1996 Radio Interview with
Randall Batinkoff

On January 15, 1996, Randall Batinkoff participated in a radio interview dealing with "Christy", held at the studios of radio station KFLR in Phoenix, Arizona. He was joined by Ken Wales (creator and executive producer of "Christy") and Stewart Finlay-McLennan (the actor who portrayed Dr. Neil MacNeill in the series). The broadcast was hosted by George, the station's DJ. Station listeners were able to call in to voice their support for "Christy" or to ask Ken, Randall and Stewart various questions pertaining to their roles in the show. Here are Randall's comments:

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(After a commercial break, Randall Batinkoff, who had just finished another interview, joined the discussion and described the character he portrayed in "Christy" to caller, Angela . . .)

Randall: "I'm really into Christy, I'm the young guy. I'm the minister. She's interested in me, somewhat. It looks like, in fact, she may say okay, too - I proposed marriage to her. It looks pretty good for me. But, then the doctor shows up! And that's always been my problem, is that the doctor's there."

George: "We had a caller on a couple of minutes ago, Denise, was talking about the dilemma that she would have if she had to make that choice."

Randall: "What did she say?"

George: "Well, she said she doesn't know. She would, she finds virtue, or positive aspects in both your character and in the doctor's."

Randall: "I see. That is okay. That's good. As long as she doesn't lean towards that Doctor, I'm fine."

Denise: "I have told people that my husband has to be a doctor or a minister."

Randall: "Yeah, I'd go for the minister."

George: "How do you guys [Randall and Stewart] deal with this. Is there any kind of animosity or feud between the two characters?"

Randall: "Yeah, we definitely do because we're both wanting for Christy's love."

George: "How can a minister show that though? You know, cause everyone watches ministers."

Randall: "I have to be careful, you're right."

Ken: "He's very good at it."

(Ken went on to talk about how Randall prepared for the role - how he spent a week in Alberquerque, New Mexico, with a pastor who is a friend of Ken's, and how Randall was Christy's "answer to a hunk on 90210." Randall then discussed some of the challenges and rewards of portraying a minister. George then took a call from Elizabeth who had a definite opinion as to whom she'd like Christy to be with . . .)

Elizabeth: "And I vote for David!"

Randall: "Terrific!"

George: "Why, why, what's wrong with Doc?"

Elizabeth: "Well, Doc goes off the handle a little bit. I think David is kind of mellow and quiet. I'd just like David to be just a little bit more forceful with her."

David: "You would?"

Elizabeth: "More persuasive with her."

Randall: "Okay, well, next time I will be. They wouldn't let me really plant a serious kiss on our show. I had to be careful."

(Next, George took a call from Ruth who bemoaned the fact that she was unable to watch Christy on the Family Channel because she didn't have access to cable in her area. George then asked her opinion on how the triangle between Christy, Neil and David should be resolved . . .)

George: "Okay, Ruth, this is your big moment, now. You've got both the doctor and the minister."

Ruth: "Oh, how lucky can I be!"

George: "Now, you get to cast the key vote. Who should Christy go with?"

Ruth: "Well, I think she probably picked out the minister in the end but I . . . I like 'em both."

George: "Now, come on, you gotta pick one. Hey, I'm going to get tough."

Ruth: "I was fascinated with the doctor but I loved the other guy."

George: "The other guy? Randall?"

Ruth: "I have a fondness for ministers."

Ruth: "I thought it was so sad, it was a real cliffhanger to leave us like that."

(Ken went on to explain to Ruth about the authenticity of the series and how the characters were "composites of people" that Catherine Marshall(the author of "Christy", the novel) knew. Ken told George that there was ample material in the book for future episodes and was proud that the show did "carve some new territory" despite the fact that it was canceled. He added that some of the other networks [at the time of the interview] were "slipping around the edges" and that they may show some interest in picking up the series. Ken plugged the videos and urged the listeners to call and write the various networks to show their support for the show. The interview concluded with these final thoughts from Randall and Stewart . . .)

George: "Where do you think this series will end up, Randall, as far as down the road future? Would you like to see it get into motion picture or at least a regular special, if not a weekly thing again?"

Randall: "That would be terrific. I think that Ken is working on all the angles right now and hopefully, I know that we have twenty-one . . . is it twenty-one Ken . . . [Ken affirms this] . . . twenty-one great hours out there right now. And we're just trying to make them available at as many different outlets as possible. And, hopefully there will be more good stuff to come."

To read the whole interview, including Ken and Stewart's comments, click here