Bout The Moon

The Moon..... The tropical special it is...... You falled a secret here..a secret only you and I know....So Specil! It was a very strange thing that happened....You came upon a girl in the woods...Long brown hair down to here knee,crisp,icy,unhappy blue eyes,Freckles on here nose...she looks around 13..a little black dog with hazel eyes..Around 5 months old. You followed her to a hut[shack] It was a magical friendly and happy.In one corner a little table with a tea set and a cabnit next to it...a dog bowl by the the other corner...a dog bed and a big bed.....a fire place in the middle to cook and to heat the hut[shack] There are many interesting place...[there is a magical flare you feel it]The girl turns around and says...I'm Kate this is my home[shack]and my friend,family, and pet...Missy..Marie...Then she disappers....You look around the shack[hut] and she a book you Open it up and find her..story...

you look through the book... Words of thought and life,and something like phrases, I don't know what these phrases where about, but the headings like where Fly, and then one that made me very intrested was bLuE-MoOn the phrases was like: A moon I see,so tropical,so sweet,BLUE as ever,I love this moon so sweet.. at the bottom it said[ spin around three times saying BLUE-MOON Oh...] You did so..Then a strange feeling came upon you...You find your self HERE bLue-MoOn..See you There!