This is me superimposed on a photo of Los Muertos beach in the south section of Puerto Vallarta,located on Banderas bay.This part of Mexico is the same latitude as Hawaii,so the weather is simular except warmer in the summer.Their season runs from Nov.1st.through April.Basically this is a great place for a vacation.The beaches,weather and reasonably priced hotels or condo's all with maid service,bottled water and some with satilite TV.All kinds of restaurants,a lot of them owned by Americans or Europeans.Later I will go into names addresses,cost and types of food.Meanwhile enjoy some pictures with short explanations.
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This is a Hotel that I have stayed at.Just a half a block from the beach,with daily maid service,bottled water,air conditioning,elevator and two pools.A two bed double room runs about 35.00 dollars a night,for two people.The picture to the right is just after sunset taken from the hotel balcony.

The two above were taken where they built the set for the movie Predator it's now a restaurant with some interesting left overs from the movie.Including the crashed helicopter and a lot of billboards still advertising the film....Sorry about the blurriness of some of the pictures.This year I will use a digital camera.

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