How long have you been on IRC?  Since May 96
What has IRC given you? A lot of headaches, a big overdraft but lots of wonderful friends and fun
Name your one best IRC experience Tormenting the tripe out of a "nameless" British ircer with the help of Devil
Why do you like being an OP?  Can have a little control when people are being objectionable to others...(with the emphasis on little)
Whats the best thing about #ChatZone  The people who come to chat...
What is the most important things IRC has taught you? Where do I start.  Hmmmmmmm.  The value of the pregnant pause.  That although we have our differences, on the whole, people everywhere have the same sorts of concerns, and most also have a sense of decency (although by no means all.)
What are your hobbies? Chatting, playing backgammon, cooking, playing (and keeping up with my son)
Family? My son, poor child has had his growing up aired internationally.  Ben.
Work or school?  I'm a nurse. I work with babies, children and their families.  I lovemy job.
How has IRC has changed your life? See.....what has irc given you.  Plus, I spend a helluva lot more time on my pc since I discovered IRC. I've made new irl friends, found old ones, and had a good time.
What's the best day of your life? The day my son was born.  Everyday I've had him has been wonderful.
How did you get your IRC nickname?  It's "short" for my name....Charmaine
What is the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you on irc? Being seriously proposed to.
The most embarassing thing in real life? Hmmmmm, there are too many.  How about searching for the other slipper for a lady with one leg (as a student nurse)
Your funniest IRC session?  A Bych session with BornAgainPagan, Devil and a few of the others, tormenting BritGirl
Do you believe in love on irc? Yes.  But carefully.
What do you usually have for breakfast? What's that?
What kind of undies do you wear? The kind that cover your bottom
Whats is your favourite movie(s)? The Full Monty, A Fish Called Wanda, Ghost
What is your favourite music? I have a very eclectic taste in music ranging from The Beautiful South to Rachmaninov (David Helfgott)
What inspires you? People.  The things that they cope with to live the best that they can.
When are you truly happy?  When I'm relaxing having fun with my friends and my family.
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