That's Melinda and Me (with the little one peeking his head out from between us...). We don't usually dress up like that, but we were about to head out to my Christmas Party at the Tampa Tribune, which is where I earn more money to buy more toys. It's really got a pretty cool website and I hope you get around to visiting it. I sit up in a big glass booth maintaining the computers. Mama is an Accountant at LEAP Associates International, Inc. They're an architectural engineering firm, and they just put up a cool new website, so check that one out too! After work she hangs out at Bill Heimberger's Karate, where she's a Black Belt Instructor in Tae Kwan Do and Kickboxing, and at Calta's Gym. So don't try to audit her in a dark alley - she'll beat you both ways! The only real reason to visit anyone's page is for all of the cool info available there, so here's my version: For reference needs, try visiting my Portal, my favorite Web Search Engine, USENet Search Engine, Phone Book (I've got a Reverse Phone Book too), Atlas, Dictionary, Movie/TV Database, and a cool utility that defies explanation. One of my favorite sites is the world's biggest bookstore. Drop by and browse around a bit. Here's the PBS site (which is some of the best TV on the American airwaves). Our favorite baseball team is the Orioles, although we've become big fans of the Devil Rays who managed to do quite well in their second season. Let's not forget the Buccaneers either - they ended up only one game away from the Super Bowl! But with the season they've been having this year, I'm hesitant to even mention the Lightning... I've been a fan of Bicycle Racing for years, and Velo News is one of the best sources. If you're a Star Trek fan, be sure to check out Earl Green's Logbooks, which have more Trek info than anyone ever really needed to know. On the literary front, we're big fans of Orson Scott Card and Marion Zimmer Bradley, two writers who have really nice websites. One of the all-time great places to browse for cool stuff to buy is Edmund Scientific. But if it's computer stuff you're buying, Pricewatch will let you know how much you should be paying. You can check out the (surprisingly active) Pirate Radio, Biker, and Pagan Philosophy scenes here in Tampa. There's a great (though not yet famous) university here in town too! Further afield, you can visit Daytona's Bike Week, Colonial Williamsburg, or even a couple of Martian sites - the Pathfinder Martian Rover and/or the Mars Polar Lander. You can even visit my ISP! We've been living in the Tampa Bay area for about 19 years (everyone wants to know what the weather's like here), having moved down from Newark, Delaware where we both went to school at the University of Delaware. Yep, we're both Fightin' Blue Hens! Mama grew up in Catonsville, near Baltimore and I grew up in Wilmington (Salesianum, Class of '75) and we met at college where we both worked at the college radio station and hung out at the Deer Park. You can even catch WDEL on RealAudio, which is a NewsTalk station giving you an idea of what's going on up there. Strangely enough, we even have friends with pages. Folks like
& Sunny27, hotti,
& Al, Joyce
& Rick, Don,
and Scott, DeiziaLoup, Pentium,
Bill K,
and probably a bunch of others who will continue to harass me and make
this list grow!
Great Gobs of Links! For those of you for whom a mere 35 links aren't enough, here are a few more sites gathered into groups which you might enjoy: Daggerfall Links - my favorite RPG ever!
We've got a pair of kids, the older one is 15 and is a Sophomore in High school now
We made them ourselves and we love them! And of course if you want to make suggestions, tell me that a link is
dead, send me photos of yourself, ask for help with your computer, or whatever,
feel free to e-mail me! Hard to believe that |