Here's something perhaps interesting...

If you noticed that the logo seemed to appear differently each time you visited this site or reloaded the page, that's because it does. There are eight different images that get recycled randomly each time you visit or reload. Have you seen any of these?

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8

The numbers above match these descriptions below.

1. 35 mm prime lens, centered on the C
2. 50-300 mm zoom lens, centered on C
3. 105 mm prime, centered on C
4. 35 mm prime, centered in the upper right of image
5. 50-300 mm zoom, centered in upper right
6. 105 mm prime, centered in upper right
7. 35 mm prime, centered in middle
8. 105 mm prime, centered in middle

These images were produced completely on Adobe Photoshop 4.0.
The image recycling is done using JavaScript.

By the way, this site really is always under construction.

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