Info On The Next Meeting

DATE: Every Tuesday and Sunday

TUESDAY TIME: 4:00pm Pacific
              5:00pm Central
              6:00pm Eastern

SUNDAY TIME:  3:00pm Pacific
              4:00pm Central
               5:00pm Eastern 

WHERE: The Church of Leonardo DiCaprio's Chat Room 
(link also on main page)

TOPIC: Whatever you want. I usually answer Leo/Church questions, 

NOTE: Though I do try, I can not make all the meetings. I come to all 
      that I can, though. But please don't be dissapointed if I'm not 
      there, when you are. Chances are you'll have some other fans to 
      talk to, or if you really need to talk to me, you can wait until 
      the next meeting, which I may be at, or you can e-mail me with 
      any of your questions. But please check the FAQ first.

Info On The Last Meeting

   Only three people showed up for our last meeting, myself included.
(sounds like, "six were saved from the water, myself included...) and
we talked. The high point of the convorsation was when I had to answer 
the the question that little know the answer to: "What brand of 
cigarettes does Leo smoke?" the answer, is Marlboro.