Anke Huber vs. Florencia Labat Du Maurier Open: Toronto 8/12/97 Singles: Second Round I won't suggest that everyone in the crowd was as excited about this matchup as yours truly, but the stands were packed. While the seats rapidly filled up, Australian chair umpire Leanne White inspected the first set of balls. She found one which was not to her liking and quipped, "you wouldn't even give that to the dog." It was replaced and Huber and Labat finally arrived, squaring off for the first time since a three-set battle last year in Los Angeles. The keys to this match seemed obvious. Flo would employ her steady baseline game and get a lot of balls back; Huber would either win the match with winners or lose it with errors. The first two games were a fitting microcosm of that all that theory entails. Huber opened by breaking Labat at love with a pair of powerful winners, then got broken at love on four errors. The German righted herself after that hiccup, though, and made it clear who was the much harder hitter. Huber's punishing groundstrokes continually forced weak Labat replies and it was quickly 3-1. Huber threw in some more errors, though, allowing Florencia to hold for 3-2. Anke added an ace to her repertoire in the following game, a relatively easy hold for 4-2. Then at 15-15, Labat gracefully sent a forehand down the line for what would have been her first clean winner of the afternoon. It was called out, though, much to Flo's chagrin. "You cannot make that mistake," she insisted. "It's so clear that it's right on the line." She was unnerved enough to double fault for 15-40. Huber then took the game with a forehand winner and overpowered Florencia again in serving out the 6-2 first set. The clean slate seemed to agree with Labat, who closed out her best game of the match with a surprising ace. She then got a look at a potentially big break point up 30-40, but lost it by netting a backhand. Florencia got a second break point, but Huber dismissed it with a rare volley winner. Labat got a THIRD break point, this one accompanied by a second serve, but a big Huber forehand forced Flo into a lunging backhand error. Anke went ahead to hold for 1-1. Florencia somehow managed a second serve ace early in the next game, but she would scream "oh nooooooo!" after sending a backhand wide to get down 15-30. She drew oohs and ahhs with a magnificent over-the-shoulder forehand on the next point, but lost it when a too cute drop shot bounced before even reaching the net. A pair of Huber errors brought the game to deuce, but a pair of Huber winners completed the break for 2-1. Labat had her chances in the next game, reaching deuce before losing it on a wide forehand. The Argentine was getting her fair share of balls back, but she was also making some uncharacteristic errors. That was all the help Anke would need, because she was in very good form on this afternoon. The #8 seed broke for 4-1 and held for 5-1, dropping only one point in each game. Never scoring a groundstroke winner in the entire match, Florencia was virtually blown off the court in the final game. A nice Labat smash got it to 15-30, but two Huber backhand winners did the last of the required damage. Despite a few loose points, Anke Huber never really let Florencia Labat into this bout and left on the long end of a convincing 6-2, 6-1 verdict.