Will of Richard Lowther


Dated 07 Dec 1607

In the name of God, Amen. I, Richard Lowther of Lowther in the County of Westmorland, Knight, being sicke in body but perfect in memory, praysed by God, doe Constitute and make this my last will and testament in manor and forme as foloweth: First, I doe admit my soule to Almightie God; faithfully believing to be save my the merit of my Savior Jesus Christ, through his death and pasion; and my body in my parish Church of Lowther in the portch called Lowther portch. In primis I doe my this my last will and testament constitute and appoint my welbeloved sonnes Hugh Lowther and William Lowther my whole executors. Item: I doe give unto Mr. Christopher Fetherstone, my daughters sonne, ten pounds to be payed unto him at Easter next insewing the date of there presents. In whitness whereof I have put unto my hand and seal this 7th of December anno donni 1607. Sealed and signed in the presence of these whitness: John Adamson, Christopher Fetherstone, Henry Nelson, Mathew Grayne, Robert Addison (Jr), John Lowther.

Signed, Richard Lowther

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