Will of Richard Bully of Great Yarmouth

This is the last Will and Testament of me Richard Bully of Great Yarmouth in the County of Norfolk Master Mariner made in manner following, that is to say, ffirst I give and devise all that my Tenement or Dwellinghouse with the Yard ground and appurtenances to the same belonging situate and being in Great Yarmouth aforesaid in a narrow lane or Row there commonly called "King the Baker's Row" No. 93 now in my own occupation and all other my real Estate wheresoever situate and being unto Mary my wife for and during the term of her natural life or so long as she shall continue my Widow and unmarried And from and immediately after her decease or in case she shall marry any other person then and in either of those cases I give and devise the said Tenement or Dwellinghouse and Hereditaments with the appurtenances and all other my said real Estate unto my Executors hereinafter named in trust that they my said Executors or the survivor of them or the Executors or administrators of such survivor so and shall as soon as conveniently can be or they shall think fit next after the decease of my said Wife or her marriage with any other person to sell or dispose of the said Tenement or Dwellinghouse and hereditaments and all other my said real Estate either by public auction or private contract and for the most money that can or may be obtained for the same and convey and assure the same unto the purchaser or purchasers thereof his heir or their hears or assigns or as he she or they shall direct and pay and apply the money arising thereby in manner hereinafter mentioned And my mind and will is and I direct that the receipt or receipt [sic] of my said Executors or the survivor of them or the Executors or administrators of such survivor shall be a good and effectual acquittance or discharge of good and effectual acquittances or discharges to the purchaser or purchasers of the said hereditaments and premises for the sum or sums of money to be paid for the purchase thereof or of any part thereof And that such purchaser or purchasers shall not be obliged or required to see to the application or be answerable for the misapplication or nonapplication of such purchase money or any part thereof Also I do authorize and empower order and direct my said Executors or the survivor of them or the Executors or administrators of such survivor as soon as conveniently can be next after my decease to sell and dispose of and convert into money all my parts shares or interest in the Schooner or Vessel called the Britannia of Yarmouth and all other my parts shares or interest in any other Ships or Vessels and all other my Goods Chattels and personal Estate and Effects whatsoever (except such part of my said personal Estate as may consist of money and also except my household furniture plate and linen) and the money arising by such sale or sales together with my ready money (after payment of all my just debts, funeral expenses and the charges of proving this my Will) I direct my said Executors or the survivor or the survivor of them or the Executors or administrators of such survivor to put and continue out at interest on Government or real security for and during the natural life of the said Mary my Wife or such time as she shall continue my Widow And I give the dividends and interest thereof unto her the said Mary my Wife and her assigns for and during her life or widowhood Also I give unto the said Mary my Wife the profits arising from my said parts or shares in Ships or other personal Estate until the same shall be converted into money Also I give and bequeath unto my said Wife the use of all my household furniture plate and linen (but not the property therein) for and during the term of her natural life or so long as she shall continue my Widow And from and immediately after the decease of my said Wife or her marriage with any other person I give the money to arise by the sale of my said Real estate herein before directed to be sold and the money hereinbefore directed to be placed out at interest during her life or widowhood and the rents dividends and interest that may be then due thereon respectively and also my said household furniture plate and linen unto and to be equally divided between my five children (that is to say) Elizabeth Caroline Mary Anne and Maria my Daughters and Richard my Son share and share alike or such of them as shall be then living and the lawful issue (if any) of such as shall be then said such Issue to take his her or their ffathers or Mothers share only And it is my mind and will that my said Executors of the survivors of them or the Executors or administrators of such survivor shall not be charged or chargeable with or accountable for any loss which may happen in the sale of all or any part of my said real and personal Estate and effects herein before directed to be sold or in placing the money to arise therefrom together with my ready money money [sic] out at interest as aforesaid so as such loss happen without their wilful default but that such loss shall be borne by their persons respectively entitled to such monies nor shall they my said Executors be responsible or accountable for the arts deeds receipts or payments of each other but each of them responsible for his own arts receipts and payments only And that my said Executors shall and may from time to time and at all times by and out of the monies to be received by them reimburse themselves respectively all such costs charges and expenses as they or either of them shall be put unto in the execution of this my Will And I nominate and appoint Thomas Bully of Great Yarmouth aforesaid Master Mariner (my brother) and Robert Townshend of the same place Blockmaker Executors of this my Will And lastly hereby revoking all former and other Wills by me made I do declare this to be my last Will and Testament In witness whereof unto this my last Will and Testament contained and written on three sheets of paper together annexed I the said Richard Bully the testator have to the first and second sheets hereof set my hand and to the third and last sheet hereof my hand and seal this fifteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty — Richd. Bully (LS) — signed sealed published and declared by the within named Richard Bully the testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses hereto — Chas. J Palmer — J. Rising — John Fr. Tower -//- Proved at London the 1st of January 1831 before the Worshipful William Calverley Curtois Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the Oath of Robert Townshend the Nephew one of the Executors to whom Admon was granted having been first sworn duly to administer power reserved of making the like grant to Thomas Bully the Brother the other Executor whom he shall apply for the same -//- [Transcribed 1995 by Michael Steward and Keith Bulley from PROB 11/1780 folios 11-12 in Public Record Office, Chancery Lane, London.]

Submitter Keith Bulley

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