The Magical Mind of Miss Colleen Martin

Welcome one and all to the page about me. Yes just little youngish(smallish) me. Thank You Josh for making get off my lazy tush and actually update this page. Thank You Tasha for being you. Tasha you are wrong...everyone does love you. And I still want to go to Virginia...even if it doesn't have lines on residential streets. Stinky! By know you must realize that this entire page is full of inside jokes and I feel really bad that you are on the outside...because everyone is on the outside of at least one of the jokes. I apoligize. And yet NOT!

Magical Things I Like!

The Not So Magical Things I Don't Like

My Magical Words of the ...!

My Magical Quote of the ...!

The Magical Members of My Mind!

The Magical Pictures in My Mind!

Adopt-A-? Section!

If you would like to reach my Magical Mind you can email me at
Please do not write to make fun of my Magical World, that would be mean. Mean= not so magical! Thanks! Or you could send me lots of mail and I wouldn't care at all!!! Because I'm really bored I promis e to read everything even those stupid chain letters that no one like but does anyway. I can promise you I won't do them but it gives me something to look at.

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This is the number of people that are confused by the fact that I am a senior and not on crack million people.