This Page was Updated on 8/3/2012
Please Forgive the dead links. I try to take some time to update web site. This web site site been up and running since 1997.
New and Updated Family Photo Page
Information on the family of Joseph Hidy he's the uncle of Martha Jane Hidy
Information on the Hidy Family of Jeffersonville, Fayette, Ohio..
People burried at the Hidy Cemetery in Jeffersonville., Fayette Co., Ohio.
More listing of People burried at the Hidy Cemetery in Jeffersonville., Fayette Co., Ohio.
Some photo's from the Hidy Cemetery in Jeffersonville., Fayette Co., Ohio.
I need Location and mapping of Hidy Cemetery and Hidy School(My old Link doesn't work anymore)
Information on John Hidy(Martha Jane Hidy Great Grandfather)
Private John Hidy in Capt John Huling's Co of Col Arthur St Clair's Pennsylvania Battalion, 5 Jan. 1776 to 25 Nov 1776. Saffel's Records Saffel's Records or Revolution p 194 John Hidy Sergeant in Col Thomas Craig's Third Pa. Regt. 10 Sept. 1778. Pa Archives, series 5, vol 2, page 947
Information on John Peter Trexler(Martha Jane Hidy Great,Great Grandfather)
John Peter Trexler Captain of Co of 120 Men for the protection & welfare of inhabitants in County of Northhampton Macungie twp., Pennsylvania. 22 May 1775 Pa Archives 2 series vol 14 p 636 D A R Patriots Index p 687
Info on Joseph Andrew Channell
On August 22nd , 1864, Joseph enrolled as a substitute with the rank of private in Company A of the 5th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He was mustered out on June 22nd, 1865 near Louisville, Kentucky. On December 19th, 1890 he filed for an invalid pension while living in South Charleson, Clark Co., Ohio. It isn't known which branch of the Channell family he is descended from.