 August 1857, son
John 20 November 1890, 36 yr; daughte Helen 13 February 1913, 62 yr (wife of
380 John BROWN & Mariann TOSH; AB
381 bro John BROWN for 5 yr president of Kilsyth PSA brotherhood, by
members, etc.
382 Robert GRAY in Croy 28 July 1848, 49 yr; wife Janet ADAM 19 July
1869, 64 yr, son Robert at Grilsta
Shtland 28 February 1887, 52 yr, son Jas 4 December 1894, 57 yr, son William
of Coatbridge (son Jas 29 May
1875 14 mo)
383 1864 Thos BROWN & Sarah MCHUTCHON
384 John GOODWIN & wife Margt JARVIE 18(4 or 1)8 (see 386)
385 Jas ANDERSON, wife Mary BAXTER (sis Cath. BAXTER 25 June 1897, 27 ur)
386 John GOODWIN 25 December 1875, 65 yr; wife Agnes Hmilton 9 July
1888, 70 yr, children Agnes 6
August 1844, 7 yr; Jane 3 April 1850, 1 mo; Archd 26 March 1885 23yr; Jane 20
September 1916, 62 yr; (KGB
has - 18124 Jas GOODWIN, Craigroot transferred 1846 to son John GOODWIN,
Arnbrae, transferred 1885 to
latter’sdaugher Jane GOODWIN, Arnbrae, transferred 1913 to son of last named,
John Grant GOODWIN,
387 1859 John ROSS, wife Eliz GOODWIN, Jas ROSS 22 May 1871 16 yr
388 (FS) 1874 Peter WILSON 26 June 18(5)7, wife Eliz FREW 12 Dec
1884, 84 yrs, child Eliz
18(3)0 8 weeks, Wm 6 Nov 1833 18, Jne 9 June 1858 age 27, John
14 May 1860 age 25
389 1746 JL MD JL ES WL MG
390 John MILLER wife Christina THOM 24 June 1878 age 53, two children
391 JF JR MH 1752
HR MM / AR (KGB has 1753 John RENNIE 1754 John REID, 1793 Henry
392 1821 JF JT (KGB has 1819 JAS FORBES)
394 (fs NEXT 393) 1733 AF AR; Alex FERGUS, Eh CLELAND
(KGB has 1737 Alex FERGUS in Inchlees)
395 (FS next 394) 1818 Al G MM (KGB has Alex GALLOWAY in Bankfoot)
396 (FS next 395) 1890 Alex MCKINLAY & Margt PROVAN
397 18(2)0 John MARSHALL & Mary SHAW
398 1840 Robert LEISHMAN; Wm L. 18 Feb 1917 age 82, wife Eliz ROSS 11
Mar 1917 82 yr,
Chn Robt, Luc Cecilia, David & Wm d in South Africa
399 1827 Geo GILLIES & Isabella STIRLING, son Geo 2 May 1935 age 72,
da? Christine Infant
400 1838 Robt DOWNIE & Ann BAIRD
401 18(2 OR 4)0 J. FINDLAY & J. SHAW; Jae DOWNIE, son John 23 Feb 1859
13 Feb 1861, son
Matthew 11 Nov 1857 13 Mar 1861
402 (FS ) 18(2 or 4)0 J. FINDLAY & J. SHAW TF JF
403 next 402 1860 Thos FINDLAY 12 June 1895 73 yrs, wife Jane C FREW
Jan 1902 76, chn
404 1859 AF CK 1859 Jean FINDLAY (next 403)
405 1814 John FINDLAY
406 1726 RH CW
407 1863 John WILSON, wife Eliz YOUNG
408 Jas SHAW 18 Dec 1884 age 65, wife Eliza BOYD 1889 age 68
409 (FS) 1860 John CLARK & Marion MORRISON, , JH J (D) PH GM
17(6)(0 or 3)
John (HINDERSON) clockmaker
410 (FS) 17(7 or 3)4 AM JF later property of John MILLER
end of page 168
411 175(1) AM JF (next 410)
412 (FS) John MCAULAY, wife Jean YOUNG, dau Agnes 1 May 1815 age 24
413 1814 Wm SINCLAIR and Mary FALCONER
414 John WALLACE 10 My 1917 age 65, wife ann BAIRD,
son of Robt W. 25 Aug 1885 age 59 and Ann SHAW 18 April 1885
age 64, (Chn Son Robt 28 Nov 1862 age 8, Agnes 6
Nov 1862 age 3, Margt 27 Aug 1862 age 1, two infants)
415 (FS) AF MG 17(0)6 FINDLAY
416 1822 Jas BANKIER
417 (FS before 416) wm SHAW, wife Margt LAING BANKIER 27 Aug 1907 age
chn Agnes 16 Feb 1868 1 yr 6 mo, Christina 6 July 1869 1 yr
David 23 Jan 1873 age 2, Jas FORRESTER 1 Dec 1940
418 (FS) 1819 John WALLACE & Ann GRAY; JW
419 (FS) 1819 Wm GILLIES, wife Chr G.; Jean G 17 May 1875;
(KGB has 1802, Wm GILLIES, dau Janet)
420 1728 JB CP 1851 JA (C or G) B
(KGB has 1730 John BROWN)
421 (FS) JS JC 1857, Alex RENNIE (KGB has
1859 Jas STIRLING wright, from FA 1839 David S)
422 1736 JB EH AB AB MS
423 Jas DUNCAN 1 Aug 1881, wife Ann STEWART 3 Mar 1892,
daughters Mary 10 FEb 1849 , Eliz 13 Jan 1857, Margt 26 Apr 1914,
Ann 25 Nov 1925
424 (FS) IT CD; Jas DUNCAN of Drumgibbon in Cumbernauld Parish
425 1847 John McCALL later surgeon here 30 Aug 1806
426 1859 John PATERSON & Agnes CALLANDER, family
427 1845 Thos Espie SHAW, wife Helen JARVIE BROWN, da Cecilia
Morrison age 3
428 (FS) (HAMILTON) 1792
Wm HAMILTON: Wm H 22 Mar 1873 age 25 by wid Alice McWHINEY
429 1728 JB MW (1808) (or initials)
430 1804 JP JF JP EJ (KGB has 1798 John PATRICK, collier an
1828 Jas PATRICK of Knowhead)
431 WG MD 1788
432 David BENNIE 16 June 1905 age 86, wife Ann COWIE 6 Aug 1891
son Jas 21 Nov 1854 age 2 months, David 31 Nov 1867, age 6
end of page 169
Page 170
433 (FS) 1814 RS JH, Jas STEVENSON, wife Cath LESLIE 27 Sept
1872 74 yrs
434 (FS next 433) AS MS, Jas BAIRD, taylour here & wife Marin
WB (C or G)M 179(3)
436 1857 Jas BOYD, wife Janet MILLER
437 1791 JD ML WD M (C or G)
438 1826 DD JL
439 (FS) 1751 J or W) C (J)S 18-1
440 at head of 439 Jas SMART 4 Feb 1879 age 52, wife
Agnes LANG 24 Dec 1884, age 56
441 Matthw McLAREN, wife Chr PROVAN 10 Sept 1853 ae 49, (KGB has
1823 Matthew McLAREN, transferred 1875 to s. Matthew in Banton
442 1775 JA MB
443 1824 CS JK (KGB has 1812, 1823 & 1824, Chas ZUILL, Newton, three
lairs, one lair in 1846 to his son Patrick and
another lair to his dau Grizzzel ZUILL in Craigends in 1847
444 (FS)s - (C) IA 1808 JM JK (KGB has 1808, John McLEAN, also
1808 John McDONALD)
445 1888 Wm WOOD
446 (FS in enclosure with 447) JR 1792 MR; John RENNIE at Curriemire
26 Mar 1839 age 53, wife Janet FERGUS YOUNG, thre 5 July 1880 age
dau Marion 2 Feb 1834 3 1/2, dau Janet FERGUS R. 9 Aug 1842 ag 14 ;
Marion RANKINE R. 17 Oct 1854 age 20, Annie 22 May 1888 age 51,
(wife of Rev John McGAVIN)
MA min of Chapelton 31 Dec 1890 age 55)(he was 3son of John MCGAVIN,
447 (see 446) (FS) HR MI 1797, Hendry RENNIE; Alex R.
448 1822 JG AB; John GILLIES 14 May 1912 age 87, wife Ann WALLACE
, son Jas 16 June 1892 age 42; Minnie CROSS 1 May 1903 age
81;\G./ Agnes/ 15 Nov 1925 age 82
449 1823 HN MW
450 next to 449 Hugh NAPIER 1823, May WILSON 1823, Wm N. 1860,
Mary BAIRD 5 May 1909 age 85; Wm N 14 Feb 1884, dau Jeanie 15 Aug
1881, son Thos
27 Aug 1886, son Wm accidentally drowned Princes Dock Glasgow 9 Nov
1898 age 19
(by his playmates, shopmates and frinds)
451 (FS) John MARSHALL 25 April 1843 M./ 27: Martha 5 Dec 1880 age
451 John WATSON 5 April 1902, age 69, wife Agnes MARSHALL 27 Dec 1901
age 67; Allena M. 27 July
1921 age 55, wife of Peter W. 27 Jan 1926 age 66, whose 2wife Jeanie BOYD
17 Nov 1935 age 71.
childn Annie, Lena & Mary died young. corporal John W. 8th seaforth
kills at Loos 25 Sept 1915 age 22
end of page 170
PAGE 171
452 (part) Peter M. W. for 28 y contractor Dumbreck Works 27 January
1926 from officals and workmen
453 1778 RR JK
454 1780 WN IN
455 1781 JK JM
456 Geo NISBET & Jean GILLIES -7--
457 Wm GILLIES & wife Margaret BROWN
458 1774 RS JS
459 1769 JS JC
460 1884 Jas CALLANDER at Blainfield 14 May 1913 77 yr;, wife Margaret L.
ANDERSON died there 6 May
1903, 71 yr;, daughter Eliz. C. CALLANDER, died Duntreath 13 June 1877, 11
yr, fa William at Kinloch 23 July
1876, 78 yr’ (wife Eliz CUTHILL there 29 April 1876, 78 yr)
461 1787 Robt BOYD Jane SWORD
462 John BOYD 1861; wife Jant LIVINGSTONE 1870, grandson David Hay
ROWAT 27 January 1910, 38
yr (wife Sarah MUDIE 4 November 1905, 34 yr, daugher Eliz L. B. 30 June
1904, 10 mo
463 1820 Jas BAIRD, wife Eliz MOFFAT; 1854; Robt BAIRD 15 February
1878 67 yr, Robina Robertson
WRIGHT 19 May 1902, 20 yr; Robert W. 17 November 1908 79 yr, wife Janet
B. 3 February 1908, 69 yr; lda
Christina NESBET 22 December 1924, 44 yr (wife of Wm BROWN)
464 1769 J WC CA
465 Alex MARSHALL, wife Jean CRAWFORD, son David 4 June 1906 (wife Janet
MUNRO 31 March 1908)
466 1846 Robt BANKIER, 1814 John MCCORKANDALE, wife Margt WILSON
467 Wm GOW 1 May 1899, 73 yr, wife Agnes MCCALLUM 22 December 1889, 63
yr; children Jas 24 May
1854, 11 mo; William 6 February 1857 2 yr; Agnes 28 December 1868 2 1/2 yr;
Daniel 9 January 1893, 43 yr
468 1860; John MACAULAY gardner Colzium 7 May 1885, 63 yr; first wife
Jane FAULDS 16 January
1860, 37 yr; ls Robt 30 April 1850, 6 myr 6 mo; 2nc wife, Jessie MATHIESON
30 May 1889, 66 yr; Wm
MACCAULAY 24 August 1878 19 y 3 mo
469 Peter HALKETT 19 January 1899 70 yr; wife Cath REID 25 September
1906, 77 yr; son Francis 24
December 1881, 27 yr, daugher? Maggie HALKETT 10 March 1856, 5 yr;
children? Janet & Eliz infant
470 Robt SNEDDON 8 October 1894, 70 yr; wife Jane CRAWFORD 4 June 1910, 86
yr; son Jas 28 February
1853 3 yr; daughter Jane 26 May 1875, 6 yr; son Alex 17 May 1920, 68 yr
471 Geo JARVIE, wife Agnes POLLOCK, children Margaret 9 January 1851, 19 mo,
Jas 14 June 1854, 9 mo;
George 5 March 1873 9 yr; Eliz 16 September 1876 16 mo; Jas 18 March 1889
22 yr
PAGE 172
1887 Robt DUNLOP, wife ANN JARVIE 30 September 1912
473 David BARR, wife Alison ABERCROMBIE 1817 1882, children Janet b &
d 1850, William b & d 1852,
Janet 1853 1854, Johne 1846 1856, Eliz 1859 1866, David 1855 1877,
grandaughter Alison 1879 1882, daugher
Alixon BARR 9 wife of Joseph MOFFAT