My name is Cheryl and I want to thank you for visiting my site..Before we begin, let me first start by saying that my thoughts, heart and prayers go out anyone affected by any form of abuse. I will not rest until something is done about this epidemic. I will be your voice. I will fight your fight and together we will seek justice for all. Abuse does not play prejudice. Those who prey on our children don't care if you are black or white, rich or poor. They take when the opportunity allows them to. Take time to listen. Look out for the warning signs. Be vigilant. Volunteer at a shelter. Hug your children! MOST OF ALL TAKE TIME TO KNOW GOD. Pray, teach your children morals, values and educate them about right and wrong. Teach them, yes please and no thank you. I know it is a dream to live in a peaceful world with no confict but isn't it about time we try? Together we can make this world a better place for ourselves and our children. We just have to stop being lazy and get active. Be approachable.
If you are a victim, or know someone who might be a victim of child abuse or domestic violence and have any questions, concerns, comments, or just need a friend, please send email to me at cherylmeis@hotmail.com. If you write me, please tell me how you found this web page.
Since starting this website, I have received well over 2 thousand email messages from abuse survivors around the world, all asking the same questions: "where can I go for more support?", "Who do I tell?", "What will happen to me once I do?", "Will my mom or dad hate me?" I was left with a feeling of frustration, and I felt I had to do something to make support more available, so this is my plan. I am launching a magazine called Abuse: The Survivor’s Magazine, Hope for the Victims. I need a great deal of help to get this off the ground. I also need feedback from my readers so I know what you think of my idea. This monthly magazine will be the first of its kind for we, the survivors. It will touch on every aspect of abuse, and it will be for everyone. It will be an interaction type magazine. Each letter I received will be read and then published without names. You the publisher of the letter will then receive a number. This number will be unique in the sense that thousands will read your letter and respond to your questions or even just your story by issuing their comments to you using your number. You then can send in another letter or reply. I think you get it. It is way to get the support you so desperately desire and deserve. I plan to use part of the proceeds from the magazine to establish Melanie’s Hope Foundation, a non-profit organization with centers all over the world. These centers will provide victims with a safe place to go and people to talk to who can help to guide them in the direction of healing with no pressure and also the prevention of abuse of every kind. We will continue to support you throughout your life, when you need it. Especially once you meet someone special that you want to share an intimate relationship with but feel withdrawn or embarrassed. We will also be there for you as you will become part of our lifetime family. We feel it is important to also be supportive to you once you have children. You will find yourself wanting to protect them and yet feeling you are not doing enough. With caring loving support we will help walk you through this process. I am asking for your support. If you feel this is a magazine will help you, or someone you know, please let me know if you would be willing to purchase a subscription. Your support will give me more leverage when presenting the idea to potential investors. My plan is to have this magazine in circulation by the year 2012. Together we can make this happen. I am dedicated to making a difference, and I will never stop because this need exists and sadly, will always exist. I love you all, and I will be the strength and voice behind each one of you. Please email me with your comments. And keep the letters coming!
Read:MY STORY. How we as a family became survivors of sexual abuse.
A special note of thanks to all of you who have sent email to me expressing your love and prayers. And especially for the people who have sent me your personal stories of abuse. I get so many emails, it's difficult to answer them all, but I will try to get back to each and every one of you. To the people who have lived through abuse, never stop telling your stories. It will both help you heal and help others who are hiding in shame to realize that they shouldn't be ashamed and that they can heal.
May God bless you all,
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If you have a page on child abuse, missing persons or domestic violence, please send the URL to me. I will be adding a links page and will include all of this type links that I can find. And please include a link to this page in yours. Thanks!