Conway Historical Society
Post Office Box 1949
Conway, New Hampshire 03818
(603) 447-5551

	Your support helps to preserve and promote
the rich and varied heritage that is Conway's. 
Joining the Conway Historical Society is easy.  
Just print and mail this page.


Dues and Levels of Giving
[  ] Individual $10.00,  [  ] Family $15.00,   [  ] Life $100.00,  
[  ] Associate $25.00,     [  ] Supporting $50.00 +,   
 [  ] Patron $100.00 +,  [  ] Friends of Henry Seymour Conway $500.00 +



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I wish to give the following amount beyond my regular dues _$____________________

Please make checks payable to:

Conway Historical Society - Post Office Box 1949 - Conway - New Hampshire - 03818


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