Internet is a wonderful tool for bringing people together for
many reasons, I am hoping it can be used in this instance to
assist and, who knows...maybe do something of a small miracle for
an innocent baby boy....so please even if you cant offer any
advise..feel free to leave a note in the guestbook or maybe a
small pic for Christopher to enjoy...a link to this page will
help as well...the more coverage we can get for him..the better
his chances are. Thanks
CHRISTOPHER Christopher is a
beautiful two year old boy who has an illness which no
doctor in this area can diagnose. At age 18 months the
doctors realized that he hadn't grown any, he was still
the size of a six month old baby. They called this
"Bone Age."Bone Age refers to the test done to
determine the childs age as compared |
Message from Chastity: I dont know Christopher nor his
mother, but I do know a friend of theirs who asked for help with
this...I just want to wish Christopher and his family all the
best and I hope this page is of some help and maybe someone
reading this knows of anything that will help find what
Christopher's family is seeking...good luck...,and
Christopher....I think your a beautiful and brave little man!
Anyone who would like
to help out by linking this page to their own HP.....please feel
free to do so...who knows...it could be your page that helps
makes a little life a bit easier and create a better chance of
some type of peace of mind for Christophers family and
himself....and if you do link up...let me know who you are as I
am sure Christophers family would like to know...
mail me or Christopher's family at this address wish4chris@hotmail.com
sign Christopher's guestbook
Christopher a Message Read
Christopher's Messages
Chas butting in again...if everyone signing
this guestbook with Homepages made a link to this page, it would
increase the coverage of Christopher's plight...so anyone willing
to do so, it would be appreciated..and of no expense or server
space to you..just a link..and please let us know who you are.