Will of Richard Crimes



In the Name of God Amen the twelveth Daye of the monthe of September in the yere of our lorde god one thousande fyve hundreth threeskore and fyve and in the seaventh yere of the raigne of oure Soveraigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of god quene of Englande france and Ireland defender the faith. I Richard Crymes citizen & haberdasher of London beinge sicke in bodye by the Visitation of god but yet of p'ffitt mynde and memorie lawde and praise be unto him doe make declare and ordeyne this my p'nte testament and laste will in manner and forme ffollowinge that is to saye ffirste and principally I comend my soule to All mightie god my maker and to our lorde Jesu Christe my savioure and redemer by th'onely merritts & whose precious death and passion I truste to have full remission of all my synnes my bodie to be buried within the pishe churche of Saicte Lawrence in th'olde Jewrie of London before my pewe dore there yf the pishioners will yt p'mitt and suffer, or elce where in suche decent sorte and order as by the discrecious of my executors and o'rseers shalbe thought meete and convenient. Item I give and bequeath to two hundreth poore maidens mariags one hundreth pounds of Lawfull money of Englande that is to saye to evrye one of them beinge honest and vertuous tenne shillings to be paide to her at the day of her mariage by my executors. Item I give and bequeath towards the amendinge and reparinge of the quenes highe waies lying aboute the citie of London or within x myles of the same Citie where the same waies are moste decayed the some of one hundered pounds of Lawfull money of Englande to be bestowed and employed by my executors with in fyve yeres after my decease with th'advise councell & consent of my o'rseers. Item I give and bequeath to the maior cominaltie and citesens of the saide citie of London gondners of the possessions revenewes and goods of t'hospitelle of kinge Edwarde the sixte called Christe, Bridwell and Saincte Thomas th'apostles the some of ffortie pounds of like money. Item I give and bequeath to and amongeste the poorest howsholders of the foresaide pishe of Saicnte Lawrence in th'olde Jurie of London the some of ffortie pounds of like money to be distributed and delyvered to them within two yeres after my decease. Item I give and bequeath to xxiiij poore men to attende uppon my bodie at my buriall twelve pounds that is to saye to ev'ry of them tenne shillings or elce to ev'ry one of them a blacke gowne at the discretion of my executors and overseers. Item I will that my executors shall yerely everie yere duringe the space of twentie yeres nexte after my decease provide and buye or cause to be bowghte and provided two loades of Charcolles and the same coales so boughte and provided shall delyver or cause to be delyv'ed to the church wardens of the same pishe churche of Saincte Lawrence for the tyme beinge or to there assignes to th'use and behouffe of the pooreste people of the same pishe to be distributed to and amongest them by th'advise & descretion of the saide churchewardens xiiij dayes before Christmas yerely duringe the saide terme. Item I give and bequeath to the poor prisoners of the connter in Wodstreate of London one loade of charcoales, and to the poore prisoners of the connter in the Powltrey of London one loade of charecoales to be delyvered unto them at the feaste of the birthe of our lorde god wch shall firste & next happen after my decease. Item I will give and bequeath to the churchwardens and p'ishioners of the pishe of Witton in the countie of Chester and to their successore churchwardens & p'ishionrs of the same pishe churche of Witton for the tyme beinge the some of one hundered pounds of Lawfull money of Englande forend uppon condicion that they or there assignes shall from tyme to tyme uppon requeste to them to be made by my executors & there assignes become bounden withe suche sufficient Sureties as my saide executors or theire assignes shall accepte to employe and bestowe the saide one hundered poundes towards the maintenance of the Boyneseth and the Bridge of the towne of Northwiche in the saide pishe of Witton as often and when as neede shall require hereafter forevermore. Item I give and bequeath to and amongste the neareste of my kynnered aswell of my anone Surname as others bothe men and Woman dwellinge in and aboute Northwiche afore saide the some of one hundered poundes of Lawfull money of Englande equally or otheriwse amongeste them to be devided at the discrecion of my executors. Item I give and bequeath to Michaell Crymes, Willm. Cyrmes and Phillipp Crymes sonnes of my sonne Ellis Crymes the some of one hundered and twentie pounds of Like money, that is to saye to ev'ry one of them ffourtie pounds And to the childe nowe beinge in the wombe of there mother Agnes nowe wief of the saide Ellis fourtie pounds of Like money whiche saide somes of money soe by me bequeathed to the children of the saide Ellis, I will the same shalbe delyvered to the saide Ellis my sonne by my executors, to th'use of of his saide children within one yere after my decease he beinge bounde to my executors for the dischardge therof. Item I give and bequeath to Katherine Longe my daughters daughter the some of three hundered pounds of Lawfull money of Englande uppon condicion that she sahll not marie wh'oute the consent of her Father in Lawe Thomas Chester & of her mother, and my overseers or of the survivor of them. And I will that the righte worshipfull and my very good ffrende Sir William Chester knighte Citizen and Alderman of London shalhave the custodie and kepinge of twoe hundered pounds p'cell of the saide three hundered pounds to be delyved unto him by my executors ymediatly after my decease untill the saide katherin Longe shall come to her Lawfull age of xxi yeres or elce be maried. The saide Sir William Chester becomyinge bounde with a suertie to my executors to paye the saide twoe hundered pounds to the saide katherin Longe when she shall have accomplished her saide age of xxi yeres or ells be maried. Also I will that my trustie freinde Thomas Brende Citizen and Scryvener of London shall have the custodie and kepinge of th'other one hundereth pounds residue of the saide three hundereth pounds by me bequeathed to the saide katherin to be delyverd unto him by my executors ymediatly after my decease untill the saide katherine Longe shalbe of the full age of xxi yeres or elce be maried, the saide Thomas Brende becomynge bounde to my executors withe a suertie to paye the sayde some of one hundered pounds to the sayde katherin Longe when she shalbe of the full age of xxi yeres or elce be maried. And yf yt fortune the sayde katherin Longe to die and dep'te this mortall Lyffe before she shall have accomplished her saide age of xxi yeres and she then not maried or if she doe marie withoute th'assente of her ffather in Lawe and mother and of my overseers, then I will give and bequeath the saide some of three hundereth pounds by me bequeathed to the saide katherin unto the childeren of the saide Ellis my sonne then Lyvinge equally amongeste them to be divided and to be delyvered unto them when they shall have accomplished theire full ages of xxi yeres or elce be maried. Item I give to the saide Sr. William Chester a blacke gowne. And to the sayde Thomas Brende and his wief to either of them a Blacke gowne. Item I give and bequeath to William Gravener and his wiffe, William Chester and his wif, Ellis Crymes and his wiffe, Thomas Chester and his wif, Thomas Elliott, Thomas Barlowe and Thomas Relfe and his wief to every of them a blacke gowne. Item I bequeath to Mrs. Smyth Late wif of Robert Hartoppe goldsmyth a blacke gowne. Item I give and bequeath to Richard Offley and his wief John Hewes Drewe Mempesson and Thomas Crymes to eny of them a blacke gowne. Item I bequeath to every Servente Servinge within my house at the tyme of my decease a blacke gowne. Item I doe clearely release and forgive the saide Thomas Relfe that sixe pounds whiche he oweth unto me in consideracion of the paynes whiche his wif hath taken in attendinge uppon me in my sicknes. Item I give and bequeath to the worshipfull companye of Haberdashers of London to preinde a dynner or repaste for them the some of Twentie pounds of Lawfull money of Englande. Item I give and bequeath to Alice Marbery my keper for her Dilligent attendannce uppon me sixe pounds of Like money. Item I give and bequeath to John Gurnarde my Taylor tenn shillings. Item I give and bequeath to Thomas Chester and Marie his wief my dawghter the some of eighte hundereth pounds of Lawfull money of Englande, and unto my sonne Thomas Crymes the Somme of one thowsande pounds of like money. And of this my p'nte testament and Laste will I make and ordeyne the saide Thomas Crymes and Thomas Chester my executors. And of the execution of the same I make ordeyne and constitute the foresaide Sr. William Chester and Thomas Brende o'rseers. And I instanntly desier them to see this my p'nte testament and Laste Will in all things p'fermed accordinge to the speciall truste and confidence I have and put in them and for theire paines takinge in that behalf I give and bequeath to them the some of Thirtie pounds of Lawfull money of Englande, That is to saye to the saide Sr. William Chester Twentie pounds, and to the saide Thomas Brende tenne pounds. And as towchinge the disposicion of all and singuler my Manners Landes & messuages Tenements and hereditaments I will dispose give and bequeath the same in manner and forme hereafter ensuyinge. That is to saye, ffirste I will geve and bequeath to the saide Ellis Crymes my sonne all that my manner of Lordeshipp of Bucklande als Buckland Monachorn in the countie of Devon wth th'app'tenncs. And also the Rectorie and p'sonage of Buckland aforesaide together with th'advowson donation free disposicion and righte of patronage of the vicaredge of the pishe church of Buckland als Buckland monachorn aforesaide and all and singuler messuage lands tents tithes fruits oblacions rights royalties comodities emoliments and heriditaments whatsoever to the saide manner and p'sonage and gifte of th'advowson of the vicaredge of the pishe churche of Bucklande aforesaide belonginge or appertayninge. To have and to holde the saide manner p'sonage advowson meassuags Lands tents and all other the pr'misses withall and singuler there app'rtenncs to the saide Ellis Crymes and to t'heires of his body Lawfully begotten or to be begotten forever. And for defaulte of suche Issue the remainder therof to Thomas Crymes my sonne and to t'heires of his body Lawfully begotten or to be begotten forever and for defualte of suche yssue the remainder therof to Marie my dawghter wief of the saide Thomas Chester and to her heires forever. Item I will devise & bequeath to the saide Thomas Crymes my sonne, all those my sev'rall p'sonage of Lubbenham and Silbye in the countie of Leicester, together with th'advowsons donations presentations free disposicions and right of patronage of the vicaredges of the pishe churches of Lubbenham and Silby aforsaide, and all and singuler the mansion howses messuags Lands tents thithes fruicts oblations free rente Service and all other comodities emoliments and heriditaments whatsoever to the saide p'sonages or to either of them belonginge or appertainynge. And all other my messauags ffermes Lands tents rents reversions Service and hereditaments whatsoever to the saide p'sonags or to either of them belonginge or in any wise app'tayninge. And also all that my messuage or tente with th'app'rtenncs in the pishe of Sainte Lawrence in th'olde Jewry of London nowe in the tenure of the saide Ellis Crymes and John Hewes and all other my mesuags lands tents shopes Cellers Sollers and other hereditaments within the citie of London to have and to holde the saide p'sonags of Lubbenham and Sylbie tithes fruicts messuags Lands tents free rents revertions Services and all other the pr'mmisses in the saide countie of Leicester and within the Citie of London to the saide Thomas Crymes my sonne and t'heires of his bodie Lawfully begotten or to be begotten. And for defaulte of suche yssue the rmeinder therof to the saide Ellis and to the heires of his body Lawfully begotten or to be begotten. And for defaulte of suche yssue the remainder therof to the saide marie my daughter & to her heires forever. Item I will give and devise and bequeath to the saide marie my daughter all my messuages lands tents & hereditaments in Iseldon als Islington in the countie of Midd. To have and to hold the saide messuags Lands tents and other the pr'misses in Islyngton aforesaide to the saide Marie my dawghter and to the heires of her bodye Lawfully begotten or to be begotten by the saide Thomas Chester. and for defaulte of suche yssue the remainder therof to the saide Ellis Crymes and t'heires of his bodye Lawfully begotten or to be begotten. And for defaulte of suche yssue the remainder therof to the saide Thomas Crymes my sonne and his heires forever. Provided alwaies and my very will mynde and entent is that my tenannte William Serthfeilde plomer and Edithe his wiffe shall peaceably have and quietly holde and enjoye the Messuage or Tenement withall and singuler th'app'rtenncs nowe in th'occupation of the saide Willaim and Edith sett and beinge in Wodstreate of London, to have and to holde the saide Messuage or tenement with th'app'rtenncs to the saide William Serthfeilde & Edithe his wiffe and theire assignes duringe there naturall Lyves and the lief of either of them Longest Lyvinge payinge the yerely rente wch they nowe paye for the same and doinge the repa'tions from tyme to tyme when neede shall require. Provided further and my very will mynde and entent is, that yf the saide Ellis Crymes and Thomas Crymes my sonnes Thomas Chester and my dawghter marie his wif or any of them doe make or stirre upp any contention striffe or variannce touchinge or concerninge the same in any manner wisse contrarie to my true entente and meaninge therin, That then he she and they wch soe shal Alter infringe or breake the same or whc shall make or stirre upp any suche contention striffe or variannce or be the causers therof shall clearly and whollie lose and be avoyded of all and singuler suche Lands tents goods Legacies Decises advantadge comodatie aucthoritie and beneffitt as he she or they maye clayme or oughte to have by force of this my p'nte testament and Laste will by legacie executorshipp or otherwise, And that then as nowe and nowe as then, my very will mynde and entent is, And I wholly give devise and bequeath the pte and portion of all and singuler suche lands tenements and heridtaments goods and cattells as I have given willed or bequeathed to him or them the saide Ellis Crymes, Thomas Crymes Marie my daughter and Thomas Chester her husbande or any of them so breakinge infringinge and alteringe this my p'sent testament and Laste will or any legacie devise arterle or intent therin conteyned unto him her or them of the saide Ellis and Thomas Crymes marie my dawghter and Thomas Chester her husbande as shall soe p'forme and kepe this my p'nte testament & laste will and everie legacie and devise thein conteyned in all things accordinge to my very true intent and meaninge to have holde and enioye the same to them there heires and assignes forever. And I utterly revoke and adnull all and ev'ry other former testaments wills legacies bequeasts executors and o'rseers by me in any wise before this tyme made ordayned willed bequeathed devised named or appointed. And I will yt this my p'nte testament and laste will shall stand and p'petually abide for my very laste will and testament, together withall the legacys bequeasts executors and o'rseers by me herein named given willed devised appointed and bequeathed and none other nor otherwise. In witnes whereof to this my p'nte testament and laste will I the saide Richard Crymes have sett my seale yeven the day and yere ffirste above written Theis p'sons herafter named by me specially required to testifie the same that is to saye, Thomas Brende Scryvenr., John Hewes Haberdasher, Agnes Crymes, Margarett Relfe and Alice Marbery with others.

FFURTHERMORE be it knowne by this p'nte Scedule annexed to this my p'nte testament and laste will That where as an Accion was comenced againste me the saide Richard Crymes, and p'sequuted in the guilde halle of London by Robert Pridiaux and Thomas Goodwyn administrators of the goods and chattells of John Prydiaux Late Sergeante at the Lawe deceased for and concerninge a certane Caskett wth fyve hundered pounds in golde which was alleged and supposed to be lefte in my hande and custodie by the saide John Prediaux safely to be kepte to his use In wch accion of trespasse I was moste ffalsly founde giltie of fyve hundered Marcks of the saide fyve hundered pounds, by the verdit of a Jewrey wherof Richard Grafton Citizen and grocer of London was foreman I the saide Richard Crymes beinge uppon my death bedd for declaration and testifiteation of the truthe Doe p'teste before god and theise p'sons herafter named beinge witnesses to the same that I was not giltie in the same accion, Neither did I receave into my custodie any suche Caskett wth money of the saide John Prediaux as in the declaration of the saide Robert Pridiaux and Thomas Goodwyn is moste falsley alleged. And also doe proteste that I had not the custodie of the saide Caskett nor of any golde of the saide John Pridaiux at any tyme within a yere before his death as I shall answere before god at the dreadfull Daye of Judgemente, and I take it uppon my consciens that I was in that matter moste wrongfully condempued, and that the verditt of the same Jewrye is moste false and untrue And as this whiche I doe declare uppon my death bedde is moste juste and true soe I beseach god my sowle may be saved and not otherwise Witnes herof Thomas Brende, Scryvenr., John Hewes, haberdasher, Agnes Crymes Margarett Relf and Alice Marbury with others.

(proved 2 January 1565, P.C.C., 1 Crymes)

Submitter Kathy Weigel

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