ABC - A Beginner's Curriculum....

The books listed below are ones which I feel provide a good, solid foundation upon which to build one's spiritual path. They are all practical, easy to digest, and still manage to stimulate new patterns of thinking and believing. I have found each of these to be particularly empowering in my own search for inner Truth.

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Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain

This is THE most practical guide I've found about using the power of your truest desires and your Higher Self to manifest your thoughts, dreams and ideas into the physical world. Practical, life-affirming, easy to read and use,this is one of those books you'll wish you'd read a long time ago.

Creating Affluence: Wealth Consciousness in the Field of All Possiblities by Deepak Chopra, M.D.

Deepak Chopra has done more to successfully merge the power of both Western and Oriental thought than any other author. His books demonstrate the principles of Spirit at work in the Physical, and Chopra backs up his conclusions with clear and concise explanations of the science behind it all. This volume brings a quiet power to the workings of your mind and will expand your view of the Universe in general and your life in particular. A real minds-eye opener!

Illusions by Richard Bach

Bach is a master at metaphysical-truth-as-metaphor and this book clearly illustrates this. A wonderfully empowering novel, it is more than a good read, it is an experience, and predates "The Celestine Prophecy" by at least a decade.

The Laws of Spirit by Dan Millman

This little volume lives on my bookshelf next to Creating Affluence, and also acts an an excellent reference guide to basic spiritual principals. A book that one ought to read again and again.

Other Foundation Builders

Out On A Limb by Shirley MacLaine

I know, I know, it's been overused....but this is still an excellent book for those interested in metaphysics and who don't know where to begin, as it outlines Shirley's own awakening to her Higher Awareness.

Ageless Body, Timeless Mind: The Quantum Alternative to Growing Old by Deepak Chopra, M.D.

"At last!" I thought when I first read this book, "Someone in the mainstream American medical profession who has recognized the mind/body connection." Not only has Dr. Chopra recognized it, he has explained it, in forthright and clear terms, supported by solid science. I have long believed that what is now considered to be "metaphysical" knowledge will one day be understood scientifically, and like the laws of gravity or relativity. Also highly recommended for anyone facing a health challenge in their lives.

  • Ageless Body, Timeless Mind: The Companion Journal

      Although I haven't actually purchased a copy of this, it seems like a really good idea, and is especially recommended for those with health issues who are coming to terms with them on a mind/body/spirit level. It is said that every obstacle is simply an opportunity in drag; perhaps health problems are opportunities to understand how our emotions,thoughts and spiritual balance impact our physical selves.

The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff

Written with the whimsy and simplicity of A.A. Milne, Hoff has pointed out the obvious parallels between the thinking of Pooh-bear and Taoist philosophy. A delight!

The Te of Piglet by Benjamin Hoff

The follow-up guide to "Tao", using Piglet's innocence as as a prime example of the principles of "Te" wisdom.

  • Das Energi by Paul Williams

      Feeling blue? Down? A little lost? Confused? Das Energi is filled with thoughts, ideas, quotes, quips and questions that will "jump start" your mind, heart and spirit. Just open the book and read what's there - you'll probably find a valuable treasure.

  • The Course In Miracles by The Foundation for Inner Peace

      This three-volume "course" is a real spiritual journey and experience. In my humble opinion, this is a work as powerful as the Bible itself (at least it was for me). Hint: start with the teacher's guide.

Catt Foy
Zodiac Enterprises Creative Consulting
1302 Scott Street
Davenport IA 52803
(319) 884-4767

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