Voice Your Support for Christy!

Help keep Christy alive!
PAX TV is a new family television network that is currently airing Christy every Sunday evening at 5:00 P.M. Eastern/Pacific time - 4:00 P.M. Central/Mountain time. There is also a possibility that PAX TV will begin creating all-new Christy episodes.

Here are several things you can do encourage PAX TV to give Christy a a second chance:

Contact PAX TV - thank them for airing Christy,
and ask them to create all-new episodes.

601 Clearwater Park Road
West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Phone - (561) 682-4335
Fax - (561)659-4252

Tim Johnson, Sr. VP, Programming
Paxson Communications
10880 Wilshire Blvd.
Suite 1200
Los Angeles, CA 90024

To contact PaxTV via the internet, fill out this PAX TV Feedback Form

Also, write thank-you letters to Christy sponsors and
buy their products. This will enforce the advertisers support.

Announce Christy air dates in your publications, schools, churches,
and organizations. Tell at least 20 friends to watch Christy.

Check local listings and make a weekly appointment
with family and friends to watch Christy.

To check and see if there is a PAX TV station
in your area click here

Also, if there is a PAX TV station affiliate near you,
get involved there. Show your support for that station
by helping in various ways.


* Pray for Christy and its return. God is able to do "exceeding abundantly above all that we could ask or think" (Ephesians 3:20).

Pray for Ken Wales, creator and executive producer
of Christy - that he would be granted perseverance,
and continuing insight to know how to proceed.

Pray for PAX TV - that they would be open
and receptive to ideas concerning Christy.

Pray for the actors and actresses - that they
would be willing, and eager, to reprise their roles.

Pray for those who may someday watch Christy -
that their hearts would be touched, and changed, through
the power of Jesus Christ.

Encourage those at church and other Christy fans to pray, also.


Christy is an incredible story of faith and hope. It is truly a shining light in a dark world. Christy is a drama that has touched millions of people, and, if given a second chance, it will continue to do so.

Show your support!