Seaquest "Lost future." ENROUTE TO HIDEAWAY COVE RESORT 200 MILES OFF OF MIAMI,FLORIDA Commander Jonathan Devin Ford was jerked awake by the insistent ringing of his com screen.Rubbing sleep from his black eyes he glanced at the clock before hitting the correct button.He left the lights off in his quarters.The clock read 14:30. Ford's eyes widened slightly to see Doctor Kristen Westphlan's beautiful face,"Kristen?"He asked in surprise,knowing she wouldn't call this late unless something was really wrong,"What's wrong?" Kristen's face was serious and sad,"Jonathan,"She began her British accent thick with tears,"I wish to God I wasn't the one who had to tell you this.I know how close the two of you were." Jonathan sat straight up in his bunk.Cold fear gripping him. "Its Katie,isn't it?" Kristen nodded her brown eyes full of grief and empathy,"I just received a call from the H.R. Clinton.The helicopter carrying her back from UEO exploded while trying to land in bad weather." Jonathan felt his face pale as Kristen's words sank in.Katie?Dead?He couldn't believe it.Not Katie Hitchcock.Not his Katie.The young Commander rested his head in his hands as he tried to squelch the tears that threatened to show.He cleared his throat,"Has anybody called Ben?Or her family?" Kristen shook her head,"I lost track of Ben after last summer.I was hoping you'd know where to reach him.I would prefer he'd hear this from one of us instead of...." Jonathan nodded,"I'll track Ben down.Any details on her funeral?" Kristen shook her head,"You know the military." Jonathan nodded,"Yea.I know the military."He paused as he took in her tired appearance,"You get some rest.I'll let you know as soon as I track Ben down." "Thank you,Jonathan."She said,her voice filled with sadness as she ended the call. Jonathan Ford spent the last few hours of night placing calls,making computer searches.He was tempted to rouse Lucas Wolenczak out of bed to help,but he wasn't ready to face anyone yet.It still hadn't sunk in.Not really. As his computer continued its search for Ben,Jonathan's black eyes took in one of the few pictures he had in his quarters.The young black commander stood and picked up the small frame.Inside the wooden square was a photo of Katie and himself.Jonathan smiled,bittersweetly remembering when it was taken.Graduation at the Academy. His handsome face saddened as his fingers traced the outline of Katie's face.She looked so full of life.He just couldn't believe that his best friend had been killed. Jonathan jumped as the computer beeped.Telling him it had completed its search.Ford quickly retook his seat. "Okay,Ben.Where are you?" His eyes widened at the answer,"The North Pole?"Somehow,he wasn't surprised.Knowing Ben Krieg the North Pole held some get rich quick scheme. Jonathan glanced at the clock.Five thirty.He knew the Captain was usually up this early.Doing his morning workout in the Seaquest's gym. Ford sighed as he pulled on his uniform.He could already tell this was not going to be a good day. Jonathan Ford found Nathan Bridger just beginning his second lap on the small running track. "Jonathan."He said in greeting.Bridger stopped seeing the Commander's face,"What's wrong Jonathan?You look like you just lost your best friend." Ford winced at the captain's statement,"I did.I just got a call from Kristen.Katie was killed." Bridger's blue eyes widened,"How?" Ford rubbed his face tiredly,"Helicopter crash." Nathan glanced down at the floor for a second before returning to his second in command,"I'm sorry,Jonathan.I know how close you two were.Has anybody contacted Ben?" Ford nodded,"I was hoping I could take a few days to go tell him.I just don't want to tell him this over the vid-phone." Nathan nodded in understanding,"Take as long as you need." Jonathan Ford nodded and quietly left the gym. HUNTER ISLAND OFF COAST OF AUSTRALIA Captain Katie Hitchcock instantly felt pain as conscienceness slowly returned.She tried to draw on her short term memory,but it seemed to be blocked.The last thing she remembered was the helicopter carrying her back to the H.R. Clinton getting caught in a freak storm.Then a plane had appeared next to the helicopter.Katie saw the women's face in the jet's doorway as the woman snatched her out of the helicopter seconds before it exploded. At first Katie thought she owed the woman her life,then blue eyes jerked open as she realized she had more to fear now,than during the storm.The woman who had saved her was Marlyin Stark. CHUKCHI PLATEAU UEO RESEARCH STATION,ZULU Jonathan Ford brought the grasshopper shaped launch vehicle to a stop at the Arctic ocean research station.He had wondered,more than once what Ben Krieg was doing here. He knew Ben had left the UEO after his tour on the first Seaquest. Jonathan stepped through the pressure lock and spotted a young Asian man sporting a white lab coat.The man looked at Jonathan in surprise,"Commander,what can I do for you?" Ford put on a smile,"I was told I could find Ben Krieg here." The man nodded and gave Jonathan directions. Jonathan Ford paused at the room the sciencetist had told him Ben was.Glancing in he was sure he'd made a wrong turn.The room was the kitchen. Jonathan turned to leave when a familiar voice stopped him,"Jonathan,what brings you here?"Ben Krieg said stepping out from behind a metal counter sporting an apron,"If you're looking for Santa I heard he's a hundred miles north." Jonathan smiled slightly,"Actually,I was looking for you.What are you doing here,Ben?I heard you left the UEO." Ben studied his former commanding officer,"As an officer yes.Somebody thought I was culinary material.Jonathan,why do I have this feeling that you didn't come all the way up here to discuss my career plans." Jonathan shifted his feet,he had dreaded this moment all the way up here,"I was going to call you,but I thought you deserved this news in person." Ben frowned,"What's wrong?" Jonathan started to speak,but his voice broke.He cleared his throat and tried again,"Ben,I got a call from Kristen last night."Not knowing how else to say it,but to say it Jonathan plunged in,"Ben,Katie was killed yesterday." Ben Krieg felt his face go white as his right hand fumbled for the metal counter.His wife,dead?He couldn't believe it.Some how he'd always thought Katie was invincible. As if from far away he heard Ford say,"Ben,I'm so sorry." "What the hell happened?"Ben croaked out,steading himself. "Helicopter crash.It exploded during a storm while trying to land." Ben slid down to a sitting position letting Jonathan's words sink in,"I never got to tell her." Jonathan crouched down next to him,knowing a little bit of what the man was feeling,"Never told her what,Ben?" Ben stared at the starch white wall,not really seeing it,"I never told her that I still loved her.She probably thought that I never did." Jonathan placed a comforting hand on the young man's shoulder,"She knew you did.Deep down she knew." A long moment of silence stretched between the two friends untill Ben said solemnly,"When's her funeral,Jonathan?" Jonthan shook his head,"I don't know.The military hasn't said anything." Ben's head snapped up,his brown eyes burning with interest,"Level with me,Jonathan.Was it really a helicopter crash?" Jonthan's black eyes were serious,"I wish I knew,Ben.I wish I knew." HUNTER ISLAND OFF COAST OF AUSTRALIA In and out of unconscienceness Katie realized she was in the basement of a mansion.Remembering Marlyin Stark she strained on her bonds,she had to escape.She had to warn Nathan.She had to warn him that Stark had escaped again. Wasn't there any cage that could hold this woman? Katie jumped,her blue eyes instantly going to the speakers in the ceiling as Marilyn Stark's gloating voice boomed over them. "Don't bother,Captain.The room is sound proof and escape proof." Katie's eyes glanced at the lone window. Stark's cold laughter drifted down,"The window is wired with 50,000 volts of electicty.You might as well get comfortable,Captain Hitchcock.No one will come looking for you.They all think you died in that helicopter crash." Katie's blood went cold with sudden realization,"You caused the crash didn't you?" Stark's only response was a cold burst of laughter. Katie glared at the speakers as she struggled against her bonds.She had to escape. ANNAPOLIS,MARYLAND Katie's funeral was about as military as you could get. And as impersonal.It was a memorial service for all the officers killed in the helicopter crash. Commander Jonathan Devin Ford felt tears stream down his cheeks as the twenty one gun salute started.He was in full dress uniform,his left hand in a constant salute as the rifles went off. After the last round was fired,Jonathan dropped his hand,remaining at attention as two soldiers folded the American flag.Somewhere Taps began to play as Acting Secretary of the UEO,Admiral William Noyce solemnly handed Katie's mother Ann Hitchcock the folded flag. Ann Hitchcock tried to smile as she accepted the flag,but broke down.Katie's sister Meilissa tried to give her some comfort. Knowing the funeral was winding down,Jonathan gave Katie one final salute before heading back through the crowd.He wanted to find Nathan Bridger before he left. Ben Krieg felt as gray as his suit as he watched Katie's funeral from the back of the crows.He hadn't had the nerve to face her family.Her mother had always thought he wasn't good enough for her daughter. Ben finally decided he couldn't leave without saying something to her.He owed Katie that much. "Hello Ann." Ann Hitchcock stiffened and turned around to face her former son-in-law,"Ben."she replied icily. Ben cleared his throat,"Ann,I just wanted to tell you how sorry I was about...."Ben's voice broke and he glanced down at his shoes. Ann Hitchcock's voice was full of tears as she said,"Ben,I know you and I have never gotten along.I know that was mostly my fault." Ben's head snapped up,"No,I just couldn't see that you were right.I was young and immature when I married Katie.I see that now."Ben's brown eyes stared down at the flag Ann clutched in her hands,"I just wish we could have had a second chance.I'd make it all up to her." Katie's younger sister,Melissa cleared her throat,"Come on.I heard the reception is at the Academy." Ben nodded and turned to leave,but Ann's voice stopped him,"Ben,aren't you coming?" Ben looked awkward,"I don't think I should." Ann smiled,"My daughter would want you there." Ben smiled slightly and followed them to the Academy. ANNAPOLIS,MARYLAND NAVAL ACADEMY BANQUET HALL Jonathan Ford found Captain Nathan Bridger catching up with Doctor Kristen Westphlan. Kristen spotted him first,"How are you doing,Jonathan?"She asked enveloping him in a hug. Jonathan cleared his throat,"I'm trying not to think about it."He pulled away and turned to his commanding officer,"Captain,can I talk to you for a minute?" Nathan exchanged a glance with Kristen before replying,"Of course,Commander." Kristen left them alone,and spotting William Shan,Manillow Crocker and a few other former Seaquest crew she joined them. Ford came right to the point,"Captain,I'd like to head up an investigation into the helicopter crash." Nathan's blue eyes widened as he glanced around the crowed hall,"You think the UEO is covering something up?" Jonathan sighed,"I don't know,Captain.Something just doesn't feel right about this." Nathan studied Ford for a long moment.He knew Jonathan and Katie had been best friends since they had met at the Academy.He didn't know if Jonathan was grasping at straws,or if he really had something.He decided to let Ford investigate.If there was something 'foul' about Katie's death,he wanted to know too.She had been a good friend of both him and Kristen.And even if this was just to help Jonathan deal with his grief,he'd allow that too. "All right,Jonathan."Bridger replied,nodding,"Take whoever you need." Jonathan smiled and turned to leave,but Bridger placed a hand on his shoulder,"Commander,keep it on a need to know basis." Ford nodded in understanding and began to mingle with former crewmates. Seaquest Sensor Chief,Miguel Ortiz moved through the crowd untill he spotted an old friend.William Shan. "Hi,Shan."Miguel said as he finally caught up with the former engineer of the original Seaquest. Shan's Asian face brightened,"Hi,Miguel.Lots of people." Ortiz nodded,raising his punch glass out of the way of a racing waiter,"Yea,can you believe we're standing here,at Katie's funeral?" Shan nodded;his face saddening,"Yea,its unbelievable.Have you seen Ben?" Ortiz nodded glancing around the crowd,"I saw him at the funeral.Haven't seen him since." Shan shook his head,"I don't blame him.Must be rough.I know he and Katie were divorced,but they were still friends." Miguel spotted Ben and Katie's mother and sister entering the Hall,"Deep down I think he still loved her." There was a long awkward silence,neither of them knowing what to say. Miguel jumped as a hand was placed on his shoulder,almost spilling the red fruit punch down his dress uniform,"Hey!" Commander Jonathan Devin Ford had a sheepish look on his face,"Sorry,Miguel.Didn't mean to startle you." Miguel checked out his uniform for telltale spots of red,finding none,he returned the Commander's smile,"No damage done.How are you doing,Jonathan?" Jonathan sighed;glancing at Ben and Katie's family as they came in,"I'm trying not to think about her.Listen,can you guys find Tim and Lucas and them meet me back at the hotel?" Miguel Ortiz's black eyes widened with curiosity,"Sure,what's up?" Jonthan glanced at the people around him,"I'll fill you in later.It's important." "We'll track them down."Shan promised studying Jonathan curiously. Ford nodded and moved through the crowd. "What do you think that's all about?"Shan asked. Ortiz shook his head,"I don't know.He hasn't been the same since Katie died."After a pause he continued,"Let's go find Lucas and Tim and find out what's going on." Shan nodded and the two former crewmates of the first Seaquest began to move through the crowded banquet hall. "Any idea what's going on?"Seventeen year old Lucas Wolenczak asked,as the four friends stood outside Jonathan Ford's hotel room. Lieutenant Tim O'Neil,head of communications pushed his wire rim glasses back up his nose as he raised his hand to knock,"Instead of standing here wondering,let's find out."His knuckles rapped against the beige door. Jonathan opened it on the second knock.He didn't say anything just opened the door allowing the group to walk in. Kristen Westphlan was seated on the small couch.Lucas quickly joined her.Miguel,Tim and Shan found seats around the small room. "Jonathan,what's going on?"Miguel asked,curiosity in his black eyes. Jonathan didn't intend to go for the dramatic,but that's how his sentence came out,"I have reason to believe that Katie was murdered." A shocked silence spun around the room. "Murdered?"Miguel,Lucas and Shan seemed to ask in unison. "Murdered?"Tim repeated,"Who would do such a thing?" Kristen who had been silent spoke up,"One name comes to mind." Jonathan Ford stared at her as he felt his blood run cold,"You don't think?" Kristen nodded, not having to say a word. Lucas Wolenczak watched as Ford's face turned livid,revenge burning in his black eyes,"If I have to I will go to the ends of the Earth to track her down.She will not get away with Katie's death." "Who?"Tim asked. Lucas glanced from Kristen to Jonathan and back again,"Maryiln Stark." The room fell into a deep silence,everyone engrossed in their own thoughts. Miguel Ortiz stood;speaking for all of them,"What do you need us to do,Commander?" For the first time since he'd heard of Katie's death,Jonathan Ford smiled. Ben Krieg had noticed Ford,Ortiz,Shan,O'Neil and Lucas all leave the reception.He didn't have to be a rocket scientist to know that something was up.He turned to Ann Hitchcock and Melissa just as Nathan Bridger approached. "Ann,I'm going to leave now.But if you two need anything.Anything at all.Don't hesitate to call me.Okay?" Ann smiled as she clasped Ben's right hand,"Thank you,Ben for everything.I"ll call you and arrange something for the holidays."She paused before continuing,"Katie would want us to be close again." Ben closed his eyes as he felt tears threaten to clog his throat."I'd like that."Ben said finally,his voice full of emotion. Ann Hitchcock watched as Ben Krieg turned away from her and left the crowded banquet hall. Ben paused outside of Ford's hotel room,taking a moment to regain his composure.He new seeing Katie's family would be tough,but he hadn't realized just how tough.Talking to her mother about the holidays brought back a wave of emotions.Most he had long since tried to bury.To pretend he didn't care at all. He let out a long sigh as he knocked on Jonathan's door. Jonathan opened the beige door on the third knock,a look of surprise on his face. "Ben,this isn't a good time."Jonathan began,but Ben forced his way into the room.Seeing the gathering of former crew members confirmed his suspions. "Ben."Ford began again,but Ben cut him off. "I know this has to do with Katie and you have no right to keep me out of it!" Jonathan Ford's tight control on his temper finally unwound,"No right?!You are the one who hurt Katie so deeply I wasn't sure she was going to recover!!" Ben visibly winced,"That was a long time ago,Jonathan." Ford's black eyes were livid,"Not as long ago as you'd like to think!!I or any other man never had a chance with her,because you took her heart and tore it to pieces!!" Pent up grief,anger,love and friendship erupted in the small room as Kristen,Miguel,Tim,Lucas and Shan watched in an awkward silence. Ben Krieg's face went white with anger.His right fist clenched and unclenched,"I always knew you had a thing for my wife and now that you're no longer my commanding officer I can do what I've always wanted to do!!" Before anybody could move,Ben Krieg's left fist smashed into Jonthan's jaw sending him,reeling. William Shan and Miguel Ortiz looked at each other,the next instant the sprang into action.Shan caught Ben as he tried to go after Jonathan again.And Miguel took Ford as Jonathan's anger really erupted. "You coward!"Jonathan growled,his eyes flashing,"Why don't we step outside and really finish this?!Or don't you think you could take me on?!" Ben's face flushed pink as Shan struggled to keep a grip on him.Lucas came up behind the two,getting a better hold on Ben. Ben laughed bitterly,"And they say Jonathan Ford doesn't have an ego!" Jonathan balled his hands into fists,urging the former Lieutenant to come at him,"Ego has nonthing to do with this!" "THAT'S ENOUGH!!!"A British voice exploded from the center of the room. The two men instantly stood still. Kristen Westphlan stormed up to the group of friends,"STOP IT!BOTH OF YOU!!Katie's barely cold in the ground and you two are squabbling like children!" Ben's brown eyes glared at Jonathan,"This is a long over due squabble." Kristen's fierce brown eyes took in the scene with shame,"If you two want to bloody and bruise yourselves then take it outside so I don't have to see what the two men Katie Hitchcock cared for more than anything in this world have turned into!!" With that statement,Kristen Westphlan calmly picked up her coat and purse and stormed out of the small hotel room. The men in the room winced as the beige door slammed shut so hard the walls shook. Lucas broke the awkward silence that followed,"I hope you two are proud of yourselves.That's the last thing she needed today." Lucas left the small room,giving the walls another reason to vibrate. Miguel and Shan glanced at each other,then they realized their hold on the two men. "Maybe we should lock them in this room untill they apologize."Shan suggested,a twinkle in his black eyes. Miguel smiled,"T think that's a good idea." Tim stood and quietly left. Grinning at each other Miguel and Shan followed,closing the door quietly behind them. "Hey!"Ben shouted banging on the door as he heard the lock turn,"You guys can't do this!" "I think they just did."Jonathan said slowly,rubbing his tender jaw as he sat down on the bed. Both men stewed in silence untill Ben cleared his throat. "Katie would not be happy with this." Jonathan laughed,"Unhappy?Ben,she'd be furious." Ben laughed then his handsome face sombered,"God,I miss her."He said slowly as he slid into a sitting position against the wall. "So do I,Ben."Jonathan said staring out the window,"More than I thought I would." Ben broke the silence that enveloped the room,"I have to ask this,Jonathan;not that she's gone.Did you love her?" Jonathan rose to his feet and stared out the window for such a long time that Ben asked. "Did you hear me,Jonathan?" Ford sighed,"Yes I did.To be totally honest with you Ben.My feelings for Katie have always been complicated." Ben got to his feet and joined his former Commander at the window,"Complicated?How?" "I guess I never had time to decipher my feelings for her. Now I wish I had."He turned to face Ben,"I know I loved her as a friend.She's the best friend I ever had.I could tell her anything.God,Ben I never had a chance to tell her how I felt.How much I treasured our friendship." Ben Krieg's voice was tight,"You still haven't answered my question." Jonathan's black eyes softened,"Yes,Ben.I guess I did love Katie Hitchcock." Lucas Wolenczak finally found Kristen Westphlan on a deserted stretch of beach near the Academy.Seeing tears running down Kristen's face as she watched the sun set Lucas silently enveloped her in a hug. After a long moment Kristen patted the teen's right arm,"I'm alright Lucas." Lucas wasn't sure he should bring this up now,but then again he didn't know of a good time to do it,"Do you really think Jonathan's right?Do you believe Stark murdered Katie?" Kristen's brown eyes remained on the beautiful sunset,"I wouldn't put anything past that woman.She still hasn't gotten her revenge against,Nathan.Thank God." Lucas was still skeptical,"Its still hard to believe that any human being would take out an entire helicopter just to get revenge."Lucas paused,"There were six people on that helicopter.Six families." Kristen turned to face him,"Stark isn't human,Lucas."She took the boy by the shoulders,"Please,be very careful untill we get this mess settled.Stark may be trying to get to Nathan through everyone he ever cared about." Lucas nodded,"I will."He promised,"But I was thinking that Stark might have killed Katie to get at Jonathan." Kristen pulled away slightly,"You think Jonathan felt more than friendship toward Katie?" Lucas shrugged,"You saw that fight between him and Ben.He practicly admitted it himself." Kristen looked thoughtful,"Speaking of those you think they've killed each other yet?" "Only one way to find out."Lucas replied with a grin as they headed back to the hotel. HUNTER ISLAND OFF THE COAST OF AUSTRALIA Katie had fallen into a light sleep when she heard the hum of machinery being lowered.Her blue eyes glanced up to see a small television screen being lowered from the ceiling. Katie licked her dry lips while saying,"What?You don't want me to miss my favorite shows?" Stark's laughter drifted down,"Unfortunately for you,Captain.This television only has one channel.Captain Hitchcock you have a front row seat to watch how my trap to lure Nathan Bridger here is going to unfold." Katie's temper flared,"You won't get away with this,Stark!Nathan will figure this out in time.He won't fall for your trap." Stark laughed,"Even the great Nathan Bridger has his faults. And I plan to abuse every single one of them.Pleasant viewing." Lucas Wolenczak was heading toward his rental car in the hotel parking lot when he heard a familiar voice behind him. "Where are you headed,Lucas?" Lucas turned to find Nathan and Kristen standing at the hotel entrance. "Would you believe to see my father?I just got a call from him.He's in Dover and wants to meet for lunch."Lucas said with a shrug. "Its good to see the two of you trying to work something out."Kristen said with a warm smile. Lucas returned her smile and returned his attention to the car lock. "Just remember to be back at Annapolis by Sunday.Seaquest has to be in Hong Kong by Wednesday." Lucas smiled,"I'll be there,Cap.Don't worry." Nathan grinned as he watched Lucas unlock the door and get into the car. Just as Nathan put his arm around Kristen's waist and they began to walk back into the hotel,a thunderous roar filled Nathan's ears. Nathan tried to turn around but a huge shock wave from the explosion threw him and Kristen to the sidewalk. Nathan forced himself into a sitting position,"Kristen,are you alright?" Kristen nodded,slightly shaken,"Nathan,what on earth was that?" Nathan turned his blue eyes on the parking lot,not believing what he saw.The car that Lucas had gotten into five minutes earlier was engulfed in flames. "Oh my God."Nathan said,struggling to his feet,"LUCAS!!" Kristen struggled to keep up with him as Nathan tried to get at the car,but the scorching heat from the flames forced him back. "LUCAS!!"Nathan shouted into the harsh orange flames. Then one of the flames reached the car's gas tank. Nathan struggled to keep his footing as the resulting shock wave. "Oh,Lucas."Nathan said,more in a whisper this time as Kristen turned him back toward the doorway. Debris rained down on the pair as sirens pierced the early morning sky. Nathan's sad eyes glanced up to see the shocked faces of Jonathan Ford,Ben Krieg and Tim O'Neil as people began to pour out of the hotel. Ford rushed up to them,"Captain!Are you all right?Who was in that car?" Nathan almost choked on the tears forming in his throat,"Lucas." Jonathan Ford felt shock rush over him as his black eyes went from Bridger's face to the charred hunk of metal that was once Lucas Wolenczak's rental car. HONG KONG For the second time in less than two weeks Commander Jonathan Ford was at a memorial service for a close friend. The loss of Lucas seemed to hurt him on different levels than Katie did.Ford guessed it was because Lucas had just begun to live. Ford cast sad black eyes in Nathan Bridger's direction. The Captain had insisted that the service be held on Sea Deck. By the moon pool where Lucas had spent so much time with Darwin. Jonathan hadn't had the nerve quite yet to approach Nathan Bridger.He knew the Captain hadn't turned in his resignation yet,which was a good sign.Jonathan could only hope that Nathan would get over the loss of a talented teen he loved like a son. Nathan Hale Bridger felt Ford's eyes on him and realized he must be the center of the entire crew's attention.Nathan didn't care,he was still in complete shock over Lucas's death and hadn't begun to feel yet.Nathan wasn't sure he wanted to. Now Nathan wished he had taken Kristen up on her offer to stay on board the Seaquest for a few days.But being stubborn he had insisted he was fine and dropped her off in London. Now he really needed her. Ford had asked him if he wanted to speak at the service,but he just couldn't bring himself to read Lucas's eulogy,let alone write it.Even though he had,had four days to write it. Four days?Nathan thought with amazement,Had it been that long?Lucas's final words still rang in his ears. 'Don't worry,Cap.I'll be there.' Nathan smiled bitterly,'He's telling me not to worry.' While Nathan had been lost in his thoughts and memories the service had ended.Most of the crew quietly leaving in pairs or groups leaving only Jonathan Ford and Darwin. Jonathan hesitate a moment before saying,"Captain,if you need to take some time off......." Bridger's blue eyes stared sadly at the bottlenose dolphin who bobbed in the 'moon' pool,"Where would I go,Jonathan?There's no one left." Nathan paused just before stepping onto the Mag-Lev,"Jonathan,I want you to get Stark and make her pay for this tragedy.Whatever you need,I don't care if you have to destroy Seaquest to do it!Just get that woman before she hurts anyone else." HUNTER ISLAND OFF THE COAST OF AUSTRALIA Katie Hitchcock scrambled to her feet and caught the still form of Lucas Wolenczak as he was roughly tossed into the small room. Katie gently lowered him to the ground,"Lucas?"She called softly as she checked for a pulse. Just as she found a strong,steady one....Lucas's blue eyes fluttered and opened wide. When Lucas realized who was kneeling over him,a wave of shock washed over the teen,"Katie?" Katie grinned,"Yes,Lucas.Its me." Lucas felt his face go white,"Am I dead?" Katie laughed,"No,you're not.And neither am I." Lucas quickly got into a sitting position,"Katie,what's going on?I was just at your memorial service." Katie helped him up,"Really?How was it?" Lucas stared at her,"Katie,everyone thinks your dead. You should have seen Ben when he found out,he almost took Jonathan's head off." Katie only seemed to hear the first part of his sentence,"Bridger thinks you're dead,too.I just saw your memorial service." Lucas's blue eyes widened in shock,"What?!How?!" Katie pointed at the small screen suspended from the ceiling,"Courtesy of the all Stark channel."Katie did a double take at the teen,"Did you say Jonathan and Ben got into a fist fight?" Lucas grinned remembering the scene in the hotel room,"Ben went after Jonathan after he wouldn't let Ben in on his investigation into the helicopter crash." Katie's blue eyes narrowed,"Those two were fighting?Doesn't sound like them." "I was there,Katie.Besides they're both under a lot of,"Lucas paused as if searching for the right word,"Stress." They were both silent for a moment.Lucas massaging a ugly purple bruise on his right forearm. "Is Stark here?"Lucas asked glancing around the small brick room. "I don't know.I haven't seen her.Her voice just floats down every so often."Katie replied with a grim smile. "I hope you two are enjoying each other's company."Marylin Stark's voice boomed from the speakers,"It'll be all you have for quite awhile." Lucas and Katie exchanged a glance.Both having the same thought. Somehow,someway they had to find a way out. PEARL HARBOR, HAWAII Jonathan Ford swallowed the lump of tears threatening to choke him as the helicopter touched down on the H.R. Clinton.He couldn't help but think what Katie must have been feeling,the last minutes of her life. Jonathan thanked the pilot and followed an ensign into the command hutch. Ford glanced around the bridge of Katie's ship,remembering how she had kept bugging him to come visit her.Now that he was here,he wished he had. Jonathan sighed,he wished a lot of things. Acting Captain Kevin Garver took off his hat as he shook Jonathan's hand,"Commander,I wish we could have met under different circumstances.Katie told me alot about you" Jonathan smiled,"Same here.Thank-you for letting me come aboard." Kevin smiled,"Anytime.What can I do for you?" Ford's smile vanished,"Do you still have the wreckage on board?" Kevin nodded,"Yes,I wouldn't let anyone near it." Captain Kevin Garver's blond hair ruffled in the strong pacific wind.He led Jonathan to a small storage area. As Jonathan's eyes adjusted to the dim lightening he saw the twisted hunk of metal that was once a helicopter. Ford tried to remain strong,but seeing the twisted hunk of metal just made Katie's death finally hit him.Full force. Jonathan sank into a crouch,hoping he looked like he was examining the wreckage.He didn't want to try to picture Katie's twisted body in that mangled heap of metal. "It really hits you,doesn't it?"Kevin asked,his sea green eyes staring at the wreckage. Jonathan cleared his throat,"Yea.Did you see it happen?" Kevin ran a hand over his face,"Yes,I had just come on duty.Most of the crew was on deck to welcome Katie back."He turned to look at Ford,"Jonathan,it was so quick.One second I was watching the copter land.The next bamm.It was a fireball.I've never seen anything like it.And I don't want to,ever again." Jonathan nodded,his black eyes kept on the floor.Then they spotted something glittering in the sunlight.He rose to his feet and crossed over to the twisted hunk of metal.His slim brown fingers grasped tightly around a gold chain. Jonathan closed his eyes as his right hand closed around the simple gold charm of the letter K. Kevin crossed over to him,"What did you find,Jonathan?" Jonathan couldn't answer him.The lump of tears too big.As a reply he opened his hand,allowing the Captain to see. "Oh,"Was all the young man could manage as he recognized the necklace.It was one of the few pieces of jewelry he had ever seen Katie Hitchcock wear. "You're welcome to keep it."Kevin offered sadly,"I know she would want you to have it." Jonathan nodded his thanks and turned sad black eyes to the fighter jet that was about to take off. "Here's what forensics found on the explosion."Kevin Garver said handing Jonathan a small computer disk as they walked back to the bridge,"I'm afraid its not much.The heat from the explosion pretty much wiped out any physical evidence." Ford excepted it gratefully,"I'll take any help I can get.There has to be a clue in here that will lead me to the woman who did this." Kevin stopped in his tracks,"You know who did this?" Ford shook his head,"I only have a theory." Kevin's green eyes bore into the young Commander,"It sounds like you have more than a theory." Jonathan sighed,"I can't go into it right now,but I promise you Kevin if it is who I think it is I will not let this person get away with Katie's death." HUNTER ISLAND Marylin Stark grinned wickedly as she glanced around her computer room.She sat down in the swivel chair. "I think its time to have some fun. She hit a few keys telling the computer to call Seaquest. CARIO,EGYPT Tim O'Neil froze in his seat as he recognized the cold voice in his ear. Miguel Ortiz noticed the look on his friends face,"What's wrong,Tim?" Tim didn't reply instead he turned toward Bridger,"CAPTAIN!" Nathan looked up,"Yes,Mr.O'Neil?" Tim had an awkward expression on his face,"Captain,there's an incoming message from Marilyn Stark." Nathan rose from his command chair,his face going white.His blue eyes turned ice cold,"Put her on screen,Mr.O'Neil." O'Neil looked like he wanted to do anything else in the world,but he carried out Bridger's order.The next instant Marylin Stark's smug face flashed on the screen. "Hello,Nathan." The whole bridge seemed to go silent,as the crew waited to see what Nathan would do. For a moment,Nathan couldn't talk.Fury welled up so fierce inside him that he couldn't move.All he seemed to be able to do is glare. Stark smiled,"Aren't you going to say anything,Nathan?" Nathan finally found his voice,"You have a lot of nerve to show here after all you've done."Anger choked his words. Stark laughed,"Done?Nathan,I haven't done anything." Tim silently started a trace.He could at least do that much for Katie and Lucas. Bridger fought to control his fury,but all he could see was Lucas's face and then the explosion,"You can say whatever you want,Marylin.But I know you're behind Lucas and Katie's deaths and you will pay dearly." "I already have,Nathan.This is my revenge.And revenge is very,very sweet." With a smile,Stark ended the call leaving a glowering Nathan Bridger wondering how Ford was doing. PEARL HARBOR, HAWAII The last thing Jonathan Ford did on the H.R. Clinton was use the Vidphone.He wanted to update Bridger on his progress. Jonathan sighed,not that he had made any progress. It took a few seconds for the call to be placed. Jonathan's brown eyes became concerned when he saw the look on Tim O'Neil's face. "What's wrong,Tim?" O'Neil glanced around,but decided against filling the Commander in,"I think I'll let the Captain fill you in." A minute later Nathan Bridger's furious face flashed on the screen,"Captain,what's wrong?" Nathan shook his head,still furious,"Stark called to gloat." At the mention of Stark's name Jonathan felt his blood turn to ice,"What did she say?" Nathan almost laughed,"Absolutely nonthing.She was her usual self Jonathan.Do everything,deny everything." Ford's black eyes turned to slits,"She had the nerve to deny Katie's murder?!" Nathan nodded,"And Lucas's.We should have known better,Jonathan.Speaking of Katie,how's your investigation coming?" Ford shook his head,"I wish I had good news for you,Captain.I got the Forensics report on the crash from the H.R. Clinton and I examined the wreckage." Nathan's blue eyes lit up with curiosity,"Did you find anything?" Jonathan's right hand closed around Katie's necklace that was in his right pant's pocket,"Just Katie's necklace." The light in Nathan's eyes vanished,"I'm sorry,Jonathan." Ford nodded and they were both silent for a long moment. "Keep me posted."Nathan said finally and motioned to O'Neil to end the call. PEARL HARBOR, HAWAII Ben Krieg took his small overnight bag out of the taxi's trunk and payed the driver.He turned and glanced at the small townhouse that had been converted into a hotel. Ben had used several sources to find that Ford was staying here. Ben swung his bag onto his shoulder as he walked up the steps to the hotel.He knew Jonathan would be furious at him for following him.But that's what he got for keeping Ben out of his investigation. Ben rubbed his face tiredly,he hadn't really slept much since Katie died.Ben paused in the doorway,that was the first time he'd thought those two words together. It still didn't seem real.Ben sighed,it was still to raw a place in his heart for him to start dealing with. Ben forced the dark emotions aside as he approached the clerk behind the desk.Seeing it was a beautiful red haired woman,Ben Krieg turned on the charm and pasted on his most winning smile. "Hi there."Ben purred at the young woman. The young woman's face brightened,"Hi.Can I help you with something?" Ben smile widened,"I was hoping you could help me."He paused as he read her name tag,"Colleen.I'm in a slight bind here.I was supposed to meet up with a friend of mine at the airport but we got our times mixed up.I called around and found him here.I was really hoping you could tell me what room he was in?" Colleen smiled,blushing slightly,"Its usually against the rules,but I think I can bend them just this once." Ben smiled,"Thanks.You don't know how much help this is." Colleen smiled,"It'll take just a moment to look up.What did you say his name was?" "I didn't.But its Jonathan Ford."Ben nodded,leaning on the counter. Colleen nodded and began tapping away at the keyboard. "Katie's not even cold in the ground and you're already back at it."Ford's harsh voice rang in Ben's ears causing him to whirl around he saw Jonathan Ford storm in. "I always wondered what Katie saw in you in the first place!"Jonathan shouted,struggling to keep a lid on his temper. Ben felt his anger flare up,but quickly squashed it.Not wanting to cause a scene,"I thought we already went over this." Jonathan glanced around at the crowded lobby and forced his anger down to a minimum,"You're right,Ben.I apologize."He paused for a moment as he pulled Ben over to the wall,"What the hell are you doing here?I thought I told you to stay out of this!" Ben's brown eyes flared,"You have no right to keep me out of this!I was married to her!That gives me every right!" Ford swallowed his anger,"You also told her that you stopped loving her!Remember that little conversation?" Ben winced,"She really told you everything." Jonathan's eyes flared slightly,"No,I had to practicly pry that out of her.I honestly thought she wouldn't recover from the pain you caused.You took that beautiful women's heart and tore it to pieces." Krieg looked away from his former Commander,"I know I hurt Katie deeply,Jonathan.You don't have to remind me."Ben rubbed a tired hand over his face,"Look,I know I made every mistake possible with Katie and I regret every minute of it.How about the two people who loved her try to bury the hatchet so we can get the animal responsible?" Ford watched Ben warily as Krieg extended his hand. Ben sighed,"For Katie.For her memory.Can we work together to find her killer?" Jonathan nodded;solemnly grasping Ben's outstretched hand,"For Katie." HUNTER ISLAND Lucas Wolenzak was jerked out of a restless sleep when he felt a hand clamp over his mouth.He started to scream,but a harsh,familiar voice cut him off. "You scream and I'll kill her."Stark hissed motioning to Katie's sleeping form. Lucas went still,waiting for Stark to make the first move. "Very good choice,boy.Now get up.We're going to take a little ride." Lucas kept himself stiff as Stark forced him off the floor and toward the doorway. "You need to help me convince Nathan to fall into my trap." Lucas shook his head fiercely trying to talk. "Oh,yes you will if you value her life at all." Lucas let out a long sigh as Stark forced him up a winding staircase. PEARL HARBOR, HAWAII Ben Krieg restlessly paced Jonathan Ford's hotel room.Ford had left an hour ago to get all the information the UEO had on Marlyin Stark. Ben's face froze as he spotted a familiar necklace on the small dresser.Ben stood and closed his hand around the small gold K. Krieg looked up as Jonathan came in,carrying a stack of computer disks,and a arm full of file folders. "Krieg,you want to give me a hand,here?"Jonathan demanded starting to drop a few things. Ben quickly crossed the small room and took the disks from him. As Ford slammed the folders down on the small table,Ben held up the gold necklace. "Jonathan,where did you find this?" Jonathan's black eyes saddened as he took in the necklace,"It was tangled in the wreckage." "Oh God,"Ben said softly,cradling the necklace like fine china,"So there's no off chance she could have survived?"Ben asked,hoping against hope. Ford shook his head,"No,the explosion was too intense." Ford cleared the awkward silence,"Lets start looking through this.There has to be somthing here.Something we've over looked." Ben nodded,placing Katie's necklace between them on the small table;he sat down and began to thumb through the folders. HUNTER ISLAND Katie Hitchcock awoke,her head still ringing slightly from the explosion.She blinked several times,and with a shock realized Lucas was no longer in the room. Cold fear gripped her,"Stark!I know you can here me!Where's Lucas?What have you done with him?!If you've hurt him,I'll hunt you down myself!" Stark's somewhat sleepily voice drifted down,"You're in no position to make threats,Captain.Besides there's nonthing you can do for him now." Katie slammed her right fist against the cold brick wall.As she shook the pain out of it,a single tear escaped and slid down her cheeks. She had to get out of here,and end this nightmare. COVINGTON RESEARCH FACILITY INDIAN OCEAN Nathan Bridger was livid,"I don't appreciate being pulled out of a border war negotiation just because you decide you want to have a little chat!" Michael Wolenczak paced the conference room,his black eyes flashing,"I came here for my son's memorial service." Nathan's fury exploded,"You need to check your appointment book,Doctor.Lucas's memorial service was last week!!" Michael Wolenczak stared at the Seaquest Captain in stunned silence. Nathan Hale Bridger glared at Lucas's father with fierce loathing and contempt. Before he said anything he'd regret later,Nathan turned on his heel and slammed out of the conference room. He hoped he didn't have to see Wolenczak again,because he was quite sure he would kill him. PEARL HARBOR, HAWAII Jonathan Ford yawned wide as he stood to refill his coffee cup for the upteenth time.He glanced at the chronmeter on the wall.It was well past four in the morning. He glanced across the table at Ben Krieg.Ben had fallen asleep with his head on a stack of folders.Jonathan hadn't had the heart to wake him.They had both been through so much these last few weeks. Jonathan sighed as he fingered Katie's necklace,that was now around his neck. Ford rubbed sleep from his eyes,resting them a moment.When they returned to the small computer screen they widened to the size of half dollars. "That's it!"Jonathan exclaimed,then he lowered his voice to a whisper not wanting to wake Ben. An hour later Jonathan was showered and changed.He paused at the door of his room.overnight bag on his shoulder.His black eyes glanced back at Ben Krieg still asleep at the table.He knew he should wake him,but from the looks of Ben Jonathan guessed he hadn't slept very well since Katie died. Ford stepped out into the empty hallway,closing the door behind him.He stood for a moment letting the warm Hawaiian air warm his brown skin. Jonathan glanced at his watch.If all went well,this time next week he would've brought Katie's killer to justice. HUNTER ISLAND Katie took the small metal knife out of her pocket.She had sneaked it off the breakfast tray.She stood and studied the room,looking for any signs of weakness. Her blue eyes fell on the window.The window that Stark said was electrocuted. Could she be bluffing? Katie's face was a mask of determination.It was worth a shot.She'd die ethier way.Anything was better than just sitting here waiting for Stark to kill her. Katie walked over to the window and began to pry one of the black wires off with the metal knife. Half way through,Katie saw a spark as her knife connected with something.The next instant,it felt like she was on fire as an electric shock serged through her body. Katie felt herself go stiff as a board,then her body crumpled to the floor. ENROUTE TO SYDNEY,AUSTRALIA "Are you sure you don't want backup?"Nathan Bridger asked,his astounded face staring back at Ford from the airplanes small comm screen. "This is something I have to do by myself." "I could have the Seaquest there in six hours."Nathan protested. "I'm sure,Captain." Nathan let out a long sigh,"Be very careful,Jonathan.Stark's already killed two people I don't want to add you to the list." Ford smiled,"I won't let her get away,Nathan.I promise." Jonathan ended the conversation and stared out the plane's window as it made its final approach into Sydney's airport. HUNTER ISLAND Katie Hitchcock staggered to her feet,feeling like she'd just been struck by lightening.She had no idea how long she'd been out. Katie walked around the small room,trying to get circulation back to her muscles.After awhile,she realized it didn't seem to be working. A wave of dizziness washed over her,as she fought to steady herself. Fatigue,malnutrition finally won out.Katie collapsed into darkness. Delayed by bad weather Jonathan Ford finally reached Hunter Island.His slim fingers traced the gold K as he walked into the old mansion. Stark had been careless,not covering her tracks.He had discovered through bank records that she had bought this house around the same time as Katie's death. Jonathan withdrew a stun gun from his duffer bag as he crept deeper into the house. The rooms were sparsely furnished.Just enough furniture to make it look like somebody lived there.Not lavish by any standards. Jonathan spotted a long hallway and began to creep down it,ready for anything. He came to a stop as a small room came up on the right. Jonathan mentally counted to three and kicked the door in,thrusting the gun in front of him. The only thing that greeted the young commander was a room full of computers and Marylin Stark's smug face staring out from a small screen. "Hello,Jonathan.I've been expecting you."Stark's smile widened,"I regret that we couldn't have this conversation in person." "I bet."Ford growled.His gun still at the ready. "Before I go,I wanted to express my deepest condolences over your friends' deaths.Its always such a shame when people go before their time."Marylin smiled,"Untill we meet again,Jonathan." Stark's face winked out. "Damn!"Jonathan swore as he franticly began looking for a way to trace the message. He jumped when Stark's face flashed back on the screen,"Oh,one last thing,Jonathan.There's something in the basement that might intrest you.Have a nice day." With a last glare at the screen,Jonathan Ford darted out of the small room and went looking for the stairs. It took him longer than he thought,but Ford had finally found the hidden staircase that led to the basement.He slowly grasped the gold knob and began to turn,half expecting the world to explode around him. He glanced down the stairs and what he saw made his heart jump to his throat. "Oh my God,"Jonathan breathed as he took the steps two at a time,no longer worried about his own safety,"KATIE!!" When he reached her still form,he expected to find a corpse.Jonathan rocked back on his heels when he found a pulse. "You're still alive?"He asked Katie in amazement,even though he knew she couldn't answer. As Jonathan stared at her beautiful face in disbelief,Katie started to come around. Jonathan pulled her onto his lap,"Katie?Katie,love?Can you hear me?Katie?" Katie's blue eyes fluttered open and she glanced around,disoriented.The voice was familiar but the tender words weren't,"Jonathan?"Her voice came out hoarse and raspy. Ford felt himself start to laugh and cry all at once,"Oh,thank God you're alive.I never expected to find you alive." Katie snuggled up against him,"Jonathan how did you find me?"She asked her senses beginning to return. Ford rocked her,"Its a long story"He pulled her back so he could look at her eyes,"Katie,I came here looking for your killer.We had all given up hope." Katie's hand flew to her mouth,"I'm so sorry I put you through that.Did Stark see you?" Ford shook his head,"She's long gone.All I found was a recording." Jonathan reached behind his head and unclasped the hinge of her necklace,"I've been keeping this for you." Katie stared at the necklace as Ford placed it in her hand,"I forgot all about it.Where was it?" Jonathan closed his eyes briefly,remembering the grief,"I found it in the wreckage." Tears formed in her blue eyes,"Wreckage?Then no one else....." Ford shook his head,"I'm sorry,Katie.Don't blame yourself." Katie crumpled away from him,"It is my fault.She was after me." Jonathan forced her to look at him,"If its anybody's fault,Katie its mine." Katie stared at him,"Yours?" Jonathan's black eyes softened,"She took you to get revenge against me." "Because of our friendship?"Katie asked,puzzled. Jonathan took a deep breath.He had promised himself that by some remote chance he ever saw her again he would lay it all on the line,"I think Stark figured out a long time ago that my feelings for you were more than friendship.It just took twice that long to get it through that thick skull of mine." Katie's eyes widened,"Jonathan,what are you saying?" Ford cradled her face in his hands,"I promised myself that if I found you alive I would tell you." Katie felt a feeling of peace wash over her.Somehow she knew everything was going to be alright.And maybe she'd get a chance at happiness,"Tell me what?" "I guess it took the reality of not seeing you again,to realize what I'd lost.Not just the best friend I ever had,but the woman I love." Katie pulled back from him slightly,shocked to hear him say the words.Happy shocked,but shocked none the less. "I know this came out of the blue for you,me too.I know I'm throwing a lot at you at once.Just let me give you one question to think over."Ford paused as if summoning up courage,"Will you marry me?" Katie pulled away from him and stood to stare out the window.Hugging herself.Not knowing what to think.She knew there had always been something between her and Jonathan.Because of their friendship both of them had agreed not to act on it. Ford forced himself not to give up hope,quite yet.He had more than likely overwhelmed her.Jonathan stood and crossed over to her,wrapping his arms around her. "You don't have to answer me now."Jonathan said his voice tender,"Take all the time you need." "No,"Katie said turning to face him,"I want to answer you." Jonathan caressed her face tenderly,"You don't have too.Now that I have you back I can wait forever." Katie smiled,"You won't have too.Yes,I'll marry you." Jonathan stared at her,not daring to believe,"Yes?Are you sure?" "Yes."Katie repeated enveloping Jonathan in a fierce hug. "I love you."Jonathan whispered as he lifted her off her feet and twirled her around. After the reality of becoming engaged sank in Katie suddenly remembered her roommate. "Oh my God.Lucas!" Ford's smile instantly vanished,"Katie,Lucas is dead," Katie shook her head fiercely,"No he's not." Jonathan tenderly brushed a stray auburn hair back,"I'm sorry,love.He is.Stark planted a bomb in his rental car.I wasn't sure Nathan was going to recover." "No,Jonathan you don't understand.He was here." Ford's eyes widened,"What?When?" Katie shrugged,"A day or so ago somebody tossed him in here.He was unconscience.We were trying to come up with a plan to escape.Then I woke up this morning and he was gone.Stark said there was nonthing I could do for him now." Jonathan grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the door,"Maybe he's still in the mansion." Katie stopped him at the foot of the stairs,"Jonathan,it sounded like she killed him." "Then his body is still here.I told Nathan I would get Stark and since I can't do that I can at least bring Lucas home." Katie nodded in agreement and followed him up the winding staircase. Once on the main floor Katie suggested,"Let's split up.I'll take the second floor." Jonathan nodded in agreement,letting go of her hand,"Be careful.We have no idea what kind of booby traps Stark left behind." Katie nodded and crept up the staircase. Katie's journey down the carpeted hallway was uneventful untill she felt her right ankle snag on something. Katie frowned as she glanced down to find a gray wire,trapping her ankle.She forced down a wave of fear as she traced the wire to its source. Her blue eyes found the tiny control panel that triggered the trip wire. Katie winced as she realized there was no way she could reach it without triggering the device.She couldn't call for Jonathan ethier,because even the slightest movement would set off the explosive device. Katie forced herself to think.To remember her training. Her blue eyes lit up as she came up with a plan.Summoning her courage Katie moved her ankle away from the wire and dove into the nearest room,slamming the door shut. A split second later,the world exploded around her. Commander Jonathan Devin Ford had just entered the small library when he felt the foundation shake.He knew it could only be from an explosion. Jonathan raced down the hallway and stopped short when he saw the staircase.Half of the wooden railing was gone.Debris littered the stairs. Cold fear gripped his heart as he took the stairs two at a time. In the second floor hallway,Jonathan shoved part of the plaster ceiling that had fallen down,blocking his way. "Katie!!"He called out,fear in his voice.He didn't just get her back,to lose her again.Not again. By the third time he called her name,Jonathan was half way down the debris filled hallway.Terror had a vice grip on his heart and refused to let go. A door came up on his right,Ford touched the gold handle but quickly yanked it back.The hot metal,searing his hand.Fighting the pain he realized he must be close to the source of the explosion. "Katie!!"Jonathan called again,hoping against hope. "Jonathan?"Katie's voice sounded small,and far away;but it was music to Jonathan's ears. Relief was on Jonathan's face as he picked his way down the hallway,"Katie!Where are you?" "I'm in one of the rooms on the left.I dove in,as soon as I tripped the wire." Jonathan finally reached the first door on his left,"Are you hurt?" He could almost see Katie shake her head,"My ears will be ringing for a month,but I'm fine." Jonathan moved the last piece of debris away from the door,a broken lamp as Katie said,"I also found a friend of ours." Ford threw open the door to find Katie sitting on the floor of a small bedroom.Lucas Wolenczak lay heavily sedated on a small bed. Jonathan raced over to his new fiancee,"Are you sure you're alright?" Katie nodded as she leaned on Jonathan,straggling to her feet.. Jonathan looked at Lucas with concern.The teen's face was white,and his lips looked like they had a tint of blue. "How's Lucas?" "I hope he's better than he looks." Jonathan nodded in agreement as he pulled a small com unit from his pants pocket,"Let's get him back to the Seaquest." Seven hours later,under maximum speed the Seaquest II docked at Hunter Island.Lucas was rushed to Med-Bay. Nathan Hale Bridger paced the hallway outside of Med-Bay.Wendy Smith had ushered him out as soon as she had seen Lucas's condition.That made Nathan extremely nervous. The captain's moods were going from vowing vengeance against Stark to disbelief that Lucas was still alive,to worry and fear. At the moment he was at the latter. "Captain,you're going to wear a hole in the floor."Jonathan Ford said with a smile as he approached the Captain. Nathan,relieved to push aside his worry if only for a moment,returned Ford's smile. "Good to have you back,Jonathan.I hear congratulations are in order."Nathan grasped Jonathan's right hand and shook it firmly,"I wish you and Katie all the happiness." "Thank-you Captain,"Jonathan said with a smile.Then his face turned serious,"How's Lucas?" Nathan unconsciencely rubbed his full beard,"I don't know.Wendy hasn't come out yet." Ford didn't need to be telepathic to fell Nathan's worry,"I'm sure he's fine,Captain.He survived Stark's plans.I bet by Friday he's waking everyone up with his music." Nathan smiled at the memory,"I hope you're right.Any news on Stark?" "Sorry Captain.Its like she vanished into thin air.O'Neil tried to run a trace on that recording she left me."Ford shook his head,"I can't believe she's going to get away with this." Nathan's blue eyes held a far away look,"I'm sure this isn't the last we'll see if Marlyin Stark." Wendy took that moment to poke her brunette head out of Med-Bay. "How's Lucas?"Ford and Bridger asked in unison. Wendy smiled slightly,"He's going to be fine."Wendy paused as she felt relief wash over Nathan,"Whatever the poison was it seems to have left his system." "Can I see him?"Nathan asked. Wendy smiled,"Only for a moment.He needs his rest."She put her arm around Bridger's shoulders and walked with him into Med-Bay. Jonathan watched through the glass for a moment.As soon as he saw Lucas's blue eyes for himself he quietly headed back to his quarters where Katie was resting. Katie Hitchcock awoke several hours later to see Jonathan watching her from a leather chair.As soon as he saw she was awake,Jonathan quickly knelt beside the bed. "Hey,sleeping beauty." Katie cleared her throat,"What time is it?" Jonathan grinned,"1600 hours." Katie nodded. "Thursday." Katie sat straight up in bed,"You let me sleep for four days?!" "You needed it.And with all Stark put you through,I didn't have the heart to wake you." Katie stared at him wide eyed.She'd never slept that long in her entire life,"Four days?!"She felt the Seaquest moving,"Where are we?" Jonathan glanced at his watch,"Enroute back to Pearl.We should be there this time tomorrow." Katie had a flash of memory,"How's Lucas?" Jonathan grinned,"He's fine.Driving the Med staff crazy as we speak.The crew's holding a welcome back party for you and Lucas tonight.Are you up to it?" Katie's eyes lit up,"After all the sleep you let me get.You bet." Jonathan smiled as he took a small box out of his pocket.He placed it in her right hand. "What is it?"Katie asked curiously. "Open it and find out." Katie slowly lifted the velvet lid and gasped at the object inside. Nestled in folds of black velvet was the most beautiful ring she had ever seen.On a simple gold band was a huge emerald,flanked by two smaller diamonds. "Jonathan,"She paused searching for the right words,"Its beautiful." Still on his knees Jonathan took the box from her and gently took out the ring,"It was my Grandmothers'.I had my mother send it to me as soon as I got back on Seaquest." Katie couldn't speak as he gently slipped the ring on her left hand. "She's estatic by the way."Ford laughed recalling his mother's reaction to his news,"She was beginning to think I'd never settle down." Katie just stared at the ring,she looked a million miles away. "Katie?"Jonathan said,"Did you hear me?" That snapped her back,"Yes.Your mother's estatic."Her voice still sounded far away. Jonathan gripped her hands,forcing her to look at him,"Are you having second thoughts about this?I know it came way out of left field." Katie shook her head,her blue eyes sparkling,"No." "Then what is it?"Jonathan asked concerned. Katie stood and walked over to the small porthole,watching the sea zip by,"Ben's back at Pearl isn't he?" Jonathan closed his eyes briefly,in all the excitement he had completely forgotten about Ben."Yes.At least that's where I left him." "I don't know what to say to him,Jonathan."Katie said her face a mix of emotions. Ford grasped her shoulders and turned her so she was facing him,"You don't have to tell him anything." Katie crossed her arms over her chest,"I feel like I owe him an explanation." "After the way he hurt you?You don't owe him anything."Ford's face held a hint of anger. "We were married for three years,Jonathan.We did have some good times."Katie paused as if shaking off bad memories,"Though they seem few and far between." Jonathan forced a smile,"We can talk about this when we reach Pearl.You still up for a party?" Katie smiled widely,"Of course I am.You wouldn't have anything I could change into?"She looked down at her soiled and torn uniform,"I've been in this thing for almost a month." Jonathan grinned and motioned toward the small closet. ENROUTE TO PEARL HARBOR, HAWAII Jonathan Devin Ford took two steps back as Tony Piccolos' face seemed to pop out of nowhere. "Tony!"Jonathan exclaimed,"Where the hell did you come from?" Tony's face had a wide smile,"From the snack bar."He said holding up a finger sandwich and motioned to the table at the far end of the cafeteria,"You should see the spread,Commander.I haven't seen this much food since the Captain's barbecue." Ford's smiled widened.He tightened his grip on Katie's hand as he followed Tony into the room. Tony whirled around,"Hey,Congrats you two." "Thanks Tony."Jonathan replied,tapping his foot to Bruce Springstien's 'Back in the USSR.'A classic. Tony smiled at Katie,getting his first real look at her since she'd come on board,"I've heard a lot about you Captain." Katie grinned,"Don't believe a word of it." Tony laughed,then disappeared into the crowd. Katie leaned toward Jonathan so he could hear her over the loud music,"Does he really have gills?" Jonathan laughed,pulling her closer,"Yes,but don't ask him unless you really want to see them." Katie laughed and pulled Jonathan out onto the dance floor as an oldie by Bryan Addams came on."Everything I do,I do it for you." Katie didn't notice as the crew cleared the dance floor,allowing the couple a center stage.Katie rested her head on Jonathan's strong chest as she swayed to the familiar,old lyrics. 'Look into my eyes. You will see. What you mean to me. Jonathan held her tight.His eyes closed as he let the song wash over him. 'Search your heart. Search your soul. And when you find me there, you'll search no more. Don't tell me its not worth fighting for. Don't tell me its not worth dying for. You know its true. Everything I do,I do it for you.' As the song winded down,Katie pulled back looking deep into Jonathan's eyes,"I love you." Jonathan's black eyes softened,his voice tender,"I love you too." Jonathan felt a tap on his shoulder as the next song began to play.He turned to find seventeen year old Lucas Wolenczak leaning heavily on a wooden cane.He was still very weak from Stark's poison. "Mind if I cut in?"Lucas's blue eyes sparkled. Jonathan smiled softly as he clasped the teen on the shoulder,"Be careful,she might tire you out." Katie laughed as she watched Jonathan move away and toward Nathan. She looked at the teen with concern,"Are you sure you're up to this?" "I'm okay,"Lucas assured her,"I'm just glad to be here.Dancing with you," Katie's eyes found Jonathan's across the crowded room,"Amen to that,Lucas." PEARL HARBOR, HAWAII Ben Krieg had watched the Seaquest II pull into the busy harbor.His brown eyes widened in admiration,he hadn't seen the new ship yet. Ben smiled,she held up to the name Seaquest. He glanced at his watch.He had been just about to leave for his trip back to the North pole when he received her call.He was anxious to see her again.Just to make sure she was really okay. Ben had been stunned by Ford's call two days ago,stating that he had found Katie and Lucas still alive in Stark's house in Australia. Ben still couldn't believe it,and probably wouldn't untill she walked through the door. Ben sighed as he glanced at his watch again.His feet began pacing the small room. Katie Hitchcock glanced out the window of the taxi as it stopped in front of the Marina hotel.Katie sighed as she opened the car door,she wasn't looking forward to this. Even though they were divorced,Katie still felt a bond with Ben Krieg.Which she knew would always be there. Katie payed the driver and walked up the short steps of the renovated townhouse Katie walked through the front door,as she remembered how Jonathan had wanted to go with her.She had insisted she do this herself.If Jonathan had been there it would've made an awkward situation even more awkward. Besides,Katie thought as she waited for the elevator,she didn't want the two of them to kill each other. As the elevator began its short trip to the second floor,Katie smiled remembering Lucas's animation as he filled her in on all the gory details of the big fight.She still couldn't believe that two men had actually come to blows over her. Katie stepped back as the elevator doors opened.She was shocked to see Ben Krieg standing there. Ben's brown eyes widened to the size of half dollars,when he finally saw her. Before Katie could react,Ben enveloped his ex-wife in a huge bear hug.He held Katie so tight that she dropped her purse. "Ben,"Katie began in a strangled voice,"Put me down.I can't breathe." Ben instantly put her down,a sheepish expression on his face. "Sorry."His handsome face lit up with a wide smile,"I still can't believe you're standing here." Katie didn't know what to say as he led her into Jonathan's hotel room. "Ben,"Katie started,awkwardly,"We need to talk." "I know we do."Ben replied as he ushered her toward the bed.Motioning for her to take a seat. Ben was about to launch into the speech he'd rehearsed when he noticed the ring on her left hand. "You're engaged?"He asked,slight shock written on his handsome face. Katie sighed,"That's what I wanted to talk to you about." Ben turned to look out the window,"To who?"He demanded. Katie let out a long sigh,"Jonathan." Ben felt his back go straight as he whirled to face her,"Jonathan Ford?" Katie nodded,watching Ben closely. "Ben,I'm sorry."Katie stood,her eyes flashing,"Why am I apologizing?Because I"m finally happy?Because I finally found a man who loves and respects me?No,Ben you won't turn this around on me." Katie started toward the door,"I don't know why I came here.I guess I felt I owed you an explanation." Ben's voice froze Katie's hand on the door knob,"Katie wait." Katie turned around,waiting for him to continue. "I don't want it to end like this.Not with anger." "Why do you even care,Ben?I remember a little conversation where you said you didn't love me."Katie's voice trembled with fury. Ben winced,"Katie,I've regretted every minute since that I said those words.They weren't true." Katie stared at him,"Then why did you say them?Did you get a kick out of seeing me hurt?" Ben's brown eyes now showed anger,"You know me better than that.It just slipped out.I didn't mean it." Katie crossed her arms over her chest,"Slipped out?" Ben Krieg forced himself to calm down,"Look,we aren't here to rehash the past." Katie's blue eyes narrowed sharply,"I think its time we did." Ben sighed,"Look,let's just forget this whole conversation.Tell Jonathan he's a lucky man.I'm happy for both of you." Katie felt her anger vanish as she caught the look of sadness in Ben's eyes,"Thank-you Ben.I know that was hard for you to say." Ben looked at his ex-wife for a long moment.Then he crossed the room and enveloped her in a hug;lifting her off her feet. "I am happy for you,Katie.I'm just so thankful to be standing here talking to you again." Katie hugged him tight,not wanting to hurt the man who had been her first love,"I'll let you know my new address.So you always have a place to go.Okay?" Ben squeezed his eyes shut,refusing to let the tears show,"Okay."He whispered hoarsely.Then he did the hardest thing he had ever done in his life. He let Katie Hitchcock walk out of his arms and into Jonathan Ford's. ------------------------------------------------------------ Epilog CHICAGO, ILLINOIS A long six months had passed,and Jonathan Ford stood in his Mother's back yard watching Katie Hitchcock walk down the isle. Her beauty took his breath away.Katie's shoulder length auburn hair was pulled back in a french braid.She wore a traditional off white wedding gown.It was shortsleeved because of the late June heat. Katie tightened her grip slightly on Nathan Bridger's arm as Jonathan smiled at her. Katie kissed Nathan on the cheek,silently thanking him for walking her down the isle. Katie took Jonathan's outstretched hand as she took her place at the altar.She handed her bouquet to Kristen Westphlan who smiled warmly. Jonathan Devin Ford smiled lovingly at his bride to be as he glanced at the family and friends gathered in his mother's backyard on that warm day in June. As the Minister began the ceremony,Ford's nervousness vanished and he suddenly knew that the future was as bright as ever.As long as Katie was at his side,they could do anything. THE END