(a little) China Insight (information network)

Living, working, seeking a job, travelling, studying, missing life or just plain interested in Beijing, China, or mainland China in general? This site provides useful information about what life is really like in Beijing -- written exclusively by people who live and work here and have first-hand experience. We hope you will find a little insight on topics such as the China job search, finding local housing in Beijing, Chinese information web sites, tips on studying Mandarin, China humor and more. We've also included the most useful links to the best sources on the web for China-related information -- the ones we use and rely on. We hope you find it useful! 



How you too can BUILD A FREE WEB SITE! (Tips on getting started)

Window from Xiahe, Gansu

(above: traditional window; Xiahe, Gansu Province)

QUOTE OF THE MONTH: (click here for old quotes) 

''The use of traveling is to regulate imagination with reality and,
instead of thinking how things might be, to see them as they are." - Dr. Samuel Johnson

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This site last updated from the bowels of ju'er hutong on July 14, 1998.

Copyright © 1998 (a little) China Insight. All Rights Reserved.
(a little) China Insight was founded and first created in Beijing over a crappy phone connection
and a cold glass of dou nai (soya bean milk) in late January 1998.

This site best viewed with Netscape Communicator 4.02 and Chinese Star 2.97