Cookie's Chatter Free Plastic Canvas Patterns

Hello, everyone! This is our page of free plastic canvas patterns, plastic canvas links, clubs, webrings and websites on the net where you can find information, patterns and supplies or penpals who share your love of plastic canvas needlepoint. Patterns appearing here are original (mine) and uncopyrighted. Feel free to use them and tell your friends about us. Patterns appear in full color in issues of Cookie's Chatter Penpal Newsletter.

Cookie's Chatter Original Free Plastic Canvas Patterns

Cookie's Chatter Gingerbread Boy Fridge Magnet
This is the Cookie's Chatter logo and appeared in the craft column of a past issue.

Plastic Canvas Websites and Clubs

PC Creations
A yahoo message board club for plastic canvas.
PC Pals
Another yahoo club for plastic canvas.
Plastic Canvas Club
A Yahoo club for plastic canvas.
Plastic Canvas Fun, Let's Go!
A Yahoo club for plastic canvas.
Missy's Plastic Canvas Supplies
A Yahoo club for plastic canvas, supplie sources and related stuff.

Plastic Canvas Webrings

Debbie Pittman

United States