Will of Thomas Harris Langbourne

Notes for THOMAS HARRIS: The last Will and Testament of Thomas Harris. I Thomas Harris of No. 1 Mincing Lane in the parish of St Margaret Pattens and St Gabriel Fenchurch and of the Ward of Langbourne in the City of London being of sound and disposing mind and memory do make and declare this to be my last will and testament in manner following that is to say I order that all my just debts funeral expences and charge of proving this my will and testament be in the first place fully paid and satisfied and after payment thereof and every part thereof I give and bequeath in the manner following to my son Thomas Harris I give and bequeath the sum of one hundred pounds of lawful money of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and to be paid to him in the manner following viz ten pounds at my decease and ninety pounds within the twelvemonth after likewise a pair of bellows, anvil and a vice if any I also give and bequeath to my daughter Ann Phillis Ball the sum of one hundred pounds in lawful money and to be paid in manner following viz ten pounds at my decease and ninety pounds within the tweve month after I also give and bequeath to the said Ann Phillis Ball one great Bedstead a Bed and Curtains 6 Chairs a pair of drawers a looking glass that is if Ihave such furniture or goods to have at my decease I also give and bequeath to my son Richard Bythewood Harris a half part of the lease of two houses situated in the Green Lanes Stoke Newington in the County of Middlesex and half part of the lease of No 1 Mincing Lane in the parish of St Gabriel Fenchurch and St Margaret Pattens in the City of London together with all rents and profits arising therefrom I also give unto the said Richard B. Harris the half part of all my all my ready money books or any debts may be owing me likewise a half part of the household goods tools plate linen papers and boots Ialso give and bequeath to my daughter Harriet Bythewood Harris the other half part of the lease of my two houses situate in the Green Lanes Stoke Newington in the County of Middlesex and the other half of the lease of No 1 Mincing Lane in the parish of St Gabriel Fenchurch and St Margaret Pattens in the City of London together with all rents and profits owing therefrom Ilikewise give and bequeath to the said Harriet Bythewood Harris the other half part of all my ready money books debts or any debts may be owing me likewise a half part of the household goods tools plate linen papers and books that the aforesaid Harriet Bythewood Harris and the aforesaid Richard Bythewood Harris do hold this my last will and testament to be duly executed and every expence of attesting the same be paid equally between them. In witness whereof Ithe said Testator have to this my last Will and Testament set my hand and seal this 28th day of February in this year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty One

Witnesses Thomas Roberts Henry Collins Source: P.C.C. Family Records Centre

Submitter Rosalind Dunning

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